10 Small Details In The Story Of Spider-Man: Miles Morales You Missed

Spider-Man: Miles Morales has a lot to love about the story. In some ways, it is close to the adaptation of Miles’ narrative found in the 2018 film Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse. It also has some surprises and plays around with expectations. Like the first game, players can expect a bombastic narrative full of action.

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Spider-Man: Miles Morales is also full of heart and might actually have more of it than Marvel’s Spider-Man. Some of the most touching moments are found in side quests or smaller details many may not notice. There are spoilers ahead so let’s see what exactly these moments are. 

10 Miles’ Apartment 

Throughout the course of Spider-Man: Miles Morales, players will have to come back to Miles’ apartment for plenty of different reasons. As time passes, so does the gradual unpacking of the place.

There’s always something new to see, clueing players into Miles’ backstory. From listening to records to looking at old photographs, these little touches make Miles whole. 

9 Expanding The Universe

How big is the superhero universe in Spider-Man: Miles Morales? In the first game, it was established that the Avengers are known as they already have a tower in place.

That building reappears in this game too, along with other nods to the Marvel universe including a Wakandan flag from Miles’ time capsule. Who will be the first non-Spider-Man villain or hero to appear in the sequel? 

8 The Return Of Gloria

At Mrs. Morales’ rally, Miles is able to interact with some key NPCs in Spider-Man: Miles Morales. One of them is Gloria, who Miles works with at the FEAST shelters.

This is not Gloria’s first appearance in the series, though, as she was actually rescued by Peter in the first game who was then brought into a FEAST shelter. Now that she’s helping out, it’s almost like a full circle narrative. 

7 Peter & Otto

In the flashback in the Oscorp museum with Phin and Miles, if players hang around the transforming material they need, they can run into Peter and Otto.

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It’s more than that though as the two discuss what can only be their project in the first game. They go on for quite a while too, so make sure to stick around for the whole thing. No giant lore revelations will be heard but the conversation altogether is a nice moment. 

6 Hailey & Miles

Forget about Phin, Hailey is the best girl in this game. She too can be encountered at the political rally wherein Miles learns that she is deaf. Later on, players can take on Hailey’s mission in order to help rescue the festival she is helping with.

As a reward, Hailey gives Miles her earmuffs and scarf, which serve as an alternate costume for his Spider-Man suit. The two characters even have a little moment in the end game. All in all, it’s very cute. 

5 Finishing The Mural

Speaking of Hailey, when Spider-Man: Miles Morales begins, Miles sees a mural being painted of Spider-Man. He wants his version to be up there too. Well, his wish comes true at the end of the game.

If players swing on over to that neighborhood, Miles’ black outfit is on display right alongside Peter’s, and it is all thanks to Hailey. This detail shows that Miles has made it as a hero, just in case there was any doubt.

4 Drinking Upside Down

Another moment early in Spider-Man: Miles Morales shows Peter and Miles having a little chat. The latter is impressed that the former can drink liquids upside down, a trick Miles later tries to replicate in his suit building montage with Ganke.

Miles fails hard at that point but becomes a master by the end of the game. While a small detail, it is another example of the game going out of its way to show the protagonist’s growth. What can’t Miles do?

3 Dr. Connors

Just like in the first game’s ending, Spider-Man: Miles Morales ends on a cliffhanger showing Harry presumably turning into Venom.

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That’s great and all but the better smaller detail is the doctor handling him. That’s Dr. Connors, aka the Lizard. He’s even missing his arm. Without a doubt, the Lizard will be a boss or maybe even an ally in the sequel. 

2 Battery Charge

If one pays attention to Miles’ phone throughout Spider-Man: Miles Morales, his battery charge will deplete. This small detail can both be registered as showing the passage of time along with clueing players into how close they are to the end.

By the actual end of the game, post-credits, the phone will be at 1%. That’s kind of impossible for a phone to be at that point and still work but it’s the thought that counts. 

1 Into The Spider-Verse Suit

This is more of a mechanical nod and not a story detail but it is still worth highlighting. So, players can unlock Miles’ suit from Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse at some point. Not only that but there is also a mod attached to it that slows down the frame rate, making Miles move as he does in the movie.

The suit would have been cool enough but this extra attention to detail really makes this addition feel special even if it is out of place. 

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