Whenever a new superhero movie launches, chances are scenes from it will forever be a part of the meme culture. But Spider-Man is a whole different ballgame. The character became a household name years ago, and about the same time, became a classic meme. People don’t have to wait for the new movie to see funny Spider-Man posts cause these memes are everywhere thanks to the comics.
Moreover, there are countless parodies of the character as well, but the Tom Holland movies are probably funnier. The one reason being, the guy is a freaking goofball. He is basically a direct opposite of a Peter Parker in real life, which makes his appearances as the Spider-Man meme-worthy.
10 Like Father Like Son

Like father, like son is an old phrase, but it has its meaning. While Tom isn’t the real son of Robert Downey, he is like a son-like figure to the man in the movies. Which brings us to this meme, cause knowing Tom Holland’s style, this has to be expected. Tom may not be able to grow a hefty beard yet, but at least the man can pretend. And the one person he decides to take inspiration from is none other than dad, Tony Stark. He must be so proud of his 24-years-old son, clearly visible in the meme.
9 Tom Awwland

When the Spider-Man first debuted in MCU, it was a huge deal. The new suit, boyish attitude, and, more importantly, the adorable huge animated eyes just made Tom Holland’s Spider-Man stand apart from every other version. The meme comic above is a salute to that. This is “literally” how Spider-Man looked in Civil War. Like a young toddler being split between which one of his family members he wants to crawl towards. And then he decides to go towards aunty Widow.
8 Everybody Knows That

It is funny how Tom Holland’s real-life persona is UNO-reverse of his Peter Parker counterpart. While Spider-Man is known to be funny, yet concerned, and a man with many secrets, Tom in real life is a man who would sing out to the world even if he wins a small bet with a friend. He is happy-go-lucky and rarely cares about deeper consequences. Although admittedly, he is pretty funny at times, which sort of makes his upbeat persona seems very, very likable.
7 Oh Boy! Here We Go Again

This priceless reaction is a very familiar one to a lot of people. Whether it is a kid who doesn’t want the parents to know something or a couple of teens who want to hide something from others, or when friends are trying to prank each other, this is exactly the face they make.
Well, it seems like Tom Holland fits perfectly into the same situation every time someone asks him such a critical question. Little did he know, that everyone will know something’s up, all thanks to his very obvious reaction.
6 SpideRoasted

Well, forget about the way Spider-Man single-handedly fought Falcon and Winter Soldier in Civil War. This right here is a prime example of Spider-Man truly owning the ever-living crap out of other superheroes. It is evident in comics that Spidy’s got a sense, of which he uses in critical situations. Luckily this is something Tom Holland gets completely right about the character. And just like his off-screen self, his on-screen version would’ve said the same thing in a movie.
5 Excited For The New Job

Even though superheroes have superpowers, their work isn’t the easiest on the planet. After all, it is a Spider-Man phrase that with great powers comes great responsibility. However, in the case of Tom Holland’s spiderman, it is quite a bit contrasting. It’s hard to rely on if he’ll be able to say a sentence correctly, let alone fight a supervillain without exposing his identity. Simply put, the guy is too young to be reliable. Almost every comic fan or classic animated series fan has seen a Peter who isn’t like Tom, but maybe that’s what so unique about him.
4 Shut Up! Shut Up!

Tom Holland is incredibly notorious for leaking out movie information and spoilers before the release. Now, factually it might just be a way to get people interested in the movie, but on the surface it makes him look like the biggest kid in the group of mature friends. To a point that every time there’s a Tom Holland interview, probably the co-stars are there just to make sure that Tom doesn’t accidentally spoil the next Marvel movie, or worse.
3 The Real Spider-Man

While realistically, there haven’t been as many versions of Spider-Man on the big screen as the Batman. Yet there’s something a lot more nostalgic about Tobey Maguire’s Spider-Man than any other superhero. Maybe it’s his face or Sam Raimi’s direction, but Tobey’s Spider-Man is the real one to a lot of people.
He’s just a lot more relatable as a person and emotional, but more importantly, he cries like no other peter can, like the world is about to end.
2 Facts! Facts! Facts!

Not many people consider Andrew’s version of the Spider-Man the best one yet. However, there’s just something so hilarious about this meme, that only people who’ve seen all the Spider-Man movies in the past decade can understand. Tom Holland is a kid who is a Spider-Man, and in Marc Webb’s movie, there’s a kid who wants to be the Spider-Man. Well, the meme suggests that the kid from the movie is in fact Tom Holland. Now that’s just outright roasting.
1 Conspiracy Theory or Maybe Not

Ideally, everyone who’s seen all the Spider-Man movies has probably realized that the character is getting thinner, smaller and shorter, with every replacement. So what’s next for Spidy fans? At this rate, chances are that soon it will be just a pair of bones with a mask trying to save the world before it falls apart. Although, all should be well as long as the story is good.

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