World Of Warcraft: The 10 Strongest Members Of The Horde, According To Lore

Blizzard has been making great games for decades, and in 1994 it released a real-time strategy game called Warcraft: Orcs and Humans, and it was so popular that it received a pair of sequelsThe series’ popularity only continued to grow, and it eventually led to Blizzard creating World of Warcraft – an MMORPG which continued the stories from the previous games. Not even Blizzard thought that their new game would go on to become the best MMORPG of all time.

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Warcraft has always focused on the conflict between the Horde and the Alliance, but each faction has seen its fair share of heroes and villains. The Horde may have begun as an orc faction, but it has since evolved-which is the reason why it is now home to several different races. Every Horde warrior and mage is strong, but there are certain characters who stand above the rest.

10 Cairne Bloodhoof

Tauren are so durable that they are all basically living tanks, and Cairne Bloodhoof served as their Chieftan up until he was betrayed by a fellow Tauren who poisoned Garrosh Hellscream’s weapon during their Mak’Gora (a duel of honor).

Cairne’s people were on the brink of extinction because of the war with the centaurs, but that all changed when he joined the Horde following his meeting with Warchief Thrall. Cairne is what is known as a peerless warrior, which means that very few could beat him in a one-on-one battle.

9 Varok Saurfang

Saurfang was the oldest living battle-hardened orc warrior in the Horde. He actually fought against the Alliance in the First War in the original Warcraft, which took place nearly 40 years before the game’s current events.

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Saurfang’s dreams are filled with the faces of all the Draenei he slaughtered while under the influence of a blood curse-which means that he has one of the game’s more tragic backstories. It is Saurfang’s battle experience that makes him strong, and it doesn’t hurt that he has the superhuman strength that orcs are known for.

8 Garrosh Hellscream

Garrosh was named Warchief prior to the events of the Cataclysm expansion, but he lost that title in the following expansion when he turned on the Horde. It turns out that he was something of an Orc supremacist. As Warchief he led the Horde against the Alliance and destroyed the city of Theramore.

He may have not possessed any magic, but Garrosh was arguably the Horde’s strongest fighter at the time, in fact he was such a strong fighter that it took someone of Thrall’s strength to kill him.

7 Sylvannas Windrunner

Many people hated Battle for Azeroth’s story, and part of it saw Sylvannas turn into a crazed character who wanted to end all life on Azeroth. Sylvannas was once a High Elf, but she became a member of the undead after Arthus killed her in Warcraft 3.

When she gained her freedom, she became the Banshee Queen and joined the Horde, where she became one of the faction’s top archers. As a banshee, she can fly and mind control anyone she fires an arrow into, and she can curse people to stop them from casting spells. In her normal form she is incredibly agile, and she can fire arrows infused with explosive energy.

6 Talanji

Talanji was once a priestess of the Loa Rezan, but she now rules over the entire Zandalari Empire as its queen, and she joined the Horde shortly after her father’s death-a death that she blames the Alliance for. She led the expedition to Nazmir with the Darkspear Trolls against the Blood Trolls who served the Blood God G’huun.

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As a priestess, Talanji can use The Light, which is a type of magic that allows her to heal people, but she can also use it to burn people alive.

5 Cho’gall

Cho’gall is the strongest Ogre Mage in the Horde’s history, but he also happened to be insane because of his two-headed ogre genes. Before making his way to Azeroth and joining Gul’dan’s Shadow Council, Cho’gall singlehandedly dismantled the Ogre empire when he burned Imperator Mar’gok alive.

As far as magic is concerned, Cho’gall could use the Fel-a chaotic and destructive magic typically used by demons. He was far more proficient in void magic though, and it allowed him to instill despair, doubt, and panic in his enemies.

4 Thalyssra

First Arcanist Thalyssra made her grand debut in Legion, but she is actually well over 10,000 years old. She is a night elf mage who currently serves as the leader of the Nightbourne-a sect of night elves who went into hiding during the War of the Ancients.

Thalyssra led a rebellion against Grand Magistrix Elisande who allied himself with Gul’dan, and as of right now, she is the strongest Arcane magic user that the Horde possesses, which means that she can warp time and space.

3 Ner’zhul

Icecrown is one of WOW’s creepiest areas, and it was once home to Ner’zhul-who served as the dreaded Lich King before Arthus took the crown. Prior to this, Ner’zhul served as the old Horde’s Warchief-and this made him an antagonist in the second and third Warcraft games.

Ner’zhul was an elder shaman who could control the elements and use necromancy, and he was so powerful that he used Gul’dan’s skull to perform a spell that literally shattered the orcish homeworld of Draenor-transforming it into the desolate waste that is now Outland.

2 Thrall

Thrall is the son of two legendary orc warriors, and he was named Warchief after he helped to rescue hundreds of orcs who were imprisoned after the Second War in Warcraft 2. He led the Horde in a campaign against their former demon masters, and it was thanks to him that orcs were able to use elemental magic again.

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Following the events of Warlords of Draenor, Thrall lost faith in himself and the elements, which is why he can no longer use his shamanistic powers, but when he was able to use them, he could manipulate the earth itself and summon lightning even if there wasn’t a single rain cloud in the sky.

1 Gul’dan

As a villain, Gul’dan has done some pretty vile things, and those actions have shaped Azeroth into what it is today. The Orcish warlock was first introduced in the original Warcraft (1994), and he served as the main antagonist of Warcraft 2 and the Warlords of Draenor and Legion expansions.

He is regarded as one of the strongest warlocks to have ever lived-to the point that his skull still possesses a great deal of magical power despite having been dead for decades. When he was alive Gul’dan was a capable melee fighter, but he usually resorted to using either necromancy or the Fel.

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