10 Pro Tips For Call Of Duty: Cold War You Need To Know

As is customary with every new console launch, Call of Duty was there to greet the new generation. Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War should feel familiar to longtime fans of the series. It doesn’t do anything drastically different with the story, or with the multiplayer options. In fact, some things may be a bit dialed back, but that’s not necessarily a bad thing.

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There’s a lot of content in this box so it may be a bit hard to parse through for those uninitiated. Let’s go through what players should expect along with dish out a few tips to get the ball rolling.

10 Campaign Abilities 

When creating a character in Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War, players can add on abilities, or perks, just like in multiplayer. There are two big ones that are recommended beyond all others especially for beginners. Survivor reduces damage from enemies while Violent Tendencies makes bullets hit harder. With this combo enemies will both die faster and take longer for them to kill the player. 

9 The Locked Door

In the safe house there is a locked gate in the back. The combination for the lock, for those that don’t want to piece it together, is 11/22/63 aka the death of JFK. There’s not much back there besides a computer one can play text based adventure games on along with an arcade machine. The arcade machine can play any game unlocked once found in missions. 

8 Headphones Are A Must

As always, the many partners co-developing Call of Duty at Activision did a tremendous job on the sound design. From the in-game music to the thunderous call of one’s arsenal, it all sounds superb. It sounds even better through headphones. A surround system would also work well but headphones are more intimate. This especially helps with incoming zombies in those modes. 

7 Shotguns Are Also A Must

Another must for players is to always have a shotgun on hand. This is a recommendation across the campaign, multiplayer, and zombie modes.

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The overall variety for the guns is great but the Hauer 77 and Gallo SA 12 are especially choice. Having a shotgun ready will be best for close range encounters. They are overpowered so take advantage before their strength is powered down in an update. 

6 Don’t Think Too Hard About Dialogue Choices

It’s been done in Call of Duty before, but dialogue choices once again return. They can slightly alter the story, but not so much that the ending will be different until the last few missions. There will be a time when it will become obvious that choice will matter but for the most part it is recommended to just go with one’s gut. Don’t think too hard and try to have a good time. 

5 Disobey Adler

This is a bit of a spoiler, but nothing in detail will be discussed. Toward the end of Call of Duty: Black Ops Cold War there will be a mission called Break On Through. Players can choose to obey Adler or let’s say get distracted with the mission. Don’t obey every order. It not only fits in better with the story but some crazy stuff will happen as a result. That’s all one needs to know about that. 

4 Quick Play To Level Up Quick

While it may be tempting to stick to modes one is most comfortable with from past Call of Duty entries, it is best to start off with the option to quickly launch into a random mode. Doing so will get players into matches faster which leads to getting in and out quicker too. The less time one spends thinking about what to do next, the more time spent playing and earning experience.  Also, if a group isn’t working out just back out of the lobby and try again. 

3 Always Equip Radar

Radar is very important in Call of Duty. It and player reflexes go hand in hand on getting the drop on enemies. Knowing where someone is will help a lot. This isn’t something that needs to stick around for the entire time one plays multiplayer, but it is recommended to keep radar gear and perks around for the early hours. Eventually spotting enemies will become second nature due to player experience and from studying the hot spots in the maps.

2 Try Fireteam Even If You Don’t Like Battle Royales

PUBG, Fortnite, and so many other entries in the Battle Royale genre can be daunting. Jumping into a match only to die and have to back out can be demeaning in other words.

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Fireteam is this game’s tweak on that where up to forty players, depending on the mode, will get dumped into a big map. The best part is that there are respawns. It’s worth checking out even for those usually averse to the genre in other words. 

1 Zombies With Friends

When it comes to talking with people in Call of Duty, it can be a mixed bag. Between little kids and racial slurs, more often than not causal gamers may want to mute conversations. This is fine in bigger, more traditional multiplayer matches. However, there is one mode where this shouldn’t be followed. When playing with the various zombie options it is recommended to only play them with friends and or use the mic. It is important to coordinate since situations can get hectic fast.

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