Fire Emblem Heroes Confirms New Characters Coming This Week

Fire Emblem Heroes‘ upcoming banner will feature four new special heroes, all of which have been confirmed and detailed by the Feh Channel. Starting November 5th, lucky players will be able to recruit Laevatein, Navarre, Zihark, and Lyn as new special heroes with different abilities. Each of these characters is a ninja in their own right, and the Lyn character is even a duo hero.

As with all events in Fire Emblem Heroes, this banner will be accompanied by a paralogue that introduces players to the characters involved. These heroes have fairly powerful abilities, so it will be in the best interest of players to try and unlock them in one way or another.

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Laevatein is a defensively geared unit, sporting Miracle, Distant Ward, Vantage, and Atk/Def Rein as her skills. This allows her to safely take on enemies at any distance despite her melee range. Her weapon also guarantees that she will always attack twice, even if the enemy initiates combat. Navarre, from Shadow Dragon and the Blade of Light on the other hand is all about speed and attack. With Moonbow, Flashing Blade, and Lull Spd/Def, alongside his weapon that boosts his capabilities if he’s faster than his opponent, he’s a devastating force.

Zihark takes on a mix of support and damage, as his Chill Spd and Spd/Def Gap abilities can debuff his enemies or buff his allies. His weapon increases his speed while lowering the defenses of the enemy, and his Astra skill will be destructive when it procs. Finally, The Lyn duo is an extremely aggressive unit. Her Moonbow, Swift Sparrow, Chill Atk/Def, and Spd/Def Rein all work together to promote a shoot first ask questions later playstyle. Additionally, her duo ability allows her to take two actions in a turn for maximum damage.

Fire Emblem Heroes is available now on Mobile.

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Source: Silicon Era


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