Fallout: 10 Things That Make No Sense About Power Armor

Power Armor is an iconic element of the Fallout franchise. Owning a suit in any game immediately enhances the player’s ability to survive, take down powerful enemies, and provides a number of useful features. When someone thinks of Bethesda’s post-apocalyptic franchise, they are likely to imagine the T-45 or another Power Armor iteration.

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Yet there’s a lot of things about these devices that seem rather strange when placed under scrutiny. Between the lack of useful features, lore-breaking mechanics, and other oddities, some things about Power Armor don’t make sense.

10 How Did It Handle Long Offensive Scenarios

For a Power Armor to be usable, the wearer needs to keep it supplied with Fusion Cores. The problem is that Fusion Cores burn out and need to be replaced. In fact, a single Fusion Core will last only 10 hours in-game.

Assuming that each Fusion Core would weigh a few pounds in real-life, this would create a logistical nightmare for soldiers on the frontlines for weeks at a time. There would need to be a soldier in Power Armor dedicated entirely to carrying Fusion Cores for everyone else.

9 Integrated Fusion Cores Vs Expendables

Another interesting wrinkle with powering Power Armor is that, according to the lore, it used to be done with integrated Fusion Cores. These integrated units would keep the Power Armor running for 100 years before needing to be replaced.

Yet for whatever reason, every Power Armor utilizes expendable Fusion Cores that only last 10 hours. Granted, it could be the Fusion Cores lost some power over the years they sat idle; however, it’s hard to imagine the Enclave or another technologically advanced faction wouldn’t have solved this problem and integrated new integrated Fusion Cores given the obvious tactical advantage they provide.

8 Why Aren’t There More Industrial Based Models

It seems the vast majority of Power Armors are designed with combat scenarios in mind. While this obviously makes sense given the protection and carrying capacity, it doesn’t explain why this technology wasn’t used in other industries.

There does exist an Excavator Power Armor for mining purposes, but only one design was created and ever used. No one thought to expand on that and make suits of Power Armor for other industrial applications? It is either an oversight or patent laws are really tricky in this universe.

7 No Defensive Turrets

Power Armor boasts a variety of features and effects that are designed to keep the wearer safe and make them more lethal in combat. However, one glaring oversight is defensive features should the wearer be distracted or possible incapacitated in any way.

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With the advancement in robotics, AI, and weapon technology, it seems strange no one thought to put automated shoulder-mounted cannons similar to Predators. All it would take is one well-placed AI-controlled turret to keep anyone from sneaking up on someone in Power Armor.

6 One Size Fits All

A strange feature of Power Armor is that one size seems to fit all. It doesn’t matter who puts it on, the Power Armor is guaranteed to fit them. In fact, it seems the only individual who couldn’t put one on is Strong from Fallout 4.

Tall, short, wide, or skinny, it doesn’t matter as anyone can step up and hop inside. Perhaps this was to make it so anyone could use a suit, but the lore states that soldiers were trained specifically to use Power Armor. The suits were also designed to fit the soldiers’ measurements exactly to act like it was an extension of their own body.

5 Power Armor Used To Be Usable Long-Term

The lore of the games states that Power Armor used to have the Fusion Cores integrated into the suit and could last 100 years. They could also recycle urine to provide the wearer with clean drinking water. This allowed soldiers to wear the Power Armor for weeks at a time without having to take them off.

Yet in-game the player is constantly switching out Fusion Cores because they only last 10 hours and the player needs to provide their own water from external sources. Maybe these features degraded over the years and the Fusion Cores are old, but 10 hours is a huge difference from 100 years.

4 HUD With No Helmet

In Fallout 4, Power Armor generated a Heads Up Display to provide the wearer with useful information about the suit and their own health. Yet whenever the player removes just the helmet of the Power Armor, the HUD remains.

There doesn’t seem to be a projection from the chest unit or the frame itself. The HUD also doesn’t appear when an NPC is wearing Power Armor without a helmet. There is no apparent reason for the HUD to appear at all and yet it magically does every time.

3 They’re Capable Of Stealth

A set of T-45 armor weighs almost a hundred pounds of metal and requires powerful hydraulics and servos to keep it upright and allow the wearer to carry even more weight. The result is a large and bulky vehicle that should make a ton of noise when moving.

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Despite all that, a player wearing a suit of Power Armor is perfectly capable of sneaking up on an enemy. Granted, it’s a touch harder, but one would think stealth would be near impossible with parts hissing and booted feet clunking to the floor. This is even true for the old clunky models like the T-45 that were not designed for stealth.

2 No Power Armor In Vaults

Considering Power Armor is the pinnacle of personal defense and offense, it’s rather strange that not a single suit resides in a Vault. While it makes sense in the experimental Vaults, they don’t even make an appearance in the Vaults intended to function properly.

It only makes sense that Vault-Tec would want at least one or two per Vault to protect the Overseer, protect the Vault from incursions, act as peacekeepers, or at the very least secure their investments.

1 The Armor Survives Fusion Core Detonations

The strangest fact about Power Armor is that it is capable of withstanding the detonation of its Fusion Core while it’s still inside the suit. A Deathclaw can rip the thing to pieces, causing the player to be left in nothing but a frame, but a Fusion Core going off has no effect?

Despite a mini nuclear explosion occurring in the center of the frame, the thing will be intact afterward as if nothing happened. Sure, it forces the wearer to leave the suit, but it’s a miracle they are still standing after such a catastrophe.

NEXT: 5 Video Game Characters With The Best Power Armor (& 5 Too Badass To Need It)


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