10 Plot Holes In Metal Gear Solid 4 That Were Never Explained

Filling the massive shoes left for the game by its predecessors, Guns Of The Patriots takes players into the future. Following the more complex, darker character of a rapidly ageing Solid Snake. It’s now time to go on his final mission to take out his rival, Liquid Snake, and gain control of the AI system, Sons Of The Patriot.

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Widely acclaimed as one of the best games of its year, Guns Of The Patriots takes the series down a much richer storyline than previous titles. Delving deep and tackling intense issues, the ambitious plot left a lot of room for interpretation. Leaving out some answers that left fans wanting for more, some situations didn’t end up getting their rightful explanation. This makes it especially frustrating considering those that loved the game want to know everything about the twisted world.

10 Risky Plans

When it’s all said and done, players find out that Liquid and CO’s plan was dependent on Solid Snake carrying out the various missions they trick him into. Eventually discovering that Liquid Snake wanted to take down the Patriot AI for his own plan to come to fruition with Old Snake used as the muscle.

With that being the case, Snake was put in a whole lot of compromising situations that could have gone wrong at any moment and effectively left the plan useless. For such a tricky plan that was clearly thought out, the confidence they had in a rapidly ageing mercenary is confusing to say the least. What did they know that players didn’t?

9 Metal Gear Rex

Anyone who played the previous titles will know the impressive nuclear-armed tank known as Metal Gear Rex, modelled after the late, great, dinosaur. Solid Snake while piloting the craft comes into contact with Metal Gear RAY, an amphibious version built to take out its predecessor and manned by Liquid.

This leads to Rex battling the young gun and proceeding to tear chunks out of it, eventually taking it out. The only problem is the cockpit, containing Solid Snake, is located directly in its mouth. How did the hardened vet survive all that metallic carnage? Maybe there’s a design feature that fans don’t get to see, it’d be a lot cooler if we did.

8 Raiden’s Powers

A question plaguing fans since playing through the scene, Raiden all of a sudden whips out some impressive lightning abilities. While this fits the name to a tee, it’s such a random showing of power that was never given an explanation. Happening just before the legendary microwave scene, it’s something that sticks out as a mystery.

This is especially puzzling considering that Raiden is armless at the time, giving him no item activation or combat weapon. If he did have this power all along, Why hasn’t he used it in previous situations? It seems like a great ability to have on a covert operation. It goes down as one of the best-timed power reveals in the series.

7 The Drs. Ressurection

When Raiden and Snake are in South America, they get into a fight with Liquid’s PMC soldiers. This ends with Raiden being severely injured by Vamp and sent to recover from his wounds. It’s then stated that he got healed by Dr. Madnar, someone fans who have played through the series should recognize.

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Though we don’t physically see the doc, Madnar is a scientist who invented the very first Metal Gear. A man who Snake rescued in the first game and later killed in the second, after fleeing to Zanzibar to pick up his old ways. Unless he had some mysterious child that fans were not aware of, How did Dr. Madnar manage to resurrect himself from the dead?

6 The Nanobots Keywords

In the game, nanomachines can effectively control everything a person says or does. Meaning he who controls the nanomachines can control all who use them. One of these things being the word “Patriots”, the secretive organization that clearly doesn’t want to be mentioned in conversation. This is extended to La Li Lu Le Lo, the codeword that represents the organization.

Originally made in Japan, a language that doesn’t have an ”L” consonant in it, effectively disguised in plain sight. Though when this brought over to English in both examples it gets a lot more slippery, banning the person from using the word in any context. I suppose these people don’t like watching Michael Dornan shows in their off time.

5 Outer Haven’s Origin

The Outer Haven, a massive warship under the control of Liquid, appears as the new and improved version of Arsenal Gear. Appearing out of nowhere, the game never describes exactly where this giant vessel came from. It holds GW’s core and is described as a ”modified Arsenal Gear model stolen from the Patriots”, leaving fans wondering whether it’s an entirely new ship or Arsenal Gear with some major renovations.

Reinstalling the entire core would seem unlikely but considering its miniature size and dramatically improved features, it’s hard not to look at Outer Haven as an entirely separate vessel. Either liquid managed to steal and refurbish the original goliath or there are multiple of these floating cities roaming the seas, players never get a definite answer in the game.

4 Raiden’s Sacrifice

One of the best battles in the game involves Raiden assuming the hero role and saving Snake from certain death, something he decides to take the hardest possible route to. Getting himself buried underneath rubble after an unnecessary leap to stop the GEKKO. While a little over-eager, no one can blame him, it’s better safe than sorry.

It’s when he bursts from the rubble and instead of grabbing the now weakened Snake, he decides to try and take on an entire warship with his super strength. Whether it be a death wish or some serious concussion symptoms, Raiden pulls off the most excessive, if not epic, rescues in the game for seemingly no reason.

3 F.R.O.G. Recruitment

Liquid Ocelot’s army of all-female Haven Troopers that frequently interrupt the story with their high flying antics. While impressive to say the least, it’s never addressed why the outfit is entirely female. With no gender-specific abilities or any particular justification, it seems that Liquid Ocelot simply enjoys the company better.

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Other than shallow fan service or sinister undertones for the company, the game never gives fan any rhyme or reason to the decision. Sticking out like a sore thumb amongst a rich storyline, the FROG’s acrobatic stunts and flashy gunplay make them one of the more diverse enemies in the game and in desperate need of a proper backstory.

2 The Gekko Dumbdown

The tripod weapons that guard some of the most important areas in the game, Dwarf Gekkos took a steady decline in performance in front of the player’s eyes. While Snake is in Easter Europe he’s gradually being stalked by these unsettling machines, even retreating when he begins to notice something’s off.

However, as soon as the game hits the snowy island of Shadow Moses they turn into mindless robots who act as a physical barrier. The drastic change in ability is quite shocking, especially seeing as it only takes a few shots to put them down. The Dwarf Gekko’s go from one of the serious enemies to annoying volume attackers that waste Snake’s ammo.

1 Johnny’s Stealth

Maybe the most incompetent character in the game, Johnny has managed to navigate this intense world as part of an elite squad. Not using the nanobots that everyone does, it’s hard to believe that nobody questioned his surprising shortcomings before the reveal. This becomes even worse when it’s discovered that squad members share senses as part of their battle experience, making Johnny a glaring blind spot in the ranks.

Even though he has to manually send the data from a device on his person, elite soldiers should really question when one teammate is especially slowing everyone down. It’s not like his teammates don’t notice his indiscretions, frequently commenting on the bumbling mess. Either he’s got incredible luck or the rest of the team need to work on their observational skills.

NEXT: Metal Gear: The 10 Best Boss Fights, Ranked 


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