Breath Of The Wild: 10 Things You Missed In Hyrule Castle

The Hyrule Castle in The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild is a daunting and massive labyrinth and the setting for Link’s final showdown with Calamity Ganon. This once-glorious citadel, now beyond ruin and teeming with various Guardian types, demands the player’s full focus to reach the topmost chamber where Princess Zelda waits.

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Players are often eager to reach the conclusion of the game’s story, so they become tempted to rush straight to the castle’s throne. The issue with this is that they can easily miss a plethora of special locations, secrets, and treasures that are found littered throughout the castle. Breath of the Wild encourages exploration, and Hyrule Castle is no exception to this. Any player can yield great results if they take even a small amount of time to scour the area.

10 The Docks

Charging through the front gates of the castle and scaling the exterior is the fastest way to reach the top. But it is also the player’s best way to avoid all of the castle’s secrets. A great example of this is the docks hidden in a cavern on the lower portion of the castle’s northern side.

These docks act as a secret passageway into Hyrule Castle. They are only defended by a handful of Lizalfos, which the player can deal with at their leisure. There are also some weapons and food supplies to grab there. Entering the castle by this route can be seen as an “easy mode” for entering the castle, and it also leads directly to a shrine.

9 Saas Ko’sah Shrine

The Saas Ko’sah Shrine rests directly above the docks. Its base sits next to a large torch. If a player lights the torch, the shrine will activate and rise from the platform. The shrine’s challenge is “A Major Test of Strength,” one of the battle-focused shrine challenges that pit the player against powerful Guardian enemies.

Clearing the shrine earns the player a Spirit Orb, but the greater prize is that they will now have a shrine to travel to that is inside the castle. This makes return trips to the castle much easier. And if the player needs to escape the castle due to danger, regrouping becomes much less of a hassle.

8 The Library

Behind the Sass Ko’sah Shrine is a stone stairway. If the player goes up the stairs, they will reach a secret entrance to one of the largest interior portions of the castle, the Library. The Library is home to many enemies, but it is also home to many secrets. It is worth it to the player to defeat all of the enemies so they can freely explore the area.

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Some of the best things to find in the Library are the secret cooking recipes. The A Royal Recipe side quest centers on Link retrieving these recipes for an NPC, and they can be found in the Library. Aside from those, the player can find other secret passages that lead to gems and Rupees, and they can also uncover the King of Hyrule’s secret study.

7 The King’s Study

The King’s Study is hidden behind a bookcase that the player can move aside by using the Magnesis rune. Inside, the player can find a few items, including a Royal Shield, but they can also find the king’s journal.

If the player reads the king’s journal, they can learn a substantial amount of lore about the king. It gives insight into the king’s personal thoughts about the coming Calamity, and it also reveals his concern for his daughter Zelda and the grief he felt due to the death of his wife.

6 A Mining Cart

The docks are not the only secret back entrance into the castle. Further down from them, the player can find a cave that leads to a more entertaining method of entering the castle: a mining cart.

This mining cart system winds through a narrow path that leads from the exterior of the castle all the way to the Western Passage. And aside from a few bothersome Keese, no enemies populate the area. All the player needs to do is use the Remote Bombs to keep pushing the cart forward. The player can also find a hidden Korok seed at the other end of the railway.

5 The Lockup

Past the Western Passage, the player can find the Lockup, which is the castle’s prison and one of its most dangerous areas. What was once a secure prison is now a narrow and dilapidated hallway that forces the player to fight their way through a gauntlet of powerful Moblins and Lizalfos.

Enemies are not the only things to find in the Lockup. Useful weapons and gems can be found in certain cells, and there are also hidden passages that the player can take to find alternate entrances to other sections of the castle. Last, at the end of the lockup’s hallway, the player can find the entrance to a large arena that is home to a Stalnox.

4 A Stalnox

The Stalnox found in the Lockup seems almost out of place for the area, but a plaque placed in its arena explains that the monster had been placed there by someone to serve as a test for Hyrule’s best soldiers. Once the player enters its chamber, the door will close behind them, and the only way out is to slay the beast.

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This Stalnox is the same as the others found throughout Hyrule, so the player need not change the strategy for defeating them. Once the player does destroy the beast, they will be free to collect a very special reward for doing so: the Hylian Shield.

3 The Hylian Shield

The Hylian Shield is the most durable shield in the game. Initially, the player can only find it in Hyrule Castle after defeating the Stalnox, but it can be repurchased from a merchant in Tarrey Town if it is destroyed.

This shield is incredibly useful for fending off all of the dangerous enemies in the castle, and it can offer a lot of protection during the final battle with Calamity Ganon. However, the player can actually opt to collect the shield earlier in the game to have it in their inventory during the majority of the adventure.

2 Lynels In The Gateways

The Moblins, Lizalfos, and Guardians are all dangerous enemies that patrol Hyrule Castle, but they are far from the deadliest beasts present. In the upper portions of the castle, on the exterior, the player can find multiple gateways that in the past served as connecting points between the castle walls. But walking into them now leads to tense encounters with Lynels.

Battling a Lynel in a Gatehouse can be daunting due to the confined space, so some players might prefer to avoid them completely. The reward for defeating a Lynel is always great though, so taking the risk is worthwhile for anyone comfortable with challenging them.

1 Zelda’s Room And Study

From the castle’s exterior and near its top, the player can find the entryway into Princess Zelda’s room, which also connects to her private study. They have been mostly destroyed by the Calamity, but enough of their contents remain to give a glimpse into the princess’s life before the kingdom fell.

The most important discoveries in the rooms are Zelda’s diary and her journals. It is in these books that the player can learn much about the princess’s motivations, personality, and her evolving opinions about her sworn protector, Link.

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