Fortnite is one of the most popular games of all time and made the battle royale genre as successful as it is. With its recent collaboration with Marvel, players battled with their favorite heroes’ powers and fought against Doctor Doom, Iron Man, and Wolverine. However, as this collaboration is expected to end with Chapter 2 Season 4, fans are eager to see what will come to the game next.
The constant updates keep players coming back for more. Changes to the map are always exciting for fans and are expected to come when Chapter 2 Season 5 arrives in the beginning of December.
10 Should Be Removed: Doom’s Domain

Some of the map’s newest locations are based on places from Marvel’s comics. Doom’s Domain was the first to release. Players were able to fight against Doctor Doom and his henchmen. Upon defeating the boss, they could enter Doom’s underground vault and use a lot of great weapons and items. Players could also disguise themselves as one of Doom’s henchmen to avoid being attacked. Though fans enjoyed dropping here at the start of the season, it would be strange for it to still be here after the collaboration ends.
9 Should Stay Put: The Ruins

The Ruins is the newest location in the game. Therefore, it would be unlikely for Epic Games to remove it so quickly. The center of Chapter 2’s map has changed a lot since it was released. The Ruins replaced The Authority for the Fortnitemares event. Players were able to fight against Shadow Midas and earn a mythic drum gun if they defeated him. Being eliminated during the event resulted in joining Midas’ army. Though Fortnitemares has ended for the year, The Ruins still has a lot of potential.
8 Should Be Removed: Craggy Cliffs

All the way to the North of the map is Craggy Cliffs. Not a lot of players go over there unless if there is a challenge for them to complete. Craggy Cliffs has a fishing theme. There are multiple stores selling bait and a restaurant that sells fish sticks. It is also very easy to obtain a fishing rod.
Despite Epic Games clearly putting a lot of work into the location’s theme, most fans wouldn’t mind if Craggy Cliffs was removed from the game.
7 Should Stay Put: Retail Row

Retail Row is one of the few locations that remained in the game after Chapter 2 was released. Being in the game even before Fortnite became so popular, it is hard to believe that it will ever leave the game. Retail Row is a small village with some houses and stores. Though fans may not go there as much as they used to, it will always be one of the game’s most memorable places.
6 Should Be Removed: Holly Hedges

Like Retail Row, Holly Hedges is a village. However, few players drop there as it is at the outer part of the map, all the way to the West. Most of Holly Hedge’s buildings are houses, though there is a flower store in the center. Due to having a lot of hedges, bushes, and trees, this is one of the best places to get wood. If Epic Games doesn’t add more to this location soon, the game’s civilians may move to Retail Row or Lazy Lake.
5 Should Stay Put: Lazy Lake

Despite its name, Lazy Lake actually has more houses and stores than water. The buildings there are larger than most of the other towns that have been in the game. There is a car store next to a gas station. There is also an insurance agency, a spa, and a few houses, one of which being across the lake.
This location is very similar to Tilted Towers. Even though it isn’t as popular as the most recognizable area Fortnite ever had, many players enjoy going there.
4 Should Be Removed: Stark Industries

Like Doom’s Domain, Stark Industries is part of the crossover with Marvel so it will probably leave as soon as Chapter 2 Season 5 begins. Instead of fighting one of the most notable comic villains, players get to fight against Iron Man. They can gain his powers and hack Stark Robots to assist them in battle. This is currently one of the most popular places for players to drop and it will be missed when its gone.
3 Should Stay Put: Weeping Woods

Though Weeping Woods was not a location that came to the game this season, many players did drop there in order to fight Wolverine. Rather than giving him a location, Epic Games had the most popular member of X-Men walk around Weeping Woods and Slurpy Swamp. Because of this, Weeping Woods became a lot more popular and it would be disappointing to see it leave the game soon, especially since it is currently the only forest area in the game.
2 Should Be Removed: Steamy Stacks

Like Holly Hedges and Craggy Cliffs, Steamy Stacks is not the best place to drop as it is on the edge of the map. Steamy Stacks is a factory area that uses Kevin the Cube as its power source. Though this place is unique due to Kevin’s power and was a creative way to connect the two chapters together, not a lot of players go there.
1 Should Stay Put: Salty Springs

Similar to Retail Row, Salty Springs is an incredibly popular area that has been around since Fortnite‘s early days and will hopefully never be removed. Despite being another village, Salty Springs is one of the most beloved locations the game has ever had, with only places such as Tilted Towers and The Agency being more popular. There are some areas that should never be taken away from fans and this is one of them.

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