Cyberpunk 2077 Gangs, Ranked From Scary To Straight Up Terrifying

The world of Night City is not for the faint-hearted. But the scariest part of this dark, criminal city is not just what goes on in the streets; it’s the people that rule the streets. Cyberpunk 2077’s Night City is dominated by gangs that, although fascinating, will fuel player’s nightmares for years to come.

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Some of the gangs live in Night City itself. Others are located in the Badlands, far removed from corporate buildings. CD Projekt Red has recently released more details about the gangs of Night City, and although we do not know everything yet, it’s more than enough to determine which ones you really don’t want to meet in a dark alley late at night.

10 The Mox

The Mox was formed after singer and ex-night-worker Lizzie was murdered by Tyger Claws. Like Lizzie, The Mox portrays itself as a protector of adult workers. Therefore, unlike many other gangs, Moxes have some morals. Their objective is to protect their own; the working people on the low-end of town. Although this makes them all the more interesting and a bit more honorable (let’s not forget that they still make money from brothels and other illegal activities), it also makes them more human and less frightening, which is why they are at the low end of this list.

9 6th Street

Perhaps not the scariest gang in Night City, 6th Street is definitely the most patriotic one. Looks-wise, the members of 6th Street have a serious military fetish. That is not surprising, as their group was founded by veterans which the intention to ‘protect the people’. However, their initial goal to help the police rid Night City of its gangs has ended ironically; 6th Street is now a gang as well, asking people for protection money and engaging in thievery and gun-smuggling. Although they do not help the weak, they are not completely bereft of empathy and do not kill for fun. For Cyberpunk 2077 standards, that’s a good thing.

8 Valentinos

Although they are predominantly Mexican, the Valentinos include all kinds of Latin-American heritage in their ranks. They have a strong sense of culture and style, which they show by celebrating Santa Muerte and displaying their distinctive tattoos and recognizable jewelry.

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Their main strength is their strong community and classic, family-centered gangster values. Betrayal by one of their members will definitely be answered by bloodshed, as there can be no greater crime to a Valentino. Besides that, the Valentinos are not extremely aggressive. Leave them alone, and you don’t have that much to fear.

7 Wraiths

Wraiths, who live as rogue Nomads, mainly keep to themselves. They are located in the Badlands, from where they raid other groups of people for money or for fun. The Wraiths are not to be trusted, except by their own family members. Their leader is called Dogkiller and is rumored to wear clothes made of human skin. It is enough to be at least a little intimidated by them, but not enough to rank them amongst Cyberpunk’s scariest gangs. As long as they don’t go on holiday to the Badlands, Night City’s residents should be safe from this bunch.

6 Aldecaldos

The Aldecaldos are another group of Nomads that live and raid in the Badlands. They are also very family-oriented, but likely to be more reliable towards other people than the Wraiths. Naturally, they are known to participate in illegal activities and do not shy away from using violence. But much like the other Nomad gang on this list, there is limited information available. It is hard to tell at this point which Nomad gang is the scariest, but since the Aldecaldos are greater in numbers they might just be the biggest threat from the Badlands.

5 Animals

The Animals use cyberware and special ‘juice’ to make themselves as physically strong and intimidating as possible. Judging by looks alone, there is much reason to be afraid of the Animals. Their main sources of income are less intimidating though; they make money from organizing illegal fights, dealing narcotics, and working as bouncers or bodyguards. Thanks to their skills in street fighting, brawling, and various forms of martial arts, they do make dangerous enemies.

4 Voodoo Boys

As the name suggests, the Voodoo Boys have a peculiar interest in voodoo rituals, but mainly use it to inspire fear. Currently, they focus more on cybercrimes than other gangs, which is not the scariest of crimes.

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However, besides hacking and dealing narcotics, the Voodoo Boys also take a more than healthy interest in harming, torturing, and killing innocent people. They seemingly do this without provocation or reason, which makes them pretty scary.

3 Tyger Claws

The Tyger Claws is a more subtle, but no less deadly Night City gang. This business-oriented Japanese gang does not use much cyberware, but instead focuses on martial arts and Japanese weapons such as katanas and tanto blades. Like most of the other gangs, crossing them will result in violent retribution. On top of that, Tyger Claws is backed by Arasaka, an extremely powerful megacorporation. Having friends in high places certainly helps their business objectives, and it makes them an even scarier foe.

2 Scavengers

The Scavengers are a truly scary bunch. Completely bereft of compassion, these cyberware hunters are known for their ruthless violence. The citizens of Night City better avoid running into a Scavenger, or they might just wake up without their kidney or any cybergenetic limbs. That is to say; if they wake up at all. The Scavengers are all the more frightening because of the mystery that surrounds them; little is known about their numbers and organizational structure. It seems that Scavengers can pop up and kill everywhere, making law-abiding residents permanently scared for their lives.

1 Maelstrom

Taking the top spot is the one Night City gang that is truly the scariest in every sense of the word. Maelstrom members are not just violent; they love cruelty. They are extremely deadly due to their body modifications, and they definitely look the part. Completely obsessed with cyberware, Maelstrom members often suffer from ‘cyber psychosis’, a mental illness that results in a loss of humanity (as far as they had any, to begin with). Maelstrom members like to carry out hit jobs in their own ‘artistic’ way; for example, by skinning their victim alive. Of all Cyberpunk’s gangs, this is the one you really, really don’t want to encounter.

NEXT: Cyberpunk 2077: 10 Pro Tips On Playing Its Tabletop Version, Cyberpunk 2020


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