Fans of Respawn Entertainment’s popular battle royale Apex Legends are only a few days away from the game’s seventh season. Subtitled ‘Ascension,’ players will have the opportunity to try out a wealth of new content in the game including the map Olympus, vehicle combat, and a new Legend: Horizon. Now, Respawn is has given players a look into Horizon’s capabilities with a trailer that is devoted to her skill set.
Horizon is the 15th Legend to join the Apex Legends roster, and she brings with her a unique set of abilities. Nicknamed the Gravitational Manipulator, players can expect Horizon’s abilities to all be related to playing with the pull of gravity on both her and other players. This begins with her passive ability, Spacewalk, which gives her more directional control while in the air and reduces the impact of falls.
Horizon’s tactical ability is called Gravity Lift, and it does exactly what players might think. Horizon will throw out a small device that lifts players into the air, which could be useful for traversal allowing Horizon and her squad to reach higher locations, and might prove beneficial in combat by lifting enemies into the air for an easier take down.
Finally, Horizon has a powerful ultimate ability called Black Hole. By deploying her robot companion N.E.W.T., players can create a small black hole that is capable of pulling enemies out of cover for a short period of time. Once the pull ends, the black hole emits a blast, seemingly damaging players nearby.
Horizon’s skill set seems like it will lend itself well to games played on the new map, Olympus. Olympus looks as though it has a focus on vertical movement and combat around massive buildings and cityscapes for players to explore. This vertical gameplay will be offset with the game’s new vehicular combat in the Trident Hovercar.
While November 4 will be an exciting day for players to hop into Apex Legends as they begin Season 7, it will also be an interesting day for PC players. It was recently announced by Respawn that the Steam version of Apex Legends will be released November 4. With many PC players preferring Steam over Origin, it’s likely this will be a great day for Apex Legends players around the globe, regardless of platform.
Apex Legends is available now on PC, PS4, and Xbox One, with a Switch version currently in development.

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