Ghost Of Tsushima Legends: 10 Tips For Completing Any Survival Mission

The new update for Ghost of Tsushima added a multiplayer mode that has become very successful. Just like the main game, the multiplayer focuses on taking on Mongol hordes, but with a twist. Something mystical is on the horizon and it is altering the Mongol enemies and bringing in new Oni enemies.

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There are two main ways to play the multiplayer so far, story and survival. Today, the focus is on survival. Too many people have fallen victim to short survival missions because of an inability to cooperate. This is the reason why we choose to get some tips out there for the next time players want to attempt these daring missions.

10 Use Points Wisely

During survival missions, players gain access to points that they earn each round based on how many locations that keep from falling into the enemy’s hands. These points can then be used to purchase abilities that can help take down the hordes of enemies. Players should be cautious as to when they choose to spend their points. These abilities are costly and have a cooldown of three rounds. If bought and used too early, players may not have access to these abilities when they need them most.

9 Use Healing Drums Sparingly

Healing Drums are a great tool that will fully heal every player that stands around one but are a necessity for players to reach the end of any survival mission. Don’t waste them by using them right off the bat. Keep them for later rounds when they become more of a necessity. Too many games are ruined by players who think that Healing Drums should be used any time they are hurt. There are a limited number of these tools and if they run out, everyone will be scrambling for health at the end.

8 Don’t Be Afraid To Be The Healer

The Ronin class is perfect for healing allies. This class gets access to healing bombs, incense, and can even revive players. All of this is extremely important in survival when healing is limited. When playing with a group of friends, don’t be afraid to be the healer if the team feels it is necessary. The Ronin class can often be undervalued, but in a tough situation, they can help bring the team back if everyone falls. They can also be useful to heal the team after each wave.

7 Don’t Focus Entirely On Bonus Objectives

Bonus objectives are great if the team can get them done, but they aren’t a necessity. If it comes down to losing an area or completing a bonus objective, ignore the objective. The best thing the team can do is complete the mission.

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Once everyone is stronger, you can always come back to complete the bonus objectives. Never make them a priority because it can ultimately lead the team to failure if not everyone is up to the challenge to complete them. These missions aren’t hard, but they are distracting.


6 Prioritize Stronger Enemies

As each wave passes during survival missions the enemies will become stronger. This will ultimately result in multiple Oni enemies that come pouring in to take over the defense areas. Focus on the stronger enemies and deal with the weaker ones like archers and swordsmen later. There is nothing worse than ignoring the Oni enemy in the room and having it come back later on to bite the team where it hurts.

5 Focus On Everyone’s Strengths

Every player has a specific strength whether it be damage dealing, healing, or sneaking. Use this to everyone’s advantage when taking on the daunting survival missions. Everyone has a role to play, but it is important that everyone plays the role that they are best at. If one person is not at their best, the whole team will need to carry them through the mission which may end in defeat. If there are multiple roles someone is good with, it is not a bad idea to take the less desirable if it will help the team.

4 Don’t Be Afraid To Split Up

Survival missions consist of three separate areas that players need to defend against the waves of enemies. During these waves, the enemies will often attack multiple points at one time. It is very easy to lose focus and ignore one of these points. Don’t let that happen. Remember to keep focused on every point and don’t be afraid to split up. Having one person go on ahead to the next area is better than losing it. This can prevent losing areas which is not advised.

3 Go In Teams When Possible

This is kind of contradictory to the last point, but it is still important. As these other points get attacked by enemies, players will no doubt need to split up and take separate areas. It is important in these moments to stick together and go in teams of two whenever possible.

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After all, two heads are better than one, and by that we mean, two swords are better than one. Defending any area is far easier when two people are there than it is with just one person.

2  Use Explosive Barrels To Your Advantage

Survival maps are littered with explosive barrels that players can use to their advantage. These barrels can cause some pretty nasty damage to enemies when used properly. During round breaks, everyone has a little bit of time to get set up for the upcoming wave. Place these barrels in the middle of the defense points to help keep enemies away. Players can also use these barrels in choke points or entrances to help deter enemies and slow them down. These tools are extremely useful but limited. Use them with caution.

1 Keep Aware Of Your Surroundings

Every survival map has ways to traverse it that are easier than just running to the various points. These ways include cliffs, grappling points, and swings that each player can take advantage of. Taking some time at the beginning of the mission to plan out routes can help players get to each point faster. This will help if the team is in a pinch and getting close to losing a defense area. Make sure to pay attention to where all of the shortcuts, grappling swings, and rock climbs are. Every second matters.

NEXT: Ghost Of Tsushima Legends: 10 Mistakes Pro Players Should Avoid


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