The real-time strategy genre is recognized for intense competition. Played both offline and online, there is a disparity in skill level between novice and advanced players. Real-time strategy games like StarCraft and Age of Empires require skills like micromanagement to win games.
Those willing to rise to the challenge can improve their Age of Empires skill level. There are matches where you have to play the objective, but world domination is often a goal. As long as fundamental tips are followed, victory is not far off. With so many hotkeys and ways to build an empire, Age of Empires can be overwhelming. Here are ten tips to get you on the right track.
10 Have An Abundance Of Villagers

The most basic economic unit in Age of Empires happens to be one of the most useful. Depending on which civilization you choose, either six, five, or three villagers are provided at the beginning of each match. Villagers can gather each of the resources repair buildings in a state of ruin. As a unit considered to be the backbone of each civilization, it makes sense to spawn as many as possible. Keep in mind that villagers have to be put to work to reap the benefits.
9 Use Scouts At The Beginning Of A Match

Especially at the beginning of a match, using a Scout Cavalry is advantageous. While your villagers are collecting the barebones resources need to sustain the civilization, you can send scouts into the shadows to uncover the map. Scouts are swift-moving units that have some attack power, but they are mostly known for their speed. Spying on your opponents as you amass an army will help to ensure you aren’t caught off-guard.
8 Micromanagement

Managing your troops at a micro-level is fundamental when playing Age of Empires. Rather than have a relaxed approach, or look at the broad picture of things, it’s worthwhile to control individual units to meet the needs of your civilization.
By carrying out effective micromanaging, units can help to grow your civilization into a thriving empire. How fast you click your mouse and hotkeys can make a difference.
7 Macromanagement

Not only is the micromanagement of a civilization essential, but so is the macromanagement as well. Macromanagement relates to how you spend resources and is directly related to the economy. Age of Empires is a game about strategy in real-time, yet allocating resources to counter enemy attacks is beneficial in the long run. Invest in villagers who are primarily used to obtain resources.
6 Prioritization

Chances are, planning your attack before the game starts will land you in hot water. Real-time strategy games like Age of Empires are meant to be played in the heat of a moment. Although planning could work to your advantage, it’s more effective to change plans through prioritization. Prioritizing walls, guard towers, troops, or buildings when appropriate is the most effective way to play Age of Empires.
5 Know The Game’s Controls

There are hotkeys for nearly every function in the game. Pointing and clicking with the mouse is more intuitive, but it is much faster to use hotkeys in an Age of Empires game. To learn the game’s controls, simply press the ESC key and go to the game’s settings.
Age of Empires is a real-time strategy game. Every second matters when you’re faced with a difficult enemy, whether it’s A.I. or another person online.
4 Attack Early

An early attack can mean your opponent is caught off-guard and unable to defend themself. Why wait until later in the game to launch an attack, when you can finish the business in the game’s early stage. Age of Empires is a lot like StarCraft because attacking frequently and early will help you win games. Use scouts to gauge your enemies’ army strength, but be sure to strike as early as possible.
3 Learn How To Use Markets Efficiently

Markets are economical buildings that provide several advantages for players. Sooner or later, you will exhaust resources like gold, which is where the market comes into play. This structure lets you build trade carts, which can lead to more gold. Also, one can trade resources with teammates once the market is built. The market is an important building, depending on if you use it effectively and efficiently.
2 Don’t Spend Too Much Time Building An Army

It’s very tempting to amass the biggest army seen in history, however, there are many drawbacks to this approach. For starters, there is a unit cap, so you can’t infinitely build armies of epic proportions. Also, the resource costs to build specific units will leave you with a few expansion options. It’s a much better strategy to amass a sizeable, but a controllable army that can wipe out civilizations. Chances are if you built over a hundred troops, few upgrades went into them.
1 Take The Fight To The Sea

The treacherous sea can be an ally if you invest in docks and ships early in a match. Typically, whoever starts to amass a fleet of boats first gains control over the sea. This also depends on the size of the map and its water features. Civilizations have unique ships, but usually, there is a fishing boat, galleons, and others. Building a dock can have a considerable advantage, especially if the opponent is building near the shore.

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