Diablo 4: 5 Classes That Won’t Likely Be Included at Launch

Without a doubt, many fans are looking forward to hearing more about Diablo 4 at Blizzconline early next year. What’s going to be shown there remains to be seen, but an update of some sorts would go a long way. It’s even possible that at least one of the two missing launch classes (the three confirmed being Barbarian, Druid, and Sorcerer) are shown, yet what they could be is only known by Blizzard.

That said, there are some Diablo classes that seem unlikely compared to others, like the Amazon, that would be a perfect fit. One thing fans should keep in mind is the current composition of classes that influence this, namely being that there’s already two spellcasters and a melee focused character. The likeliest niche to be filled is another melee class for those who don’t want the barbarian, as well as a dex-based ranged one. For now, here’s a few classes that fans should not expect to see at launch.

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Unfortunately, this is probably the most-demanded but least likeliest class. The Diablo 3 Necromancer was incredibly popular, and fans would love to see it return. It’s just not likely to happen for a couple of reasons. First, it was included as DLC in the last game, so it would be odd to see it arrive first thing at launch in the second.

Secondly, while having three spellcasting and magic-based classes wouldn’t really be a bad thing in Diablo 4, that niche already has the Druid and the Sorcerer. Again, something Dex-based seems like a shoe in for one of the classes, leaving the Necromancer all on its own.

One of the missing classes has to be dex-based, as aforementioned, and some have been asking for a return of the rogue from the OG Diablo. Due to its age, though, and how it’s been lost in the shuffle in following classes, a specific “rogue” class would be unlikely. Something related to it remains a possibility though, as based on fan-demanded classes in Diablo 4, the Assassin is pretty high up there and would fill a nice role.

A melee-oriented class is possible given that Diablo 4‘s Barbarian is the only one revealed so far, but for one big reason, it’s not likely to be a Crusader, Paladin, or anything of that nature. Based on their lore as dedicated heroes inspired by the heavens and the actual decimation of Heaven itself, it’s unlikely this particular class comes back. Now, some sort of variant isn’t impossible and a Blackguard in Diablo 4 would be incredibly interesting however it played, whether it was as an anti-hero seeking revenge or as something genuinely evil (not seen in Diablo really). Fans shouldn’t hold their breath for anything quite like this or the exact opposite nature in a Crusader, however.

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One commonly requested class for Diablo 3, Diablo 4, and elsewhere is that of the “Angel,” or at the very least, a “healer.” It may seem like a confusing request, but lore-wise, it would be interesting to play an Angel fighting off hordes of demons. The decimation of Heaven may even lend itself this way, but it’s not likely to happen at launch, in DLC, or ever really for two main reasons.

First, the idea of the franchise is mortals overcoming demons, and an Angel is obviously not a mortal. The latter may give in at some point, as seen between the first two games, and it’s a big narrative point. Secondly, Diablo has never been a game about needing a dedicated Healer class and to do so would add a strange gameplay element to Diablo 4 that is quite unnecessary.

Of the classes here, the Demon Hunter is the most likely to be included but still falls squarely in the unlikely zone for two big reasons. First, it’s worth mentioning that Diablo 3‘s Necromancer DLC could have been the Druid or Amazon based on their popularity at Blizzard. The inclusion of the Druid here may very well beckon then, making one of the two unannounced classes likely to be the Amazon. It feels the same role as the Demon Hunter effectively, and may very well take precedence over it. That’s not to say the Demon Hunter couldn’t come later as DLC, just that at launch the signs point in other ways.

Secondly, the Demon Hunter is iconic with Diablo 3 in a way that the Necromancer was for Diablo 2. They were the unique class in the starting line-up, joined by a few standard array classes. As such, not only does the Demon Hunter seem more like DLC for Diablo 4 than anything else, a unique class specially tailored for Diablo 4 would be better off taking its spot at launch.

All things considered, the only one truly in the know is Blizzard. Until it decides to reveal more about the upcoming game, fans should keep their expectations in check. It’s only a few months until Blizzconline, and at the time, at least one of the remaining two classes may hopefully be revealed.

Diablo 4 is in development, with PC, PS4, and Xbox One as confirmed platforms.

MORE: Blizzard Should Shock Fans With One Never-Before-Seen Diablo 4 Class Style


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