Destiny 2 Players Not Happy About Shadebinder Stasis Subclass Nerfs

As players have begun exploring the new content in Destiny 2: Beyond Light, Bungie has been fast at work to take feedback from the community and make fixes where they are needed. One fix about the new expansion that resulted in nerfing Beyond Light‘s new Warlock Shadebinder has not been very well received since it was implemented with Hotfix

Fans from across the community were quick to show their annoyance with the changes to the new subclass, with some finding it exceptionally aggravating that Warlocks were the primary target of this nerf. Other community members, and Bungie’s own community outreach, have asked for patience from Destiny 2 players, attempting to assure that the changes are intended to be a positive move towards balance.

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One of the key issues that players have with the new nerf is the way that Penumbral Blast, the new Shadebinder melee, has had its range cut almost in half, while also taking a small hit to speed. This creates a problem where if the player is too close to an enemy, the ability won’t activate, but if they are hanging around the range that they had gotten used to over the last week, then the attack won’t hit at all. Combine this with the fixes that were meant both fix the Shadebinder subclass’s glitched super and reduce it’s legitimate duration, and Bungie has unfortunately made a situation where nearly a third of Destiny 2 players are upset.

Bungie’s Community Manager dmg04 has attempted to address the issue and is asking for players to give feedback after they have had a chance to playtest the changes. This has been met with some mixed responses, with a number of players quickly responding with videos and percentage breakdowns to counter dmg04’s argument that the practical effects of the nerf are lighter than they look. There are some players and content creators that are behind the developer, however, citing how quick Bungie has been to repair Beyond Light‘s issues since the expansion launched as proof that the team is listening to feedback.

Considering that Bungie already has plans to rework Destiny 2: Beyond Light‘s weapon pools thanks to player feedback, it does seem as though player voices are being heard. On that note, however, while the developer’s comments about the severity of the changes are meant to be reassuring, a nerf that reduces stats between 20% in some cases and nearly half in others are worrying. This either looks like an over-correction of something that launched broken, or an overreaction that’s missing the real issue, and Bungie may need to tread carefully when addressing it in the future.

Destiny 2: Beyond Light is available now for PC, PS4, PS5, Stadia, Xbox One, and Xbox Series X.

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