Marvel’s Avengers: 10 Tips For Captain America Players

Marvel’s Avengers isn’t a perfect game by any stretch of the imagination, but it does have some strengths working in its favor. One of those strengths is the variety it offers when switching between its roster of playable heroes.

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Captain America plays like an all-around solid character that can adapt to many roles, performing admirably in all categories instead of excelling in just one or two. If you’re looking to get the most out of your Captain America gameplay, this list will breakdown some critical things players should focus on to improve.

10 Focus Precision

If you’re not making frequent use of Cap’s ranged capabilities with his shield, then it’s time to rethink your playstyle with him. Cap can lay down some high damage with his ranged combos, making it advisable to try and build up his precision stat with his gear.

Doing this allows you to use Cap as an early crowd control character who can then enter the fray midway through a battle and clean up the remaining minions that stand in your way.

9 Take Out Aerial Threats

Now that you’re making more use of your shield, it’s time to take advantage of its amazing perks. Aerial enemies make for easy targets with Cap’s shield, as its ability to repeatedly bounce between enemies allows you to take out large chunks of aerial targets very quickly.

Although he has some competition with Black Widow and Iron Man, Captain America is debatably the best character in the game for taking out flying enemies like drones.

8 Master The Kick Back

Once you figure out the timing for this attack, it will set you up for some punishing ranged combos that can wipe an entire mob. The trick is learning the timing on pressing R2 (for PS4) right as your shield returns to you so that Cap leaps in the air and kicks his shield back out at his enemies.

RELATED: Marvel’s Avengers: The 10 Best Black Widow Outfits In The Game, Ranked

Practice this and make as much use of it as you can, as it only serves to increase your damage output.

7 Focus Perks For ALL Range Attacks

The RNG in this game is particularly punishing, so it’s not always easy to wait around for the most ideal gear perks. That said, in addition to focusing precision as stated earlier in this list, shield effect perks that activate simply on “Ranged attacks” is what you want.

What this means is that every single one of your shield throws has a chance to inflict an effect on an enemy like Gamma or Plasma, as opposed to only activating on, for example, Ranged Power Attacks.

6 Use Two Steamrollers

Cap’s default Assault Heroic ability, Steamroller, allows for one powerful shield throw that can take huge chunks of health out of enemies. As you level Cap up, you have the chance to upgrade Steamroller and give it a Kick Back ability or enable two Steamroller throws.

While the Kick Back ability is nice, it leaves Cap open for long periods of time without his shield and is also easy to miss if attacked by an enemy. Having a second Steamroller throw instead alleviates these issues.

5 Stay Active With Movement

This is one that could improve in future updates. While some players believe that Cap should be able to run faster based on his speed in the comics and movies, most of us just want to be able to more effectively keep up with the rest of the team.

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If you’re not paying attention to what your team is doing, it’s easy to get left behind as Cap. Try and always be aware of your teammates and preempt their movements into new areas.

4 Reflect Some Projectiles

With Captain America’s shield, you’re able to absorb projectile impact quite easily. With beam attacks, it’s actually possible to reflect the beam back at the enemy for some easy damage. This is particularly effective against turrets.

Players can do this by locking-on to the enemy that is preparing to fire its beam at you. Bring up your shield before the beam hits, and you’ll automatically reflect the beam back at the attacker.

3 Break Walls

At the time of this writing, Cap being able to break walls is a relatively new ability that not all players may be aware of. By charging up Cap’s shield throw, players can now destroy breakable walls for some gear or a hostage to rescue.

This and the below entry are perfect examples of where the developers are actively listening to the fanbase and adding what we want in the game. It gives fans hope for the future of this game, despite its many bugs and its lack of exciting endgame content.

2 Shield Charge

Like the above entry, this is an updated move that not all players may be aware of. With Shield Charge, Cap can now run at a higher speed for a limited amount of time. This helps when trying to keep up with the team.

Shield Charge can also be used on enemies now, allowing you to plow through mobs standing in your way. It’s not super effective against stronger enemies, but Cap can run through lower-tier enemies like a bull.

1 Brooklyn Brawler Takedown Extender

Brooklyn Brawler is sneakily one of the best Heroic abilities in the game. Buffing Cap and giving him access to a new set of Light Attacks, Brooklyn Brawler becomes even better when you upgrade it with takedown extender and critical damage takedowns.

Using these two upgrades, you’ll be able to perform takedowns often and each one you do will add about three seconds to your timer in Brooklyn Brawler, allowing you to sustain it for long periods of time and demolish your opponents.

NEXT: Marvel’s Avengers: The 10 Best Captain America Outfits In The Game, Ranked


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