The 5 Best Starting Pokemon Of the Series (& The 5 Worst)

When journeying through the world of Pokémon, it is crucial for a trainer to start as they mean to go on. Therefore, choosing a starting Pokémon is of the utmost importance. They will determine if early victories will come, or if a trainer should search for a different hobby.

At the start of each Pokemon game, there are free companions to choose from. Each one of a different element, fire, grass and water. A choice must be made, and it must be a wise one to become a Pokemon master. Time to take a look at the best and worst starter Pokémon that the series has to offer.

10 Best – Pikachu

No list about the best starting companions of the Pokémon franchise would be complete without Pikachu. The electric mouse type creature is as popular in Pokémon Yellow as it is in the animated series.

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Pikachu is available in most Pokémon games but only serves as a starter in Yellow. However, that game was unique for that reason. It was about building that bond with the beloved Pokémon, much like the early days of the TV series.

Moreover, Pikachu happens to be very powerful. As an electric type, it can wreak havoc once levelled up. The loveable mouse has been a fan-favorite since the first generation.

9 Worst – Chimchar

It would be fair to say that the fourth generation of Pokémon was one of the worst. The trio lacked much originality and was not a fun bunch, to say the least. Not one stood out as superior. Instead, one stood out as inferior.

Chimchar is perhaps the worst starting Pokémon of the fire variety. Honestly, there just is not much to say here. Except, there are other fire creatures available that would prove more useful.

Moreover, when comparing Chimchar to other starting Pokemon of the fire variety, he does not match up.

8 Best – Cyndaquil

Generation 2 introduced two great starter Pokémon, and one not so great…*cough*…Chikorita. However, Cyndaquil was a great addition to any party.

To top it off, the young companion would grow to become the incredibly powerful Typhlosion. Easily one of the best fire types available across the entire series.

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Not to mention that Pokémon Gold, Crystal and Silver are among the best games that the franchise has to offer.

7 Worst – Chikorita

As mentioned above, two members of generation two were fantastic. However, the grass type, Chikorita, left much to be desired. Perhaps her biggest issue was being in a line up with Cyndaquil and Totodile.

The grass type seems to have one primary trick, to whip her leaf back and forth. Perhaps this is where Willow Smith got the idea for her song a few years ago.

Finally, her final evolution, Meganium, also can’t stand tall with the final form of her fellow starters, Typhlosion and Feraligatr.

6 Best – Charmander

Who doesn’t love Charmander? The small dragon is a worthy starter, who of course goes on to become Charmeleon before ultimately going on to becoming Charizard. Having said that, Squirtle and Bulbasaur also had their merits. Had the water-type donned the sunglasses from the animated series he may have made the list.

Part of generation 1, the young dragon-type has set the standard for both future dragons and fire types as a whole. Charmander can prove valuable in the early areas of Pokémon Red, Blue, Fire Red and Leaf Green.

When Charmander evolves twice, Charizard easily becomes one of the best Pokemon in the game. A fearsome opponent on any battlefield. A powerful combination of fire and flying.

5 Worst – Tepig

The Pokémon Universe is filled to the brim with strange creatures. Some of which are hard to fathom, one such example is Tepig…a pig that uses fire. Surely a pig would be more suited to being a ground type?

Honestly, the Black and White starter is the only one that causes the mind to boggle. However, that is not the only reason this little piggy made it onto the worst list.

On the whole, the evolution tree for Tepig is underwhelming, to say the least. Emboar doesn’t hold a candle to the likes of Blaziken, Charizard or Typhlosion. Generation 5 has much better starters to offer, Oshawott for instance just missed out on being an entry.

4 Best – Torchic

Easily one of the best starter Pokémon to date, Torcic has much to offer a potential trainer. Firstly, this fire type eventually becomes Blaziken, perhaps one of the most devastating stage three Pokemon out there.

Torcic’s final evolution is a combination of both fire and fighting. It opens up a range of devastating options.

Plus, Torchic is undeniably cute, while it evolves to one of the most badass looking Pokémon around. Blaziken is welcome in any party.

3 Worst – Rowlet

Okay, Rowlet, a grass type, is one of the most ordinary-looking Pokémon around. Then again, so are its fellow starters Litten and Popplio, generation seven clearly isn’t known for originality. However, at least the latter two have some interesting evolutions.

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Rowlet is, as the name implies, an owl. This much is obvious throughout all of its evolutions as the common look remains. Decidueye is one of the least impressive looking stage three Pokémon out there.

Honestly, Primarina and Incineroar look like more of a hoot than the owl.

2 Best – Froakie

Yet another water type, Froakie ultimately becomes Greninja, one of the most unique Pokémon around. The stage three creature is worth the trouble of training Froakie, though the small frog is quite formidable.

Ultimately, the frog ends up becoming a Ninja, and no one can deny how badass Ninjas are. Go ahead, try, and receive a shuriken. Admittedly, there are perhaps some more interesting Pokémon among the group of starters, but…Ninjas.

Let’s not forget that Greninja is also a combination of Dark and Water. It makes for some powerful attacks.

1 Worst – Sobble

It is not so much that Sobble was bad per se, more that the Pokémon failed to stand out. Really, Pokémon Sword and Shield was filled with creatures that would make for better party members than any of the starters.

However, of the three Sobble was perhaps the most replaceable. When it came to stage three Pokemon, Obstagoon leaps and bounds ahead of all three starters. Then again, dark Pokémon are always cool regardless of ability.

Ultimately, Sobble will evolve into Inteleon, the most forgettable of the starter evolutions.

NEXT: 5 Ways 2D Pokémon Games Are The Best (& 5 Why 3D Are Better)


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