World of Warcraft: Spires of Ascension Dungeon Guide | Game Rant

World of Warcraft players are no strangers to angelic figures of death such as Spirit Healers, Val’kyr, and now Bastion’s resident Kyrians. While the Shadowlands’ current crisis has affected even these soul-ferrying guides, the covenant continues to weather the storm with their Archon’s leadership. Unfortunately, as is the case with many World of Warcraft villains, the greatest threat doesn’t come from an outside source, rather from corrupted allies. World of Warcraft: Shadowlands story spoilers below.

During the Bastion storyline, players discover that Devos, the Paragon of Loyalty featured heavily in Uther’s Afterlives video, has betrayed the Archon and formed the Forsworn: A sect of Kyrians that no longer believe in their sacred duty. With Devos and her forces now serving the Jailer, heroes must put down this schism before Bastion falls from within.

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  • Forsworn Champion/Mender: Interrupt Forsworn Doctrine to stop a near-full heal on one mob.
  • Forsworn Warden: Interrupt Greater Mending to prevent an AOE heal on nearby mobs.
  • Forsworn Goliath: Interrupt Rebellious Fist that inflicts AOE damage on the party.
  • Forsworn Squad-Leader: Kill this mob first since Inspiring Presence reduces the damage all nearby mobs take by 75 percent.

Kin-Tara will fight the World of Warcraft party alongside her pet Azules. Stay out of the Deep Connection beam between both enemies to avoid a damage over time (DoT). Tank Kin-Tara facing away from the group to avoid hitting them with the Overhead Slash AOE at 100 energy. Kin-Tara will sometimes fly up and throw Charged Spear at a random player, which also leaves a void zone behind. Azules can’t be tanked and moves around randomly, eventually throwing out Attenuated Barrage projectiles that everyone must dodge.

The group must kill both around the same time since upon one death, the remaining boss enrages gaining extra damage.

Ventunax uses Dark Stride on random players, which gives them a bleed DoT and leaves a Shadowhirl that fires Dark Bolts in a counter-clockwise direction. Group tightly before Dark Stride and then spread out to minimize the area blocked by Shadowhirls. Additionally, the World of Warcraft tank should drag Ventunax away from existing Shadowhirls and face her away from the group because of the Blinding Flash stun.

Once Ventunax reaches zero energy, she will briefly Recharge, causing all Shadowhirls to fire Dark Bolts. Move away from all Shadowhirls prior to the cast and save defensive cooldowns to lessen the burden for healers.

Stay away from the tank to avoid Charged Stomp and help dispel the movement speed slow on those affected. The player targeted by Purifying Blast needs to move away from the group until the ability ends and should be prioritized by the healer. Oryphion will cast Empyrean Ordinance, which marks the location of every party member and leaves an Anima Field behind. Move away from these circles once marked to avoid the damage and drag the boss away from the leftover Anima Fields.

After Oryphion’s Anima bar reaches zero, it will enter Phase 2, causing all Anima Fields to turn into Coalesced Anima orbs that move towards the boss. During this time, Oryphion is Drained and will take 100 percent bonus damage while regenerating Anima. Any orbs that reach Oryphion fill the bar faster and deal damage to the group, but players can intercept them to extend the phase at the cost of damage and a stacking debuff. Have everyone take turns soaking orbs, and DPS classes should burn Oryphion with all cooldowns.

Players affected by Lost Confidence will take damage and drop a DoT-applying pool once it falls off, so run to the edge of the room before dispelling and stack pools closely. Don’t stand in front of Devos when she casts Run Through, a straight-line charge. Everyone should be inside the Archon’s Bastion bubble when Devos finishes casting Abyssal Detonation or they will get one-shot.

Twice during the fight, Devos becomes untargetable in the air. Players will constantly be pushed back and forth while a DoT continues to stack, so healers like druids are the best choice to counteract this. To bring Devos back down, five anima orbs must be collected and returned to the center of the room. One player can then click on the Anima conduit to aim a spear at Devos, but the group must repeat the process again if it misses. Wait until Devos just finishes moving to throw the spear, which will deal 10 percent of her health and start Phase 1 over again.

World of Warcraft: Shadowlands will release on November 23 for PC.

MORE: How Anima Works in World of Warcraft: Shadowlands

Source: Wowhead


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