The Strongest Duo Boons In Hades & How To Get Them | Game Rant

Supergiant Games’ Hades took the internet by storm when it came out of early access, and for good reason. The game has amazing animations, a good story, great art, and the combat is fun as hell. The roguelike employs a boon system that allows you to make a build every run. This is a very flexible and deep system, while also being fairly intuitive and allowing a variety of viable endgame builds.

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A part of this boon system is Duo Boons. These are interactions between two gods, which result in a new, custom Boon that combines the characteristics of both Gods’ Boons. These Duo Boons are powerful and are a great option for any build. And later, as a player refines their run and grows into a playstyle, knowing these Boons and their interactions will be very helpful. So, here are all the gods that play nice with each other, and what it entails for dear old Zag.

10 Curse Of Longing

Curse Of Longing is a combination boon for Aphrodite and Ares. To activate this, you have to have:

Ares: Curse of Agony or Curse of Pain.

Aphrodite: Heartbreak Strike, Heartbreak Flourish, Crush Shot, or Passion Dash.

It constantly inflicts Doom damage on all opponents who have the Weak status effect, with the damage decreasing successively by 50%. Some clever usage of your abilities can lead to you constantly damaging everyone on screen.

9 Exclusive Access

This boon comes from Dionysus and Poseidon and is one of the strongest boons in the game. To get this, you need the following abilities:

Dionysus: Drunken Strike, Drunken Flourish, Trippy Shot (Trippy Flare), Drunken Dash, or Dionysus’ Aid.

Poseidon: Tempest Strike, Tempest Flourish, Flood Shot, Tidal Dash, or Poseidon’s Aid

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This boon guarantees that all further boons will be of Epic rarity, at minimum. Getting this early on would make building a good, viable loadout much easier.

8 Lightning Rod

This ability comes from getting abilities from Zeus and Artemis. It is great for controlling the room and has good damage output. To get this, you need to have:

Zeus: Lightning Strike, Thunder Flourish, Thunder Dash, Electric Shot, or Zeus’ Aid

Artemis: Deadly Strike, Deadly Flourish, True Shot, Hunter Dash, or Artemis’ Aid

This ability has lightning hit enemies around collectible Cast gems on the floor. This is more useful for slightly later in the game when you have multiple casts. Put a few out on the floor, and you’ll leave a nice thunderous surprise for your enemies.

7 Low Tolerance

Hangover is one of the strongest effects in the game, and Low Tolerance makes it even better. To get Low Tolerance, you will need to have:

Aphrodite: Heartbreak Strike, Heartbreak Flourish, Crush Shot, or Passion Dash

Dionysus: Drunken Strike, Drunken Flourish, Drunken Dash, or Dionysus’ Aid

This powerup makes Hangover stack 3 more times on opponents who have the Weak status. And a full 8 stacks of Hangover can decimate any opponent, while also making their attacks weaker.

6 Hunting Blades

Hunting Blades combines the powers of Artemis and Ares to make your cast a swirling rift of death. To activate this boon, you need:

Ares: Slicing Shot

Artemis: Deadly Strike, Deadly Flourish, Hunter Dash, or Artemis’ Aid

Related: The Best Boons For Every Weapon In Hades

This turns your cast into a faster version of the Blade Rift you get from Ares, and it seeks out opponents. With this, your cast can output an insane amount of damage onto multiple grunts and will be a helpful tool for any player.

5 Sea Storm

This fusion of Zeus’ and Poseidon’s powers makes close-range combat very powerful. To get this duo boon, you will need:

Poseidon: Tempest Strike, Tempest Flourish, Flood Shot, Tidal Dash, or Poseidon’s Aid

Zeus: Lightning Strike, Thunder Flourish, Electric Shot, Thunder Dash, or Zeus’ Aid

This adds on to any knockback effects you may have due to Poseidon’s boons, and any enemies knocked back will be struck by lightning. So, any fool who dares come near you will be thrown away and shocked. Paired with Malphon or Stygian Blade, it can lead to you being nearly invincible in close combat.

4 Sweet Nectar

Now, while this boon is not as flashy as some of the others in this list, it is very powerful and will be very helpful to anyone aiming for a build to reach the end. To get this boon, you will need:

Aphrodite: Heartbreak Strike, Heartbreak Flourish, Crush Shot, Passion Dash or Aphrodite’s Aid

Poseidon: Tempest Strike, Tempest Flourish, Flood Shot, Tidal Dash, or Poseidon’s Aid

Related: 10 Things We Wish We Knew Before Starting Hades

This makes all the Poms of Power that will come from this point on more effective. Essentially, every boon you level up with a pom will be a whole level stronger. This boon is one of the most versatile in the game, as it will fit with and empower any build equally.

3 Ice Wine

Ice Wine is another great area control boon. This adds to the AOE effect you gain from Dionysus’ Trippy Shot or Trippy Flare effect. To get this, you need:

Demeter: Frost Strike, Frost Flourish, Mistral Dash, or Demeter’s Aid

Dionysus: Trippy Shot

This makes the Festive Fog left by the Dionysus boons inflict a Chill effect in that area and increases the damage of the Cast. So any poor sod caught in that area will be slowed down and poisoned, leaving them like sitting ducks for you to pick off easily.

2 Smoldering Air

Smoldering Air is a bit of a mixed bag, but if used smartly can benefit you a lot. This boon needs you to get:

Aphrodite: Heartbreak Strike, Heartbreak Flourish, Crush Shot, Passion Dash, Aphrodite’s Aid

Zeus: Lightning Strike, Thunder Flourish, Electric Shot, Thunder Dash, Zeus’ Aid

This boon limits your God Gauge to 25%, essentially making you unable to use Greater Call. But it also makes the God Gauge fill automatically. So for players who want to play a bit more carefully, but still be able to unleash huge amounts of damage, this is a great boon. It allows you to focus on defending while filling your God Gauge, so you can use your Call to inflict a lot of damage very fast.

1 Stubborn Roots

Stubborn Roots is a great tool in the late game when you have lost all your Death Defiance chances. To get this boon, you will need:

Athena: Divine Strike, Divine Dash, Athena’s Aid

Demeter: Frost Strike, Frost Flourish, Demeter’s Aid

This boon activates when you have no Death Defiance or Stubborn Defiance active, and regenerates 1 life every 0.8 seconds. So, later in the game when you’ve exhausted all your chances, this is a great boon to keep you going.

Next: The 10 Best Roguelike RPGs, Ranked


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