Dark Souls 2: 10 Rarest Rings (& Where To Find Them) | Game Rant

Rings are vital pieces of equipment that can allow one to deal out greater damage, give one heightened resistances, or even grant the player new abilities. Some will be easily found upon traversing Drangleic, but not all. Some of the best or most interesting can be quite a pain to acquire.

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Dark Souls 2 is a fairly large game with many places to hide the best loot. And as fans of this franchise know, the developers at FromSoftware absolutely love hiding things and hinting at them either cryptically or not at all. Whether these trinkets are worth hunting down or not is up to each Bearer of the Curse and which they use will depend on their particular needs.

10 Ash Knuckle Ring

This one will require taking some fall damage to get to, so be sure to buy and equip the Silvercat Ring for an easier time. Down the big hole in Majula, one can descend until they reach a point where they will be hopping down stone coffins sticking out of the curved walls. Below the final coffins, there will be a stone walkway crossing the upper area of the Grave of Saints. Below this, there is a wooden bridge with a piece missing that runs perpendicular to the stone walkway. Drop down to the side without the gap, then with a running start leap over it to the other side, where one will find a chest with the Ash Knuckle Ring. A very useful item to resist the petrification of the nearby area boss’s attacks.

9 Stone Ring

In Things Betwixt, there are things here not meant to be challenged immediately, despite being the starting area of the game. Some players, after leaving this area, never return. To do so would be missing out on a few great items. Like the Stone Ring, which boosts poise damage done with each attack. To acquire it, backtrack towards the start of the game from the first bonfire in the area until crossing the wooden bridge. Here, there is a way through some shrubs and stones that will lead to a path with large footprints. Follow these until finding an ogre. Slay the beast and it will drop the ring.

8 Northern Ritual Band

For those using sorceries, pyromancies, miracles, or hexes, the Northern Ritual Band may be a ring worth seeking. It increases the number of times one can cast spells and can help optimize a build. Down the elevator from the Saltfort bonfire in Sinner’s Rise, stick to the right after exiting the lift where one can find a hidden wall. Beyond this wall, hang left and scavenge the nearby corpse for the Norther Ritual Band and a Bleed Stone.

7 Covetous Silver Serpent Ring

The Covetous Silver Serpent Ring allows the player to receive more souls from enemies they defeat, which can make farming this currency considerably less tedious. From the Tower Apart bonfire in the Lost Bastille, head through the door and keep to the left and follow the ledge along the side of the building.

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Go through the window and deal with the enemies while being wary of the explosive barrels. Drop down when the coast is clear and go through the left door to an area where there will be a chest containing the serpentine ring and the useful Antiquated Key.

6 Old Sun Ring

The Shaded Woods is one of the most frustrating areas for some. It’s so easy to get turned around while battling the nearly invisible foes that getting lost is almost assured. This could cause the Bearer of the Curse to pass by some great treasure. If one takes the right path from the Ruined Fork Road bonfire and hugs the right wall, they can find a chest with the Old Sun Ring inside. If the player has trouble dodging attacks, use this trinket to deal out damage to foes at the same time. This ring causes a fiery explosion every time its durability drops by 10, a great countermeasure for sustaining a hit.

5 Ring Of The Embedded

Blizzards and pale terrain disguise blue and white enemies as if the city of Eleum Loyce itself is attacking the player. If one is in need of extra vigor, endurance, and vitality, they should consider braving the colds for the Ring of the Embedded. From the Abandoned Dwelling bonfire, head through the gauntlet of golems and spell casters then make a right between the dead tree and the upward curving stairs. This will lead the player through a narrow corridor. When it ends, turn left and loot the corpse there for the ring made from the broken link of a chain.

4 Ring Of The Living

The Frigid Outskirts are not only boring but tedious and optional. There’s not much reason to venture here save for the sake of completionism. The Ring of the Living is neat in that it grants one the appearance of a human while being a phantom, but does nothing besides this cosmetic change.

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To find it, trek all the way to the third building from when exiting the transport coffin. Then, while dodging foes, go to the chasm beyond the building and walk along the edge until one comes across a corpse by some boxes. The Ring of the Living will be on this curled up body.

3 Illusory Ring Of The Exalted

This ring is one that cannot be found or bought. This one must be earned. To acquire the Illusory Ring of the Exalted, the Bearer of the Curse must complete the entire game without resting at any bonfires. Thankfully, using Homeward Bones, the Aged Feather, and the Dark Sign are permittable if one is trying to acquire this ring. If the Dark Souls 2 playthrough is completed correctly the ring should be attained after the credits. Then, finally, the player can use this rare ring’s effect: making the right-hand weapon invisible.

2 Illusory Ring Of A Conqueror

If one is seeking to test their battle prowess, this is the ring they should hunt as their trophy. To acquire it, the Bearer of the Curse needs to beat the whole game without dying. Even once. Furthermore, losing one’s life while wearing the Ring of Life Protection or while invading as a phantom will disable one from attaining this ring. If the player should rise to meet this challenge, after the credits they will be gifted with their reward. One that while equipped will make the left-hand weapon invisible.

1 White Ring

Dyna and Tillo are the invisible crows that the player can trade with using otherwise useless items to acquire a random assortment of more useful ones. One of which is the White Ring, which changes the player’s appearance to that of a white phantom. This is potentially the hardest ring to acquire in the game because the chance of getting one in trade is completely random. Some have gotten it on their first try, while others have traded 200 times without success. Sometimes RNG is the greatest foe.

NEXT: Dark Souls 2: 10 Secrets & Subtleties You Never Knew About


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