10 Espionage Thrillers To Play If You Like Call Of Duty: Black Ops Cold War

The most recent entry in the Call of Duty series is Black Ops Cold War, a direct sequel to 2010’s Call of Duty: Black Ops. As the name implies, the game is all about conspiracies, lies, and espionage.

Related: 5 Ways Black Ops Cold War’s Single-Player Is Better Than Modern Warfare’s (And 5 Ways It’s Worse)

By the end of the game, the shocking revelations presented change every assumption people had about the story upon first starting it. However, it is far from the first game about espionage; plenty of other titles have dealt with similar subject matters. They do not all take place during the Cold War, but they involve either spies, stealth, or undercover assignments and blending in with the enemy.

10 Cold Winter

Cold Winter starts off with the main character having been captured and tortured in a Chinese prison. After his escape, he helps track down a device with the ability to detonate any nuclear bomb anywhere on the planet. The story and the reason for the device’s creation goes far beyond simple terrorism, which is a revelation better left for players to discover. Beyond the story, the shooting feels good for a PS2 game and the extreme violence has players wincing as guns tear enemies apart limb from limb.

9 Metal Gear Solid

The Metal Gear Solid series absolutely deserves a place in the list, given the phrase often coinciding with the title screen, “tactical espionage action”. Players do not don disguises and play double agent, instead using old fashion stealth techniques to sneak past the enemy. The game’s lore spans more than sixty years of world history, dealing with themes regarding war, nuclear weapons, and the importance of culture and passing it down to the next generation.

8 The Operative: No One Lives Forever

As terribly scary a time the Cold War was for a lot of people, some stories take a more tongue in cheek approach to the conflict. Similar to a James Bond film, only with a female protagonist, No One Lives Forever stars Cate Archer as an agent tracking down the terrorist organization H.A.R.M., a group similar to S.P.E.C.T.R.E. from the James Bond franchise. Sadly, the game is infamously unavailable these days and rights issues have prevented a rerelease despite fan demand.

7 Splinter Cell

First coming around in 2002, Splinter Cell is a pure stealth game. Sam Fisher has slowly become one of gaming’s most iconic protagonist, no doubt in part due to Michael Ironside’s voice performance.

Related: 10 Best Stealth Games Of The Decade (According To Metacritic)

The game often draws comparisons to Metal Gear Solid, but the more grounded military thriller narrative and focus on pure stealth over action distinguishes it from Hideo Kojima’s series. Sam and his exploits have been absent since 2013, save for some cameos in other Ubisoft games, and fans are desperate for a return.


This cel-shaded, first-person shooter is based off a Belgian comic book. Similar to the Borne series, the main character washes up on a beach with no memory and no hints to go on other than a tattoo of the number 13. He quickly finds out a lot of people are trying to kill him. It ends on a cliffhanger which was never resolved due to a sequel never coming to fruition. Sadly, the recent remake of the 2003 game was overwhelmingly panned by critics due to technical issues and changes to the art style.

5 GoldenEye 007

It is impossible to talk about Espionage without bringing up about GoldenEye, one of the most celebrated and legendary first-person shooters of all time. In a time when PC gaming dominated the genre, Rare proved the N64 could make a unique FPS experience of its own. Along with the impressive single-player campaign covering the events of the movie, the multiplayer provided countless nights of fun and friendly competition in the late ’90s.

4 Blood And Truth

The only VR game on the listBlood and Truth is a mixture of a spy thriller and a crime drama, something appropriate for SIE London Studios, who previously made a name for themselves with The Getaway titles on the PS2. Not only is Blood and Truth on VR, but it is only available on the PlayStation VR. With the positive reception is has received, it makes PSVR worth owning just to experience this caper.

3 Alpha Protocol

Obsidian Entertainment is renowned for Fallout: New Vegas and the recently released Outer Worlds. Its 2010 RPG Alpha Protocol is heavily flawed, but some fans were able to look past the jank surrounding the gameplay to appreciate the idea of bringing Western RPG sensibilities to a modern day espionage thriller. True to the developer’s other games, player’s choices during cutscenes heavily impacts the plot and ending. Obsidian is now owned by Microsoft, and Alpha Protocol is still a Sega property, so a sequel seems highly unlikely.

2 Rainbow Six

Whether one is talking about the multiplayer only Siege or one of the older games, Rainbow Six represents a different era of military shooters before Call of Duty popularized the use of massive set pieces and fast-paced action.

Related: 10 Other Rainbow Six Games That Aren’t Siege

Players have to carefully plan each level, choosing their squad and the gear they bring into battle. The shooting is way heavier and the unforgiving gameplay punishes any careless mistake. As popular as Siege has become over the years, some fans still want a dedicated single-player campaign.

1 Hitman

Several levels in Black Ops Cold War have the player either donning disguises and walking right alongside the enemy to complete a mission. Hitman is all about blending in with the crowds by using disguises found throughout the level. Unlike Call of Duty, each mission is an open-ended sandbox with nearly countless ways to dispatch of a target. If the player can think of a way to complete a mission, odds are the developers have accounted for it and made it possible.

 Next: 10 Great Stealth Games To Play That Aren’t Hitman


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