Xbox Series S Named One of 2020’s Best Inventions | Game Rant

TIME Magazine has given the Xbox Series S special acknowledgment for being one of the best inventions of the year.

The release of the next-gen Xbox systems has started off at a breakneck pace, with Microsoft even breaking console sales records in the UK for selling 155,000 units within the first 48 hours of launch. It’s safe to say gaming fans are finally excited to see what the next generation of gaming consoles can bring to the table.

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Despite some shortages with the Xbox consoles, the Xbox Series S system has overcome its obstacles by still having a lot of content and technical bonuses to offer to its fans. And the writers over at TIME magazine have now praised the effort put into developing the Xbox Series S console by placing it on their list for the Top 100 Best Inventions of 2020.

Every year, TIME magazine lists inventions that have benefited society in some way by asking its editors and readers from around the world to submit their ideas based on originality, effectiveness, and impact. Within those guidelines, there are many different categories for these inventions to be placed in, such as; Accessibility, Design, Experimental, and Educational. This year, the Xbox Series S has fallen into the Entertainment category alongside the Vertical TV, the Nvidia GeForce Now, and Animal Crossing: New Horizons for the Nintendo Switch.

TIME magazine has accredited the Xbox Series S Game Pass to be one of the main reasons for its placement on the list, calling it the Netflix of video games. The Xbox Series S Game Pass also offers its subscribers major titles that will be released to players on the same day as the traditional game’s release date. TIME magazine not only praises the Xbox Series S to run at higher resolution frames per second over its previous console but the fact that it can also run games silently without the use of a disc drive.

The Xbox Series S console only just recently launched but has already put a smile on the faces of many people who have purchased it. There are a ton of undiscovered gems within the Xbox Series S that fans can rave about for plenty of time to come. And with an incredible start such as this, who knows what else Microsoft will have in store for fans for time to come. Hopefully, the Xbox Series S can keep living up the warm welcome it has received from gamers everywhere.

Xbox Series X and Xbox Series S are now out globally.

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Source: TIME Magazine


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