15 Dragon Age: Origins Mods That Make The Game Even Better

Dragon Age: Origins released over a decade ago in November of 2009 and the game has only grown in fan-following and popularity. Despite two more main titles being added to the Dragon Age franchise since the series launched, Origins remains a contender for fan-favorite, and players still enjoy returning to the original adventure in Thedas.

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As well as multiple pieces of downloadable content, Origins also received an expansion pack called Awakening. Though Bioware has long since stopped supplying updates and new content to the game, the online community has taken up the task by creating weird and wonderful mods for fans to enjoy.

Updated November 20th, 2020: Earlier in the year, Bioware teased fans with a  little more information about the next title in the Dragon Age series, showing off some new concept artwork at Gamescom in August and revealing some hints as to what the plot will contain, as well as a glimpse of Solas.

While there is still some way to go until players can get their hands on the next title, they can keep themselves occupied by replaying the original – Dragon Age: Origins. While the game is a little dated, there are plenty of mods to keep it fresh and still worth playing.

15 White Teeth

While the characters of Thedas having yellow grotty teeth may be more realistic for the more medieval fantasy setting, sometimes players might want a little more of a cleaner modern touch to their favorite characters.

The White Teeth Mod doesn’t magically give the characters toothbrushes, but it does give them some sparkling white teeth, ensuring players aren’t distracted during cutscenes by unsightly teeth. This mod is compatible with all other mods, so there’s no concern when it comes to any possible conflicts.

14 Awakening Silverite Mines Bugfix

When it comes to Dragon Age: Origins‘ expansion, Awakening, there is a notorious glitch that causes players to lose certain equipment if it is equipped to their character during the scene with the Architect & Utha.

Fortunately, the Awakening Silverite Mines Bugfix Mod ensures that this glitch is removed from the game and that players can rest assured that their favorite gear won’t suddenly disappear from them. Regrettably, if players install this mod for a save that has already passed the buggy cutscene, it will not fix the problem retrospectively.

13 Alley of Murders

For players who have covered everything that Dragon Age: Origins has to offer down to the littlest detail, there is some fresh new fan-made content to keep the excitement going. The Alley of Murders Mod adds some new quest content on the streets of Denerim.

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This mod is very well-made, with players’ choices having an impact on the questline and the possible survival of other characters. The creator even hired voice actors to really give a polished finish to this add on.

12 DA2 Isabela and Flemeth to DAO

The characters of Flemeth and Isabela appear in both Dragon Age: Origins and Dragon Age II, though their appearances are quite different in the sequel, and arguably a lot cooler. If players want to give the characters their better, more stylized looks, there’s a mod that can be installed.

The DA2 Isabela and Flemeth to DAO Mod gives both character models a revamp so they can look as they do in Dragon Age II. However, this mod only works if players haven’t yet encountered the characters in question, so the wisest choice would be to make a new save file to benefit from this mod.

11 A Year with Sten

Sten is an optional companion that the Warden can recruit in Origins, and despite being of the Qunari people, he doesn’t really look like it. In the Sacred Ashes trailer, Sten is shown with a beard, and the reason for him lacking horns was due to graphical limitations at the time.

The A year with Sten Mod makes Sten’s appearance change, as if he is regaining his proper look and recovering from his trauma. There are also options to return his missing beard to him.

10 Lock Bash

The Lock Bash mod makes locked chests and doors impeding adventures a thing of the past for players, allowing them to break open the locks by force. This mod is intelligent in that if you are accompanied by a rogue who can open the lock, or possess the key, it will instead prompt this action instead.

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Additionally, this mod can be used in a balanced way to make it more realistic, meaning that when you break open chests that you have a chance of destroying the item inside also. It’s worth noting that this mod also allows players to enter previously inaccessible areas that were behind locked doors.

9 No Helmet Hack

When it comes to games it can be pretty annoying when your character, or your companions for that matter, gets stuck wearing some clunky looking helmet that hides their face. By the time Bioware released Mass Effect 2, it had included the option to make helmets invisible, but regrettably, Origins came before this and so players were stuck with their helmets.

However, the No Helmet Hack mod is here to solve that issue for players, allowing you to appreciate your Warden character and companions in all their full-faced gloriousness. This mod also works for the Awakening expansion.

8 Equal Love

The romance aspect of the Dragon Age games is a fan-favorite element and allows the player to build relationships with their companions, with it leading to a romantic union if successfully done. However, depending on which gender you choose for the Warden will then affect which companions you can romance as each one has their own gender preferences.

This can be a bit frustrating if you want to play as a female, as it means missing out on romancing Morrigan, for example. Luckily, the Equal Love mod exists and it removes the gender barriers when romancing your favorite characters. However, it does not remove any class or race restrictions.

7 Morrigan and Leliana Sacred Ashes Face Mod

The Dragon Age: Origins Sacred Ashes trailer was, and still is, a breathtaking insight into the world of Thedas. If you haven’t seen it, you can check it out via the official Dragon Age YouTube. While the trailer is indeed stunning, for players who have already been hands-on with the game there are noticeably a few differences, with the biggest fan peeve being how Morrigan and Leliana’s faces are different.

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If you ever wanted to rectify this and ensure your two favorite female companions get their promised faces from the trailer, you can do so with the Morrigan and Leliana Sacred Ashes Face Mod. There are actually a few different options available when it comes to Leliana’s character model, so players can choose whichever suits them.

6 Leliana’s True Sacred Ashes Armor

If you want to take things a bit further and really go all out in trying to recreate Leliana‘s look from the Sacred Ashes trailer, the Leliana’s True Sacred Ashes Armor mod will see to it that the red-headed bard finally gets her intended gear.

While Morrigan’s outfit in the Sacred Ashes trailer varies slightly in design, overall it is fairly similar to the in-game armor that she eventually ended up with. It’s a shame that Leliana wasn’t given the same treatment by Bioware, especially as her armor in the trailer is particularly awesome.

5 Extra Dog Slot

One of the companions available to players in Dragon Age: Origins is the adorable mabari hound simply called “Dog”. Dog falls into the warrior category but has a talent tree completely unique to him as well as an additional function – scavenging. While Dog does his best to entertain with his own “dialogue”, it’s hard not to miss the real conversation of other companions and so often Dog is overlooked by players.

However, the Extra Dog Slot mod allows players to choose their usual additional three companions and then still have Dog accompany them too, essentially giving you an extra companion. This mod places Dog into the small summon slot next to your player icon, however, it does not limit Dog to being a summon, and he still maintains all of his full abilities.

4 Auto-Loot

A feature that is a godsend to players in any game that chooses to implement it – auto-loot. Unfortunately, Dragon Age: Origins doesn’t implement an auto-loot feature by default, but that is easily rectified with the Auto-Loot mod. This allows you to easily grab your loot and run at the click of a button, without having to manually select “take all”.

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There are a couple of restrictions: naturally, your inventory must have sufficient space, and certain quest-related items don’t work as otherwise, it won’t flag as the quest being progressed when you obtain the required items via auto-loot.

3 Improved Atmosphere

In an effort to flesh out the world of Thedas, the Improved Atmosphere mod restores life to some of the more barren parts of the game. While it may not be game-changing in terms of gameplay, this mod is great at improving the immersive quality of the world around the player. This mod changes NPC’s from rigid, unmoving models to characters that actually move around and perform different activities in an effort to make the game more realistic.

Additionally, this mod increases the probability of your companions hitting a banter trigger in areas; allowing players to enjoy more of the witty remarks and conversations between their favorite allies.

2 Qwinn’s Ultimate DAO Fixpack

Over at Nexus Mod’s you can find Qwinn’s Ultimate DAO Fixpack, which fixes a whole load of ongoing bugs and issues that Dragon Age: Origins has suffered from for years. However, an unforeseen benefit arose from this mod also, in that it restored content that had been removed from the game prior to release.

As well as restoring new dialogue lines and new items, there are also new options that were not available in the original final build. For instance, with this mod you are able to turn-in Morrigan for being an apostate to Greagoir. Or, if you’re a sucker for punishment there’s even a restored option to have a harsh break-up with Leliana.

1 Dragon Age Redesigned

Dragon Age: Origins‘s story may be timeless, but it’s graphics certainly aren’t and after a decade of providing entertainment for fans, it’s beginning to show its age. Fortunately, there’s a mod on hand to combat this, with the Dragon Age Redesigned mod overhauling the facial features of characters and NPC’s so they are more realistic.

Additionally, this mod provides various re-skin options for certain characters, such as Morrigan, so you can choose the version that you like best. This mod is a much-needed anti-aging solution to the game, allowing new and old players alike to enjoy it without being distracted by outdated graphics.

NEXT: 10 Best Moments In Bioware Games


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