Among Us: 10 Worst Things You Can Do As A Crewmate | Game Rant

Among Us hit the gaming world with the power of a storm. Although it came out in 2018, it drastically rose to popularity in 2020. During a time when everyone could use an escape, Among Us allowed players, pro and casual alike, to socialize with friends and strangers in a fun, yet Machiavellian way.

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The gameplay of Among Us at face value is fairly simple. A player either plays as a crewmate or an impostor. As a crewmate, the goal is to perform a series of tasks and make sure the tasks allotted are completed or the impostors are successfully kicked out of the game. However, the main reasons why this game is so beloved are its factors of intrigue, suspense, excitement, and the level of interaction. As a crewmate, players will have to participate and be careful, and mistakes are almost out of the question if they want to see the game through.

10 Not Being Familiar With The Map

There are a total of three maps in the game: The Skeld, MIRA HQ, and Polus. If a player wishes to succeed in this game as a crewmate, they’ll have to make sure they won’t garner misplaced suspicion. During meetings, players will need to be able to appropriately say where they were and what they were doing. Familiarizing the map is a very good way of making sure you know exactly where you are at any given time.

Getting to know all three maps and every sector for each is tricky in the beginning. This can seem like an information overload but with enough playtime and repetition, any player can remember these maps like the back of their hands.

9 Not Remembering Your Tasks

When it comes to meetings, the player will have to make sure they can present every information necessary so they’ll be void of suspicion. One of the most common things a player will get asked in-game in meetings is “What were you doing?”

The player will have to make sure they’re completely aware of what they’re doing, where they were, and what the tasks exactly was. It can be easy to get lost in thought when playing as a crewmate as some of the tasks can be very engaging, but it is essential to remain mindful in-game.

8 Be A Lone Wolf

There was an issue way back when every single crewmate would stick together and do tasks with each other to ensure the impostors don’t get to them. This is now a very frowned upon practice today and not that many people do it anymore. However, it is still a substantially good idea to at least be with one or two crewmates with you, for as long as you’re sure they’re crewmates and not impostors, when doing tasks.

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Being a lone wolf in this game makes the player a very easy target. Sticking with someone, working together, and safely doing tasks is a very healthy way of playing the game. It doesn’t make a crewmate completely safe, but it will make it even more challenging for the impostor to win.

7 Ghost-Watching Without Doing Tasks

One of the fun aspects of this game is that players get to spectate after they get kicked out or get killed by an impostor. On top of that, they can also participate in the game even further by completing sets of tasks. This is where most people do something wrong, however.

When a player becomes a ghost after being mistakenly voted out or killed, it can be tempting to just follow the impostor who killed them and enjoy the show or to just wander around not doing any task. This is a very huge mistake players shouldn’t do. Doing tasks while in ghost form will benefit the player’s crewmates greatly and will help them win the game in the end.

6 Not Watching Out For “Sus” Behaviors

The tasks in the game come in the form of various minigames. These minigames can be very enticing and engaging. As a crewmate, one of the player’s main goal is to make sure all of the tasks are done successfully. This is also a good way of alleviating suspicion. However, being too engaged in the tasks can also mean the players fail to recognize one major aspect of the game: paying attention to who the impostors are.

Paying attention to a “sus” player will help a crewmate vote the correct person when it’s time and know to avoid them as to not get killed. Players should pay attention to the other players around them. It can be tricky in the beginning, but this multitasking aspect of the game will become second nature as time passes.

5 Not Knowing What Common Tasks And Visual Tasks Are

There is a wide array of tasks both the crewmates and impostors can do in Among Us. Two kinds of tasks every crewmate should be familiar with, however, are the common tasks and visual tasks. Being familiar with these two tasks can help the player determine whether someone is an impostor or not.

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Common tasks are something everyone has. They’re even in the impostors’ fake list of tasks. Visual tasks, however, are the ones players should really watch out for. Visual tasks are ones other players can actually see another player do. Once someone is doing a visual task, they’re a crewmate since impostors can’t do visual tasks.

4 Waiting For Someone Else To Fix Sabotage

One of the two ways the impostors can win in this game is if they perform countdown sabotage and it successfully reaches zero. It is up to the crewmates to subdue this sabotage in order to keep the game running. Here-in lies one of the worst things a player can do while playing as a crewmate.

When sabotage happens, there can be a few reasons why a player playing as an impostor will choose not to go to fix the situation. One, it’s far away. Two, they’ll wait for someone to head there instead. Maybe someone closer. This is something a crewmate should avoid. If one player is thinking, “maybe someone else will do it” then that creates the possibility of everybody thinking of that same thing, allowing for the impostors to win. A player should be proactive and head to a sabotaged station as soon as they can.

3 Mindlessly Voting An Impostor

The backbone, and perhaps the most important aspect of the gameplay of Among Us is the discussion. The meetings. This is where the game can ultimately be decided, for better or worse. If a player is playing as a crewmate, it is vital that they don’t mindlessly vote for another with minimal to no evidence.

Always probe for more questions to determine whether someone really is an impostor or not. Players don’t want to end up kicking out another crewmate. Probing for more questions will also allow players to catch an impostor whether they really are one. If in doubt, always opt to skip.

2 Not Minding The Vents

The vents are one of the impostor’s most useful ally. As a crewmate, it’s something a player should watch out for. Keep in mind that only impostors can have access to these vents, so when someone comes out of the vent, it’s already given that they’re an impostor.

There are multiple vents on a single map. The vents in MIRA HQ are all connected. So, when a player visits a section where there’s a vent present, they should be extra mindful then. Impostors can choose to linger in vents while waiting for a victim.

1 Not Properly Utilizing Emergency Meetings

Emergency meetings are a vital way of making sure crewmates win a game. There is an emergency button that can be pressed on the center table, which has a countdown or a maximum usage by a player set by the host. Another way to hold an emergency meeting is to report, which can be done anytime, most essentially when a dead body is found.

When a crewmate stumbles upon a body, it is highly suggested that they report immediately and hold an emergency meeting. This will allow everyone to hold a discussion to see who the impostor is. It can also force an impostor to say something wrong or get caught off guard at times. Reports can also be done when a player is seen using the vents. Whatever the case, players should take advantage of this system, but perhaps not too much. Many impostors are known to self-report to avoid suspicion.

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