While Capcom’s Monster Hunter franchise has always marketed its feline hunting partners, the Palico, the upcoming Monster Hunter Rise on Switch boasts a brand-new animal companion: Palamutes. Much like the player character and Palico in the past, Palamute companions will be customizable through creation tools, and earlier this week the series’ official Twitter account shared concept art featuring the new canine “going for a stroll.”
The concept art likely won’t offer fans who aren’t looking to draw their furry friends much in the way of understanding how these companions will assist with hunts, but it does showcase the way Palico and Palamute partners may have a great rapport. If nothing else, it’s nice to see Capcom be so open with the developmental process behind Monster Hunter Rise, as it has previously released concept art for the Aknosom as well as the Magnamalo; Rise‘s flagship monster.
As far as its combat utility, Palamute will be more of an offensive companion compared to the support-focused Palico, both in terms of actually battling monsters and by offering players a fast mount who can climb walls and not waste stamina. Palamute is not the only new assistant being introduced in Monster Hunter Rise, as its developers have also detailed the “Hunting Helper” Escuregot that applies passive healing.
However, many fans of the series are undoubtedly most excited to partner up with the Palamute, which seems like a solid counterpart to the Palico. Monster Hunter Rise will let its players pet and train the Palamute to do tricks, which should make bonding with one’s companion canines even easier.
Monster Hunter Rise is set to release on March 26, 2021 for the Nintendo Switch.
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