Watch Dogs: Legion – 10 Best Gear & Upgrades To Get Early On

Gear is an essential part of each character in Watch Dogs: Legion. Almost any situation can be made easier with some type of weapon, gadget, hack, or upgrade. That is why it is important to unlock these essential tools early on.

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There are plenty of tools to unlock along with upgrades for each one to make them all better. Which ones a player prefers are ultimately up to them, but after tinkering with the game, here are a few suggestions to help get started. Remember, these can be unlocked pretty fast, so don’t waste any time.

10 AR Cloak

The AR Cloak is surprisingly useful for a variety of things throughout the game. This gadget allows the player to become invisible with future AR tech. It has two upgrades that allow for the invisibility to last longer and takedowns to happen from a farther distance.

This handy dandy invisibility cloak allows players to break an enemy’s line of sight in combat. It also allows players to stay hidden from enemies and drones while sneaking. It even enables players to walk through security sensors and cameras without being detected. Not bad, right?

9 Deep Profiler

The Deep Profiler upgrade is a necessity for anyone wanting to gather recruits quickly and early. Some people that a player may want to recruit won’t be able to be obtained right away. Deep Profiler makes this a little bit easier by allowing players to access new ways to recruit characters.

The description states that it even works for enemies of DedSec. Of course, players will still want to take control of boroughs to help further the process along but there is no mistaking how useful this upgrade is.

8 Electro-Fist

The Electro-Fist gadget works wonders, especially when upgraded. For starters, this gadget allows players to instantly knock out an opponent when caught in a fight. But what about when there are multiple enemies? Well, concerned hacker, that is what the upgrades are for.

The first upgrade allows for the electricity from one enemy to arc to another. When caught in a group of enemies, players will want the second upgrade unlocked. This upgrade causes these knuckles to emit a shockwave that disorients all nearby enemies. Another great weapon for the hacker on the go.

7 CT Drone Hacks

There is no telling when a player will run into a combat drone, but odds are that it will be early on, especially if they are recruiting fast. Combat drones are an annoyance that the CT Drone Hacks upgrade takes care of with ease. This upgrade allows players to do exactly what the name implies, deactivate those annoying CT Drones.

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Never again worry about being shot down by these flying menaces while running for cover or shooting an enemy. If someone is feeling up for it, get the upgrades because they allow players to hack CT Drones and turn them against each other.

6 Combat Spiderbot

The Combat Spiderbot is filled with tricks to keep the enemies on their toes. This handy piece of technology is combat-ready and capable of acting like a turret that fires non-lethal rounds at enemies to knock them unconscious.

Upgrading this bot once increases its rate of fire which allows it to take enemies down faster. Upgrading it a second time allows players to commandeer the turret. It is just satisfying to sneak up on enemies and open fire from a spider.

5 Infiltrator Spiderbot

The Infiltrator Spiderbot isn’t the normal Spiderbot players will discover in the game, it is far better. This lovable gadget can be summoned by players, maneuver around a map, and perform takedowns on enemies that are in the way.

Upgrading this bot only makes it better. The first upgrade allows for it to use a double jump and sprint. Want to make it even better? Get the second upgrade for it and this spider can go invisible. This is one piece of tech that players will want to mess with.

4 MP9 DedSec SMG

The DedSec pistol is nice but can get old after a short while. Players who use it at the beginning of the game may find it just a bit lacking. That is why the SMG is a great way to upgrade your arsenal at the start. Not only does the SMG have a faster rate of fire but it also has more bullets in the mag.

If players still find the magazine of the SMG to be lacking, they can always upgrade it to get an increased mag. Upgrading it a second time increases the reload speed which is always useful in any situation.

3 AR Shroud

What is more annoying than an enemy discovering one of their partners is unconscious because a player took them down? Not much. Enemies end up on high alert as they search for the player who is forced to hide. That is where the AR Shroud comes in.

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This upgrade allows players to hide bodies after a takedown by making them invisible. It’s unclear how this future AR tech works, but it’s there to hide the casualties so unwitting enemies don’t come across them.

2 Turret Hacks

Turrets are among the worse things to encounter at the beginning of a player’s run through the streets of London. These machines can take someone down with ease if they aren’t careful. That is why it is useful to have the Turret Hack at the beginning of a playthrough.

Once obtained, a player only needs to get behind a turret to deactivate it. No more worrying about turrets is a huge positive that any player will be glad they bought.

1 Skin Mesh

The Skin Mesh is a necessity for any hacker out in the field and should be prioritized. It reduces all damage that the player receives. Not only that, it works on all characters so there is no need to equip it.

The Skin Mesh allows players to run in blind and worry less about their health and more about those awesome takedowns. With the Skin Mesh upgrade, players won’t be immune to damage, but they sure will be able to tell the difference.

NEXT: 10 Pro Tips For Watch Dogs: Legion You Need To Know


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