Cyberpunk 2077’s Maelstrom Gang Members Are More Machine Than Man

Of all the major criminal organizations in Cyberpunk 2077, the “Maelstrom” gang is one of the most dangerous groups. Addicted and consumed by cyberware augmentations, this group of psychos is a heinously violent gang that’s constantly on the prowl for more powerful augmentations and enhancement drugs. They’re characterized by using an unreasonable amount of body augmentations, stripping away any semblance of humanity from their bodies as if it’s their sworn duty. Maelstrom holds few alliances with other organizations, and doesn’t really have any grander plan other than injecting as much chrome and cyberware into their bodies as possible.

In the weeks leading up to Cyberpunk 2077, as well as post-launch, we’ll be diving into various aspects of the game’s lore and world in-depth. The world and source material of Cyberpunk, as well as what’s specifically coming in Cyberpunk 2077, is a diverse neo-futuristic world full of all kinds of interesting characters and locations. This week is all about the Maelstrom gang, a group of ruthless cyber-obsessed psychos who’ve taken up residence in the Watson District of Cyberpunk 2077‘s Night City. Players will certainly come into contact with Maelstrom in one way or another, so here’s a primer on one of Night City’s most dangerous gangs.

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Maelstrom’s conglomerate of chrome-obsessed criminals have taken up residence in Night City’s Watson District, annexing the abandoned All Food plant in the industrial sector of Night City. Ironically, this former slaughterhouse is now home to the many abhorrent surgeries Maelstrom members have conducted on themselves to become more cyberware than man. Maelstrom members are obsessed with the usage of cyberware, and have a cult-like fascination with the Net that’s basically driven them to widespread insanity. Members of the gang are driven by the obsession of circumventing humanity’s vulnerabilities with cyber technology and braindance sessions. This obsession can, and has, led to a phenomenon known as “cyberpsychosis”: an affliction of mental illness caused by overloading the human body with cyber augmentation.

Obviously, Maelstrom isn’t going to make any money constantly buying and stealing cyberware, so they engage in numerous other activities to generate income. The gang’s main source of income is smuggling illegal drugs and medication, that is, when they’re not using and abusing it themselves. They’ve also been known take on assassination contracts because of their brutal reputation; they’ve been known to dismember, skin people alive, or drown their victims in cement. Outside of their inane violence, the group also owns the Totentanz Club, a neo-death metal music venue known for its “drink & riot” philosophy. Maelstrom isn’t exactly a group known for subtlety.

Back before they were the psychotic group known as Maelstrom, the gang was originally created from members of the old Metal Warriors. The Metal Warriors were nearly all wiped out thanks to a conflict with the Inquisitors, a religious cult that despises the usage of cyberware and considers it heresy. That was back in 2045, but in 2077, the Maelstrom are a strong and sizable gang of around 1300 members. Previously, the Malestrom gang in Cyberpunk 2077 was run by a man known as “the Brick.” However, by the time Cyberpunk 2077‘s main story begins, Brick has been usurped by another member of the Maelstrom named Royce.

While the full details are unknown (at the moment), it seems Brick was deposed by Royce over a business disagreement for the Maelstrom gang. Brick had previously made a deal with Dexter “Dex” DeShawn, an infamous fixer in Night City, to sell them a prototype Militech bot. The Maelstrom gang is usually known for its independence, so perhaps the other members of Maelstrom didn’t take too kindly to Brick dealing with someone they weren’t exactly best friends with. Brick was then imprisoned by Royce, even though everyone else was told that Brick died after the Maelstrom was taken over by Royce. Players can eventually find Brick and rescue him, if they choose.

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Through one way or another, V will certainly come into contact with the Maelstrom in some fashion. So far, from preview gameplay footage, there is a main quest in Cyberpunk 2077 where players come into contact with the Maelstrom directly. As part of the “Going Pro” quest, V and Jackie are tasked with acquiring a prototype military drone known as “the Flathead” for Dexter DeShawn. According to Dex, a Militech armored convoy was ambushed by Maelstrom members where they were able to acquire the Flathead. V and Jackie can approach the mission multiple ways, but in every scenario they have to deal with the Maelstrom at the All Food warehouse.

This likely won’t be the last time V and Jackie come into contact with the Maelstrom, as they’re still a very prominent presence in the Watson District. Maelstrom will likely harbor some pretty tough enemies, but as some early Cyberpunk 2077  gameplay has shown, they can be taken down pretty handily by hacking. Or, if players so choose, they can fight fire with fire, and just attack Maelstrom with full force. Either way, these insane cybernetic psychos can’t possibly run out of ways to chase the dragon that is cyberware violence and cyberpsychosis.

Cyberpunk 2077 releases on December 10, 2020, for PC, PS4, Stadia, and Xbox One. PS5 and Xbox Series X versions are slated for release in 2021.

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