Assassin’s Creed Valhalla: 10 Unanswered Questions We Want Resolved In The DLC

Assassin’s Creed Valhalla is a long, arduous journey for Eivor and gamers alike. With a campaign that can easily take over sixty hours and a full completion nearing the one-hundred-hour mark, the end of the game does come as a relief. But after sharing achievements, taking pictures of fully completed maps, and putting the finishing touches on gear and runes, there is still a persistent, nagging feeling at the back of the player’s mind.

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This is a final warning that spoilers will follow. Barring the inclusion of any purely cosmetic items and prequel-style content, the DLC will most certainly be addressing the wild ending of Assassin’s Creed Valhalla, which was closer to a categorically bad ending than a good one and therefore needs some serious resolutions or else the next installment in the series will be tethered to addressing the baffling circumstances of the endgame that have left the fans hungry for conclusions.

10 Who Will Kill Fenrir?

Eivor has been argued to be the best assassin of all time, but even he can’t kill somebody after death. The gods do not have their deaths shown in the Ragnarok event, but it’s clear that they’ve knowingly perished at the hands of Fenrir and other enemies.

In religious history, Fenrir is killed by Odin’s son to avenge his father’s death. But Havi, as Odin is called in the game, has no son. The DLC needs to show the final battle at Asgard, but who is left to strike Fenrir down?

9 How Did Basim Join The Hidden Ones?

The Assassins, relabeled as the Hidden Ones in Assassin’s Creed Valhalla, have been infiltrated by the self-serving and conniving Basim. With a motto like, “Nothing is true, everything is permitted,” it’s easy to see why they were a natural fit for a liar like Basim.

Still, Basim accepted a leadership role and is a trusted confidant. He’s hardly working with the Templars, called the Order of the Ancients, and more working for himself, but how did he find the Hidden Ones and what work did he do to gain their trust? Is it just his honeyed words that make for some of the game’s best quotes?

8 What Is Hytham’s Role In The Plot?

Hytham is a student of Basim and while it is clear he has an entire network of contacts, he has only one mentor, which is Basim. Hytham seems like a nice person, if a little washed up, but is he complicit in his teacher’s crimes?

If so, is it knowingly or by accident? Ubisoft used more than just a little creative license in their depiction of the Vikings, but the Assassins are an organization of their own making, so it’s up to them to answer questions about Hytham’s involvement to the fans.

7 What Is Loki Up To?

Loki is narcissistic, power-hungry, and vindictive, but he is also a family man, intelligent, and progressive. His motivations at the end of the game are somewhat explicable, like getting ahold of the Staff of Hermes so he can live eternally.

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Many players don’t know everything they can do in the game, so they forget little things like checking the laptop for updates. Loki goes through this data and appears poised to gain all the information ever learned from the Animus. But having already made himself immortal, what is his current goal?

6 Is The Order Good?

Good might not be the right word to describe a group of ruthless tyrants, brutal dictators, and misguided mercenaries, but Assassin’s Creed Valhalla, more than any installment so far, enforces that these individuals might be necessary evils akin to modern politicians.

Knowing what fans know about Ezio, it’s sickening to think the apple has fallen this far from the tree, but this is where the franchise is. Having hinted that the Templars are the good guys since the end of Assassin’s Creed III, it’s time for Ubisoft to stop stringing players along and just answer the question.

5 Are The Assassins The Bad Guys?

This question is only somewhat tied to the last question. There is a tremendous grey area when it comes to good and bad and even if the Order of the Ancients is “good,” there is still a chance that the Assassins who keep them in check are also “good.”

But ever since engaging it outright piracy against innocent people with the dynamic Edward Kenway, it’s time for the developers to craft a narrative that answers this question once and for all. Are the Assassins actually evil for opposing order in the world?

4 Can Layla Control Her Own Mind?

Ever since the DLC in Assassin’s Creed II, players have had to question if they are controlling the character or somebody else is. After Lucy is murdered by Desmond, the next big shock was seeing Victoria killed by Layla in Assassin’s Creed Odyssey.

Neither, of course, was in their right mind, and they’ve had a hard time explaining why the artifacts seem helpful at some times and then barbaric at other times. Among the many fixes the game desperately needs is a fix to iron out these contradictory devices.

3 Was Desmond A Traitor?

The biggest blow to the fans of freedom who played Assassin’s Creed was when Desmond gave his life to betray the Assassins, bringing the future the Templars dreamed of into reality. In his personal logs, he mentions wishing he chose the Assassins instead of the Assassins choosing him.

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He does so to save the planet from a solar flare that will wipe out half the planet, but, in doing so, creates another cataclysmic event that is now set to wipe out all life on earth. One that, ironically, Loki helps to fix. Now that he has returned as The Reader, will gamers finally understand whose side he is on?

2 Will Shaun And Rebecca Finally Get The Spotlight?

Shaun and Rebecca have been the most consistent presence during the series and they are back in a pivotal but secondary role again in Assassin’s Creed Valhalla. With Layla trapped, Eivor dead, and Loki unleashed, is it finally time for these two to share the role of the protagonist?

Will the DLC finally have the bravery to address who Shaun and Rebecca are, what they want, and how they plan to win against overwhelming odds? Or will Shaun and Rebecca just remain mysterious helpers?

1 Can The World Either End Or Be Saved Already?

The game has been taunting players with a modern apocalypse since the very first Assassin’s Creed. Now more than ever, this cataclysmic event appears to be right on the doorstep. So can it finally either happen or be permanently thwarted already?

The carrot-on-a-stick is only enticing for so long and gamers have been lured for long enough. Either end the current state of the world and start over, as the Assassins want, or let the Templars win and usher in an era of authoritarian rule. This purgatory has gone on for too much time to stay interesting.

NEXT: 10 Games To Play After You Finish Assassin’s Creed Valhalla


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