Google Maps U.K. Offers Free Movies… If People Can Find Them

Everyone needs to find new ways to entertain themselves these days, and with many regions doubling down on their lockdowns due to rising COVID-19 cases, that tall order is more important than ever. Thankfully for fans of classic British films, Google has their back.

Google, the company that owns things, has launched a virtual movie scavenger hunt within the U.K. section of their helpful Google Maps service. This undertaking, brought on through a partnership with the British Film Institute, has scattered 40 beloved British films all around the country for players to find. Once a movie is found, it can be downloaded and viewed anywhere, because anything less would be downright cruel. Though anyone wishing to participate will reportedly need to connect to a 5G network, which appears to be the only obstacle in the way of classic British entertainment.

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The films include favorites like Shaun of the DeadSkyfall, and Wallace and Gromit: Curse of the Were-Rabbit, suggesting that the selection will be sufficiently eclectic. They have also been chosen specifically to trigger nostalgia and comfort in viewers, since nothing helps ease the bad times like remembering the good times (and also overeating). No word on whether the list includes every Monty Python film, but please include every Monty Python film.

The event is taking place all throughout November, with a steady drip of clues releasing as the month goes on. The clues will lead to locations relevant to each given movie, giving players a little geography lesson as they virtually zoom through the probably very rainy streets on their search. Here’s hoping at least one of them is a Mr. Bean movie, because that kind of joy should be available to the whole world at all times by default.

It’s a cool idea, and quite possibly a sign of things to come given the unrelenting nature of the pandemic and the very helpful aid given to it by those who still refuse to wear masks and socially distance. Maybe if the U.K. hunt goes well, Google will expand the fun to other regions. Hopefully one of those regions is India, and hopefully the films will be available everywhere, because this suffering world deserves a satisfyingly confusing wave of free Bollywood movies.

Players are encouraged to get on this while they can, because 40 films is an awful lot to binge over a few weeks, even while trapped at home by an invisible menace, as fun as that sounds in the context of a movie. So head on over to Google Maps and let the good times roll.

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Source: Slash Film


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