Extra Life Charity Streaming Event is Next Week | Game Rant

In 2008, Extra Life was created with the goal of bringing together gamers from around the world to raise funds for their local Children’s Miracle Network Hospitals. Public awareness of and participation in the fundraiser greatly increased when Extra Life began streaming on platforms like Twitch nearly a decade ago. In the 12 years since its inception, the annual non-profit charity event has raised over $70 million to help sick and injured kids.

Extra Life’s Game Day 2020, a 24-hour marathon gaming fundraiser, is set to begin on November 7, 2020. Thousands of gamers are expected to participate in the event this year, whose focus is to raise money for the Children’s Hospitals COVID-19 Impact Fund.

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The appeal of Extra Life is that it is simple for anybody to join in and contribute. If participating on Game Day 2020 isn’t doable, it’s not a problem because the charity runs every day, all year long. Interested gamers can sign up online, pledging to play games from any location they choose and on any day that suits them. Players then set a personal fundraising goal, and family, friends, and other supporters can donate money towards that objective.

While many Extra Life charity participants choose to livestream their games and often marathon on Game Day for 24 hours, it is not necessary. There is no obligation to stream or play for a set period of time, and marathoners are encouraged to take frequent breaks and even naps if necessary. The type of game played is also not limited. Gamers can play titles on their PS4, on a mobile phone, or just enjoy a classic board game.

Participants also don’t have to worry about getting the funds they raise to the recipient hospital. All of that is handled by Extra Life. The money goes directly to the gamer’s pre-selected Children’s Miracle Network Hospital to use as and where it is most needed. Hospitals can choose to use the donation to purchase new equipment, fund research and training, or even cover bills for families who can’t afford care.

Of course, for those who don’t want to play games or fundraise, simply making a one-time donation is also an option. And for gamers who enjoy feeling part of a community, there is an ExtraLife4Kids Discord channel, as well as over 70 Extra Life Guilds established throughout the United States and Canada. There are also Achievement Badges, avatars, and rewards for participants who hit fundraising milestones.

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Source: Extra Life


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