Skyrim: The 15 Best Weapon Enchantments, Ranked | Game Rant

Depending on what build the player is going for, choosing the right weapon with the right enchantments can be difficult in The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim. There are quite a few options, even if the player goes for unique weapons or randomly finds loot in the wild.

However, if putting all that on the shoulders of luck alone sounds like a terrible idea, there’s always the opportunity to enchant one’s own ideal weapons. With the right enchanting perks unlocked, players can make just about any type of weapon. Here are a few of the best picks when it comes to choosing a perfect enchantment for that new sword.

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Updated on November 22, 2020 by Anastasia Maillot: Although there haven’t been any additional new enchantments in Skyrim, there are just a couple more noteworthy ones that you can choose to add to your weapons. Given how some of them might seem a bit niche, players might not even go for them initially.

When thinking about what enchantment to pick and which weapon to enchant, the main idea is to figure out your playstyle. With different challenge runs and character builds, some more niche enchantments actually become somewhat useful, or they might be very powerful against enemies during specific quests. Here are five additional great enchantments to pick from.

15 Banish

A bad enchantment is usually a niche enchantment, and Banish is definitely that. It’s not the best pick for players, unless they plan on taking on an entire army of Daedra, which doesn’t really ever happen in Skyrim anyway. However, if you’d for some reason like to have a weapon that absolutely demolishes Daedra, Banish just might be the pick.

Banish is fantastic when you’re fighting enemies that like to summon two million different daedra to fight for them. One hit from a Banish weapon will send those pesky summons right back to Oblivion where they belong.

14 Silent Moon Enchant

If you get your hands on Lunar weapons found at the Silent Moons Camp north of Whiterun and disenchant them, you can learn a very unique but extremely niche enchantment. These Lunar weapons basically set enemies on fire whenever the moons are out.

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This isn’t a terrible enchantment, but it relies on the player using the Lunar enchanted weapon at night time. It’s more of a cool, niche feature, although the burning effect does vary from 10 to 20 damage points — which isn’t too bad.

13 Turn Undead

Draugr and skeletons can be a pain to fight, but luckily there’s an enchantment that can make them run away in fear. The Turn Undead enchantment will cause undead to escape the scene of the fight, provided they’re within a certain level range. Draugr lords won’t be affected by this, usually.

The problem with this enchantment is that it’s actually a bit inconvenient. It forces you to run after your enemies when you might actually want to face them head-on. For a full-on mage build the Turn Undead spell makes sense since mages tend to be weak, but for a build relying on close-range weapons, this is more of an annoyance.

12 Fear

If you’re worried about getting ganged up on by multiple enemies, using an enchantment like Fear could be a legitimate option. Sadly, it only works for enemies of a certain level, and higher-level heavy hitters usually won’t be affected by it.

Fear causes all weaker enemies to run away for approximately 30 seconds. Again, this is only useful if close-range combat is something you’d prefer not to do since otherwise you’ll be chasing after your enemies, which is its own annoying ordeal.

11 Shock Damage

Shock has often been considered as the weakest element of the three available in Skyrim, and that definitely holds true. Only a few enemies in Skyrim respond to Shock spells properly, and usually, those are enemies that rely on Magicka since Shock damage not only does regular damage but also drains their spellcasting potential.

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The Shock Damage enchantment is a decent elemental spell to have, but compared to frost and flames, it isn’t as useful or versatile. Not all enemies will rely on Magicka. In fact, most enemies will rely more on Stamina and massive health pools.

10 Absorb Magicka

If the thought of facing off against powerful mages or other magic users gives the player nightmares, then going for something that counters them is the best option. Absorb Magicka is an enchantment that basically drains Magicka from the target and transfers it to the player.

This is especially great if the player themselves relies on having a large Magicka pool that barely drains out, but hates dealing with Magicka-using enemies.

9 Absorb Stamina

Should the worst enemy of the player be a powerful close-quarter warrior with the ability to put in a ton of damage with a succession of secondary attacks, enchanting a weapon with Absorb Stamina might be a great way to deal with them.

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Absorb Stamina is especially great for players who have characters that rely on having infinite Stamina, such as two-handed combatants who like to fight at close range.

8 Paralyze

Players might see the Alteration school of magic as a bit niche, and while it’s true to a degree, there are still a few hidden gems within it. Paralyze is one of the spells of this school, which can be added in as an enchantment to a weapon, and can be surprisingly useful in a pinch.

Paralyze basically freezes a character up for about 10 seconds, after the game calculates whether or not the enemy’s capable of resisting the spell’s power or not.

7 Frost Damage

Good old Frost Damage is one of the easiest and most common enchantments to find, and because of that, players will often end up carrying at least one weapon with this enchantment on it. That being said, it’s not a bad enchantment at all despite being easy to find in loot.

Frost Damage is great because it slows the enemy down, and without proper resistances it can be devastating against enemies particularly weak to frost magic.

6 Fire Damage

The perk of Fire Damage is that it will continue to affect the target over time with flames. This can be a great annoyance to them, and will allow the player easily to rack up damage against their enemies.

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Moreover, Fire Damage interacts with the environment quite nicely, especially if there are oil surfaces or anything explosive around. Although very basic and common source, it’s an excellent source of extra elemental damage.

5 Chaos Damage

Chaos Damage is a feature unique to the Dragonborn DLC, and is one of the most powerful and unique enchantments in the entire game. This enchantment is the king of all Destruction magic enchantments, because it has a 50% chance to dish out all three elemental types of Destruction spell damage: frost, fire and sparks.

As such, it can affect all three of the enemy’s basic attributes as well, which means the player will never have to choose which category to specialize in.

4 Stamina Damage

Very similar in theory to the Absorb Stamina enchantment, Stamina Damage might be often considered as something situational or very niche. However, think about how many times the Dragonborn is pitted against heavy attacking bandit leaders or Draugr Lords. This enchantment is definitely a powerful one.

One hit from a weapon enchanted with Stamina Damage will remove 15 Stamina out of an enemy’s stamina pool, which is especially good after they’ve used a power attack on the Dragonborn. They’ll be rendered pretty much useless after a few hits, unable to perform power attacks.

3 Magicka Damage

Just like Absorb Magicka, Magicka Damage attacks the Magicka pool of the enemy and is especially insidious against mages. When dealing with particularly strong Magicka users, having an enchantment like this on the player’s side will make things much easier.

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Since mages tend to rely solely on their magic and will only ever carry a dagger as a weapon, it’s a fantastic way of essentially disarming an enemy with a few hits.

2 Soul Trap

Some might argue that Soul Trap isn’t an all too important enchantment, but this couldn’t be further from the truth. Any player wanting to use weapon enchantments regularly will need to have charged Soul Gems at their disposal, which can either be bought or charged manually with souls.

The Soul Trap makes this a bit more affordable for the player. It’s especially great on weapons that can be used as one-hit weapons after the target is already weakened, in order to secure a filled soul gem within a short time span.

1 Absorb Health

There really isn’t anything better than an enchantment that takes health from the opponent and transfers it to the player themselves. It’s why Absorb Health is so good, because it can really make fights much shorter than they would usually be.

It also allows the player to save up greatly on potions or Restoration spells by not having to constantly heal themselves.

NEXT: Every Trainer In Skyrim (And Where To Find Them)


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