Respawn Comments on New Apex Legends Game Breaking Rampart Bug

With Apex Legends‘ Season 7 up and running, players are exploring its newest features extensively. Comparing new map Olympus to King’s Canyon has revealed interesting results, with some being more felt than others.

The newest map of Apex Legends has a lot going for it, from hidden Nessie Dolls to new and exciting strategies. One of its most distinctive features is its Trident Hovercrafts. These are three-person vehicles that can be used to quickly get from one area to another. An entire squad can use one, and some can fire weapons from them as well. This is supposed to include Rampart’s turret, but a problem has made the devs remove this interaction temporarily.

RELATED: Comparing Apex Legends’ World’s Edge Map to Season 7’s Olympus

It’s no secret that Rampart’s turret has had a few unintended interactions before. The way it worked with Gibraltar’s shield made it way too powerful when first introduced, and since then it’s caused even more colorful troubles. However, while Rampart’s turret on a Trident is a scary prospect, it’s not supposed to be an illegal synergy. The combo was removed due to a consistent bug that caused the game to crash when the turret was placed on a Trident.

It’s a shame too because Rampart’s turret on a Trident was supposed to be a feature, not a bug. Olympus is full of tricks players can do to get an extra edge. But when players have tried it, it’s resulted in the entire game coming down around their ears. Again, Rampart’s turret has proved to be a bit game breaking before, but this is the first time it’s literally made the game unplayable. Still, the Apex dev team has jumped onto the problem fairly quickly, and the team must have plenty of practice fixing strange bugs by this time. Hopefully the bug will be gone soon.

This comes right after a patch was introduced to deal with several issues and bugs. Some of these addressed issues players had with progression, but one specifically dealt with another powerful Rampart synergy. Prior to the patch, players could place Rampart’s turret on Crypto’s drone to make a mobile minigun.

Unfortunately, the patch did not accomplish everything players wanted. Many still have problems with the way progression was revamped for Season 7. According to the devs, the patch also addressed the awful audio bugs in the game, but these are not fully solved yet either. Hopefully all of these issues will be solved in the near future for players’ convenience.

Apex Legends is available now on PC, PS4, and Xbox One, with a Switch version in the works.

MORE: Apex Legends Season 7 Weapon Tier List

Source: Dexerto


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