The Witcher 3: 10 Secrets About The Setting That Most People Don’t Notice

In a world as large and detailed as in The Witcher 3, there are plenty of nooks and crannies that go unnoticed. In fact, there are quite a lot of secrets lurking in areas not often trod by players. Places that may have extra loot or a unique monster to slay.

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Fortune favors the bold, after all. A healthy curiosity combined with a fearless approach to adventuring the Northern Realms and Skellige can lead to unexpected results. Be it in the form of treasure or lore, this could only enhance one’s experience in this incredible RPG.

10 Resting At A Bonfire

In the Blood and Wine DLC, Geralt will eventually come across a cozy spot to rest. The bonfire in this area has a sword stuck into the flames, reminiscent of the bonfires in the Dark Souls games. Furthermore, if he dies after this point he will respawn next to the bonfire, just as the player would if defeat meets them in Dark Souls. This is a nice nod to another action RPG that only the most observant of players will notice.

9 Painting Atop Mount Gorgon

On the peak of this picturesque mountain, one can find a painting between a pair of pillars. This painting depicts the developer team that worked on The Witcher 3. It’s understandable why easter eggs and secrets like these make it into the game. This is a way for game designers to immortalize themselves in the world they spend so much time and effort creating.

8 Company Logo Appears As A Weather Vane

Only those with the eyes of a bird would be able to spot this next setting secret without aid. Some of the weather vanes throughout the world will be in the shape of CD Projekt Red‘s vibrant red avian logo. Things like this show just how polished a lot of the architectural concepts in this game are. When a company puts this much effort into their world, it makes us question whether all of these secrets will ever be found.

7 An Apology

In addition to putting a great deal of care into their world, the game developers at CD Projekt Red seem to also care a lot about fans of their games. Just south of Kaer Morhen, lies the old signal tower, within which the player can find a unique silver sword and a strange letter.

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The letter contains an apology from one “C. de. P.R.”, a corruption of the game company’s name, to an unknown individual. The contents state that everyone makes mistakes, but that errors need to be fixed. This was confirmed to be an apology from CD Projekt Red to players for all the glitches and bugs in The Witcher 3.

6 Compensation For Wrongs Done

Next to the apology letter in the old signal tower, one will find a silver sword named “Pang of Conscience.” This is the real apology to players from the developers for all the bugs in the game. Ironically, this sword is bugged and will respawn along with common items every time the game is reloaded. This is a glitch that the player can take advantage of, as this silver blade can be sold for a lot of money and can be farmed very easily. It is quite possible that this was the intent and is a genius way to compensate players for past issues. Hilariously appropriate as well.

5 Mind Control Cats

Once in a while, Geralt will come across animals that don’t want to eat him. At least while he is alive. Cats can be found in towns and cities, sometimes in large congregations. Like prides of small lions. These cute beasts can actually be tamed using the Axii sign. Their heads will begin to glow with white auras and they will begin to follow the player around. Besides being an amusing pastime between bar fights and rounds of Gwent, this bonus effect of Axii doesn’t seem to be useful.

4 Lines Of Salt

The Witcher series harkens back to a lot of eastern European folklore and superstitions. One of which is that salt has the ability to ward against supernatural foes.

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During a quest when Geralt advises the Bloody Baron to instruct his people to draw lines of salt in front of their doorways to protect against evil, the consequences result in a change in the story and in the world. If one travels through town and looks carefully at the foot of doors, they may spot these lines of salt.

3 Roach’s Adventures

Besides teleporting onto large structures, Roach performs other activities when they aren’t aiding Geralt in his many quests. If the witcher hops off of the horse and lingers nearby, it is possible to see Roach go about the kinds of activities that one would expect from an equine. Mainly grazing the tall grass, wandering into towns to drink from fountains, and ambling about the woods of the Northern Realms.

2 Ghost Ship

Most don’t appreciate the sailing aspect in The Witcher 3, and no one could blame them. A witcher has no real practical way to combat threats from the water, save for the crossbow. Though quite powerful, dismissing enemies with bolts is not quite as fun as using swordplay or signs. But if a player does end up being in the right place at the right time upon the seas, they could spot a ghostly apparition in the waters. Somewhere between Hindarsfjall and An Skellig, at 1:00 am, an ethereal vessel will appear for a few moments.

1 Birna Bran’s Punishment

After it became known that she committed grave crimes against her fellow islanders, this Skelligan woman was sentenced to death for all her wrongdoings. She had spiked the drinks of berserkers with a concoction that transformed them into bears, who then went on a rampage killing many. Her execution was not a swift one, however. After the trial, she was sent to a spit of land somewhere far away. A place the player can find if they head to an island off the north of Sund, on the western side of Ard Skellig. Where they can see Bran’s brutal punishment.

NEXT: 10 RPGs Brutally Harder Than The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt


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