Assassin’s Creed: 10 Things Fans Should Know About Ezio

Even though the Assassin’s Creed series is about a bunch of different protagonists across distinct time periods, Ezio Auditore still feels like the face of the franchise. This is because he’s appeared in three of the main games, as well as a litany of other Assassin’s Creed media. Throughout all of that, fans haven’t grown tired of the witty and likable Assassin. Although, Templars probably have as he’s murdered a lot of them in his time.

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There’s an abundance of information about Ezio scattered all over the internet. However, for those who don’t feel like reading it all, here are several of the more interesting or important facts about the Master Assassin.

10 Not Related To Altair

In most fans’ eyes, either Ezio and Altair was the series’ best protagonist. And something they both share in common – besides a talent for killing – is their relation to Desmond Miles.

The present-day Assassin is an ancestor to both men, which is why he could relive their memories. Ezio was not, however, a descendent of Altair. As revealed by series writer Darby McDevitt, the two past Assassins are on the opposite ends of Desmond’s family tree.

9 A Guest Fighter In Soulcalibur V

Multiple games have paid tribute to Ezio by including his Assassin robes as an optional outfit. Yet, Soulcalibur V went further by making him a playable character.

He wore his Brotherhood robes and had plenty of his signature weapons at his disposal. Even his original voice actor, Roger Craig Smith, was there to provide his tones. But that shouldn’t come as much surprise to Soulcalibur fans as he was already the voice of series regular, Siegfried.

8 Inspired By A George Clooney Character

Brotherhood is often regarded as one of the best-ever Assassin’s Creed games. In it, Ezio developed from the young Assassin he was in ACII to truly a higher-ranking member of the order. Naturally, his personality altered along the way.

In fact, the Brotherhood version of the protagonist was partially inspired by George’s character from Up In The Air. The drama followed Clooney’s character Ryan Bingham, as he went around the country firing people. Ryan’s feelings of loneliness and tendency to hide his emotions were incorporated into Ezio, according to Brotherhood’s lead writer, Jeffrey Yohalem.

7 There’s A Live-Action Version

Something that’s often forgotten about Ezio is that the character debuted before Assassin’s Creed II. Yes, his true first appearance was in the live-action short film titled Assassin’s Creed Lineage. The piece followed Ezio’s father Giovanni as he uncovered the conspiracy surrounding Florence.

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Because of when it was set, Ezio was still a young noble during the movie, and he was played by Devon Bostick. Some may recognize the actor as Rodrick from the Diary of a Wimpy Kid films.

6 Convinced His Mother To Speak Again

As with many of Assassin’s Creed’s female characters, Maria Auditore never got a lot of screen time. Although, for her, there was a good reason. Once the Templars hanged her husband and two of her sons in the middle of Florence, she entered a comatose-like state and never talked to anybody. Instead, she spent her time praying inside the Auditore Villa.

Ezio could convince her to break her silence by collecting all 100 feathers in honor of his lost little brother. Upon receiving them, Maria thanked her only remaining son. It’s a scene many players missed due to not being bothered to find all of those pesky feathers.

5 There When Leonardo Da Vinci Died

The Assassin’s Creed games are known for being somewhat historically accurate. Because of this, they all include warped versions of real people. And while many of them are blood-thirsty Templars, there are some good ones too.

The best was perhaps Leanardo da Vinci, who helped Ezio out a lot during ACII and Brotherhood. In the Revelations novel, the two longtime friends, along with Niccolò Machiavelli, got to spend one last week together before Da Vinci passed away.

4 Spent his Remaining Years With Sofia Sartor

Ezio was always known for being a bit of a womanizer as he romanced many of the females he met on his adventures. In Revelations, his main love interest was a bookstore owner named Sofia Sartor.

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Upon meeting, the two flirted a lot, and then their feelings grew more serious over time. By the end of Revelations, they were very clearly an item. And their romance continued after the events of the game as they settled down together in Tuscany and had two kids.

3 Abstergo Entertainment Refused To Use Ezio In Their Products

Abstergo Entertainment is a Templar-run company that uses real memories from the animus to construct entertainment products. Some of their most notable projects include the film Devils of the Caribbean starring Edward Kenway and the Aveline de Grandpré video game titled Liberation.

Naturally, the company mixes some things around to fit their Templar agenda. But with Ezio’s adventures, they refused to make anything from those memories. The company cited his corruption and contradictory behavior as to why they avoided using the character. In turn, they robbed their customers of seeing or performing some visually spectacular kills.

2 Trained Shao Jun

While trying to live out his remaining years in peace, Ezio was visited by the young Assassin, Shao Jun. She wanted the old master’s help in restoring the Order, but he was uninterested in returning to that life.

Instead, he would teach Jun more about what it truly means to be an Assassin and general advice about how to help the Brotherhood. He also gave her some extra combat training. Jun would use these teachings to increase the Assassin presence in China.

1 How He Died

During his many years as an Assassin, Ezio managed to survive plenty of run-ins with some of the franchise’s most significant villains. But time catches up with everyone, even Ezio.

At age 65, he went to Florence with his wife and daughter to do some errands. When he got a little tired, he took a break on a bench while his loved ones carried on shopping. After a short conversation with a stranger, he got a pain in his chest and then passed away. In those final moments, he was calm as he looked over at his family with a smile on his face. Fans have speculated that he was poisoned by the person he just met. But regardless, there are many worst ways for an Assassin to go.

NEXT: Assassin’s Creed: 5 Best Changes Made To Newer Games (& 5 Worst)


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