Lucifer: What God’s Arrival Could Mean for the Show | Game Rant

Lucifer is a show about the Devil living in Los Angeles (having grown tired of Hell) and helping the LAPD solve crimes (using his devilish powers), working with a detective called Chloe Decker (who is also his love interest). He also has regular therapy; attempting to make sense of the changes to his life, and to himself as a person. Also present is his brother (also an angel) Amendiel who started the show attempting to take Lucifer back to Hell, but has since given up and started living in L.A as well. Until the show’s latest episode, God had never been shown directly, but was constantly mentioned throughout the series. Lucifer often mentions him during his therapy sessions, and Amenadiel bases a lot of his decisions (at least early on) on what God might want. He spent most of Season 3 convinced their father was testing him in some way, and attempting to figure out what that test was. Now that God is finally around in person, the dynamic of the show looks set to change in several important ways.

Lucifer has never been shy to point the finger of blame at his father. The number of times he blames God for something happening could probably be its own drinking game at this point. These accusations used to be somewhat one sided; with God never answering any of the charges his son lay at his feet. Future episodes might give Lucifer’s father the chance to argue back. Instead of seeing one character talk about another behind their back, viewers could see an argument between the two of them, one which could hopefully result in some long running problems being resolved. It’s a whole different dynamic for the show to work with.

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God’s return also promises to provide some character growth for Amenadiel. In season 2 an ancient text suggested he was their father’s favorite son; something he took great pleasure in. Three seasons later it still comes up from time to time. God could confirm this long running theory and place even greater responsibility on his shoulders, or he could give the angel a much needed reality check.

It’s not just the prospect of seeing God with the angels of the show which could fuel upcoming episodes; there is a lot of potential in the thought of seeing him interact with the human characters too. The character Ella Lopez has been very open about her faith since her introduction on the show in season 2. There’s no reason to think that God will reveal himself to her specifically, but seeing them even talking could shine a light on how this show’s version of God views people with faith.

God could also answer the long running question that is Chloe Decker. In season 2 Amendiel revealed that God specifically instructed him to grant Chloe’s parents a miracle so they could conceive her. Ever since that revelation it has been assumed by anyone who knows that God did this specifically so that Chloe and Lucifer would meet. Some of the characters have even gone as far as to say that Chloe is for Lucifer, like she’s some sort of gift for the rebellious angel. Now that God is here to provide answers, he could finally explain why he had Chloe be born. However, just because he can provide the answers doesn’t mean he will. All of the episodes so far have had the character coming to their own answers about what is happening to them (such as Amenadiel losing his wings), and why, without some sort of divine confirmation to say if their theories are right or wrong. After so many seasons of making personal reflection a key of of the show, the writers might be hesitant to have the one character who can provide all of the answers actually do so.

One of the big questions to ask about Lucifer‘s newest character is how long is he sticking around for? Multiple characters have shown up to become part of the main cast only to leave at the end of the season; God’s ex-wife, Cain, and Eve all spent a season driving the plot in their own ways, so God could be sticking around for about the same amount of time. Recent episodes have hinted that Michael was trying to take over heaven, so the writers could be changing God’s living situation a bit in order to justify keeping him around for longer. If he’s only in the show for an episode or two it will probably be just to teach Lucifer one important lesson, but if he is part of the cast proper, the show will be able to delve deeper into his relationship with his children, and provide many more opportunities for both comedy and drama.

God’s arrival on Lucifer might just be the biggest shakeup to the show’s status quo yet. Everything the character’s know about basically anything could be called into question. It also promises to show another side to Lucifer. God probably won’t provide all the answers characters and fans alike have been asking over the years, but the fact that he could is a huge challenge to how the show usually works. The writers might have to come up with new questions, or figure out what to do with its main characters without those questions. God’s arrival might have been inevitable since Lucifer started, but it’s also a sign that the writers are willing to take bold steps with the story they are telling. With the show nearing it’s end, this could be the writers’ way of telling the fans that they are willing to take Lucifer out of its comfort zone, and that means just about anything could happen.

MORE: Lucifer Cast Honor Memory of Superfan Who Helped Save the Show


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