10 Awesome Side Quests Hidden In Spider-Man: Miles Morales

Many gamers have been playing Spider-Man: Miles Morales lately, whether it be on their PlayStation 5 or PlayStation 4. Though the sequel to Marvel’s Spider-Man has a lot to offer, the main campaign is much shorter. However, if players want more to do, there are some really fun side quests that they can complete.

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Some of these side quests give more insight to background characters while others show Miles saving New York City in ways that don’t include the Tinkerer or Roxxon. Regardless of the story behind each of these missions, they all provide more fun for the players, reward them with XP and Activity Tokens, and give them things to do until either some DLC or the third game is released.

10 Stuck On Skyscraper!

After a window washer gets stuck on a skyscraper, Miles finds him and asks if the window washer would prefer that the hero fixes the skyscraper or brings him to the ground. He tells Miles that he would rather have him fix the skyscraper.

When he gets on top of the building, Miles finds the criminals who broke it and defeats them. He ends up bringing power back to the skyscraper and the window washer is saved. He thanks Spider-Man for helping him.

9 My Truck’s Stuck

In this mission, Miles finds a F.E.A.S.T. driver who needs his help getting his truck out of snow. He needs to deliver food to people and is in a hurry. After pulling the truck out, the driver gets in but drops his list of addresses that are waiting for the food.

By the time Miles realizes this, the driver has gotten pretty far. Players must swing around town trying to catch up to the driver so they can return the list to him.

8 My Car’s Gone!

After hearing that an EMT’s car was stolen, Miles agrees to find it. He ends up tracking down the car’s location and fights the thieves, who are surprised that Spider-Man has come after them. Having multiple cars around, Miles uses the EMT’s keys to listen to the horn.

After finding it, Miles calls the EMT who could finally go home and get some sleep, or at least that’s what he said he would do. If players follow the EMT, they’ll see him park in an alley and remain there as he watches what is ahead of him, paying no mind to Miles.

7 Lost Cat

Miles helps a cat owner find his pet, Vector. Vector escaped from his owner when he went to go get the mail. During Vector’s travels, he killed a couple of rats, went into the sewer, lost his collar, and crossed from one building to another. Miles tracks Vector down and puts him in the backpack the owner gave him, who said that Vector loves going in it.

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Most players would then return to the owner with Vector, who thanks Miles for helping out and says that he has to clean his cat. However, some may decide to travel around with Vector and the backpack for a while. Though they cannot play any of the other missions with Vector, they can fight crime.

6 Emergency Comms Down

When the EMTs cannot communicate with the fire department while a building is on fire, Miles fights the criminals responsible for blocking their comms.

After learning that they also started the fire for an insurance scam, Miles tells the EMTs what happened. After defeating the rest of the criminals that are part of this scheme and making sure the fire department gets there, the fire is extinguished.

5 Can’t Find My Pigeons

In this side quest, Miles helps a man named Howard to look for his pigeons. To track them down, Miles uses a feather that Howard gave him. While searching, Miles finds out that a group of criminals have kidnapped the birds and are using them to send messages after each other.

Their plan is to break into the Daily Bugle. However, Miles ruins their scheme, beats all of them, and gets the pigeons back.

4 Can I Get A Photo?

After being asked to take a photo with a civilian, players may think that this mission is pointless. However, after finding the woman and taking the photo, the building behind them catches on fire.

Spider-Man extinguishes all of the flames on the pipes of the building until the last one sets a car on fire. With no firefighters around, he extinguishes the flames himself and waits for their arrival. They thank him and the quest is completed.

3 F.E.A.S.T. Toys Stolen

Miles has always had a good relationship with the workers at F.E.A.S.T. After finding out that one of their trucks was stolen, along with some toys, Miles goes after the thieves. He sneaks on top of the truck and waits until they arrive at their destination. There, Miles decides to find out the person who is in charge by using his camouflage abilities.

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While being invisible, Miles takes a photo of each criminal and sends them to Ganke so they can learn which one is the boss. After defeating everyone, Miles tells Sam, the F.E.A.S.T. worker who spoke with him, where the toys are so they can save the holidays.

2 Ice Breaking My Crane

In this mission, a construction worker needs help getting ice off of his crane so he could use it. Players get to shoot webs at giant icicles while Miles makes a bunch of ice-related puns. After turning the crane around, he accidentally crashes a pipe into a building.

The pipe falls onto the tracks below Miles as a train is passing by. Miles breaks the pipe and jumps out of the way just in time for the train to pass. Sometimes, ice is just as dangerous as Harlem’s criminals.

1 We’ve Got A Lead!

After having a conversation through sign language with Hailey, Miles learns where he can track down a group of criminals. After defeating all of the ones on the outside, he enters their hideout and discovers the basement. There, he learns that the criminals were actually Fisk’s henchmen.

Fisk hints that he will get out of jail and fight Miles, which will hopefully happen soon. After that, Miles returns to Hailey but finds that Fisk’s henchmen have not given up the fight. Grateful to him for saving her and protecting Harlem, Hailey gives Miles her scarf.

NEXT: 5 Things We Love About Spider-Man: Miles Morales (& 5 Things We Don’t)


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