Overwatch Introduces Priority Passes For Quicker Queues

As the team behind Overwatch works towards developing its sequel, the original refreshment to the team-based shooter formula thrives with frequent support, content, and enthusiasm from both developer and player alike. Jeff Kaplan, the game’s lead designer, will be releasing a new system for testing in Overwatch’s PTR servers designed to alleviate long queue times for players willing to step outside their comfort zone.

Originally introduced as the Priority Pass, the announcement easily produces a knee-jerk negative reaction in players familiar with pass progression systems in other games. Rest assured, there is no exchange of money involved whatsoever, the idea instead providing incentives for players to join a flex-queue which will focus on filling places on teams with what they need, typically tank or support.

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The new flex-queue is designed to rapidly assemble teams with players unable to specify what role preference they have, meaning the game will automatically assign players to roles on their team. In doing so, players earn a new type of currency: the priority pass, which grants them access to a separate queue should they decide on a role preference, with the system ensuring their role as whatever they would like to play. Akin to a sort of community service, the initial wave of priority pass rewards should alleviate Overwatch‘s longer than average queue times, especially when selecting damage as the desired role.

Proving to be no stretch of the imagination, the damage role reigns as the most desirable role in-game, as accessed by some of Overwatch‘s most beloved characters. Unfortunately, the support and tank roles have historically seen substantially less voluntary queues, with new damage-dealing heroes occasionally being released and massive damage numbers being the community’s favorite benchmark of perceived skill.

Long-time players may recall a time before the introduction of the now standard role queue, when the idea of the ideal team having three tanks was the norm. An ever-evolving experience, the earliest patches of Overwatch even considered duplicate heroes on the same team and how to balance the meta around those variables.

Accounting for craftier players taking advantage of the new Priority Pass system, the current PTR version of the new feature will cap players at being able to earn up to 40 passes. Wins and losses will both contribute towards the acquisition of more passes, though wins will earn the players more, encouraging active and engaged play over attempts at brute force repetition to earn passes. At its core, the coming update is a quality of life adjustment to keep players satisfied and ultimately able to experience more of the world of Overwatch.

Overwatch is available now on PC, PS4, Switch, and Xbox One.

MORE: Overwatch 2: 10 Things From The Comics That Should Come To The Game

Source: PCGamesN


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