Red Dead Online: 10 Most Important Herbs And Where To Find Them

The value of being a herbalist in Red Dead Online is priceless. Understanding the importance of learning about different herbs and their properties for boosting each core can be taxing at times. Especially when Red Dead Online has 40 different herbs and flowers scattered across its immaculate and gorgeous landscape.

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Taking the time to become familiar with the herbs of Red Dead Online can give players a leg up on the competition and save a rugged outlaw a fortune at the general store. These herbs will give a seasoned outlaw the ability to make tonics and fortify cores.

10 Burdock Root

Burdock Root comes from a dark green bush that can be seen easily when the landscape is grassy and open. Burdock Root is one of the main ingredients in the Potent Bitters Tonic. Potent Bitters fully restores an outlaw’s stamina and fortifies it moderately. This herb is most prevalent in the western half of the Great Plains. Burdock Root typically grows alongside train tracks. An outlaw using Eagle Eye can also spot Burdock Root growing under trees and near rocks. 

9 Common Bulrush

Common Bulrush is poisonous to humans, but is a miracle herb for an outlaw’s trusty steed.  An outlaw can save a lot of trips to the Stables by collecting this herb. Common Bulrush is used in both the Potent Horse Stimulant and Potent Horse Medicine Tonics. Common Bulrush is found near waterways in Red Dead Online. The hot spots for this herb are Caliga Hall, at the bend in the Dakota River south of Valentine, and south of Cumberland Falls.

8 Creeping Thyme 

Creeping Thyme is an herb not to be overlooked when crossing its path. Creeping Thyme fortifies Dead Eye when consumed by itself as it is found in nature. When cooked with a portion of Big Game Meat, outlaws gain a gold Dead Eye Core, giving players an unfair advantage against MPCs, hunting wild game, and other outlaws who may wish to do you harm.

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This herb can be collected in the Heartland southeast of Valentine and northwest of Rhodes.

7 English Mace

If an outlaw ever finds him or herself short on cash, English Mace is the herb to find. English Mace is so essential because it can be eaten by both horses and humans. For players, it increases health and for horses, English Mace restores stamina core. English Mace is used to make the Special Health Cure. This herb is recognized by its long stem, small green leaves, and pretty yellow flowers. English Mace grows alongside the rivers of New Austin. 

6 Ginseng

There are two types of Ginseng in the world of Red Dead Online. American Ginseng is found around Emerald Ranch, South of Van Horne, and north of Blue Water Mash. Alaskan Ginseng grows directly north of Brandywine Drop, and west of Doverhill. Luckily for the outlaw, both strains of Ginseng have the same properties. Ginseng is used in six different tonics: Potent Health Cure, Special Health Cure, Potent Miracle Tonic, Potent Horse Medicine, Special Horse Medicine, and Special Horse Reviver.

5 Indian Tobacco

Indian Tobacco is a tall plant whose seemingly delicate lilac flowers distinguish it from other herbs and its surroundings. If a player consumes this plant directly from the source it will raise their Dead Eye Core. Indian Tobacco is also used in the Potent Miracle Tonic, Potent Snake Oil, and Special Snake Oil.

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Indian Tobacco is found in the swamps of Lemoyne and near Rhodes. Indian Tobacco also grows near the oil fields east of Valentine in the Heartlands.

4 Milkweed

Milkweed is a versatile herb to be harvested. While in the midst of clearing out gang hideouts in Largas, Milkweed will boost an outlaw’s health in a pinch. For the hunters of Red Dead Redemption 2 and Red Dead Online, Milkweed is an ingredient for making poison arrows. This helps the seasoned Trader and Naturalist to take that big game and earn perfect pelts and skins with ease. Milkweed can be found in the NWA Bayou and near Dewberry Creek.  

3 Oregano

To the expert herbalist of Red Dead Online, oregano is one of the most plentiful herbs. Its plant can grow up to 30 inches in diameter and is distinguished by its oval-shaped leaves and flowers. When digested Oregano restores an outlaw’s stamina. When paired with Big Game Meat, it will provide a gold Stamina core. A large grove of Oregano can be discovered south of the Dakota River east of the train tracks in Black Water

2 Sage

There are various species of Sage in Red Dead Online. The two most important types are Hummingbird Sage and Red Sage. Hummingbird Sage grows in areas with dense vegetation, especially along the Kamassa River. Red Sage is found in the deserts of New Austin. Sage has a long stalk with gorgeous flowers blooming from top to bottom. These types of Sage are ingredients used to make Potent Bitters, Special Bitters, Potent Miracle Tonic, Potent Horse Stimulant, and Special Horse Stimulant. 

1 Yarrow

The most elusive herb by far is Yarrow. Yarrow is known for its thin stem and clusters of red flowers. Outlaws can find Yarrow east of Emerald Ranch or in an open field in the Heartlands near train tracks. Yarrow can be consumed by itself, which will increase Health Core. Its best qualities are brought in the making of Tonics. Yarrow is a key ingredient for the Potent Health Cure, Special Health Cure, and Special Miracle Tonic.

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