Assassin’s Creed: 10 Things Fans Should Know About Kassandra

For the first time in the series, Assassin’s Creed Odyssey gave players the option of which protagonist they wanted to control. They had the choice of either Alexios or Kassandra. The player’s selection didn’t greatly affect the story of the game, but the two did have slightly different personalities. And while neither character was despised, many fans preferred Kassandra. She was a no-nonsense badass who was as witty as she was deadly. What’s more, she was a breath of fresh air for a series that has historically revolved around male heroes.

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Her story in Odyssey was long and often complicated, so it’s not easy to remember every single detail. Plus, its novelization added a bit of extra insight into the character. With that in mind, here are some important facts about the famed Eagle Bearer.

10 Odyssey’s Canon Hero

Letting players decide the central character of a game is a cool way to give them a more tailored narrative experience. It’s not possible in other mediums, though.

So, the writers of the Assassin’s Creed Odyssey novel had to choose which protagonist was canon, and they selected Kassandra. This meant that Alexios was the one who the Cult of Kosmos manipulated into becoming the villainous Deimos. ‘Sticking to canon’ became another reason for players to select Kassandra as their protagonist.

9 She Was A Hybrid

While Kassandra may have looked like a regular human-being – with an added bit of muscle mass – that wasn’t entirely the case. She was actually a Hybrid, which is someone who partially descends from the powerful species known as the Isu.

Her lineage explains why the character was much stronger than the average person. It was also the reason why she had some unusual powers, such as being able to see through the eyes of an eagle.

8 There Are Conflicting Stories About How She Met Ikaros

Kassandra met a lot of people throughout her adventure, but her most loyal friend was Ikaros. The eagle helped scout, distract, and attack some of the protagonist’s enemies.

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How the two partners first met is unclear. The game claims that Kassandra’s long lost father, Pythagoras, sent the bird to protect his daughter. Yet in the novelization, she found Ikaros’ egg when she was just a child, and the two grew up together. Either way, it’s good they did find each other because the game would’ve been a lot harder without the eagle’s help.

7 Her Voice Actor Was In Origins

Melissanthi Mahut was the woman who lent her voice to Kassandra throughout Odyssey. Although, it wasn’t the first time those tones had been heard in an Assassin’s Creed game.

The actor voiced several different NPCs in Origins, from random background characters to quest givers. One of the most notable people she provided the vocals for was Helen, who ran the brothel in Herakleion. Ubisoft was clearly happy with her work as they approached her to audition for Kassandra.

6 First Assassin’s Creed Protagonist To Pursue Same-Sex Relationships

Romance has always been a part of the Assassin’s Creed series. Altair married Maria Thorpe, Evie Frye got together with Henry Green, and Ezio had lovers all over Italy.

Yet, Odyssey was the first game to allow for same-sex relations. Kassandra was able to sleep with a range of characters of different genders, and it was up to the player which ones she bedded. It was cool to see a major franchise include some LGBTQA+ scenes.

5 Only One Canon Romance

Even though Kassandra had some good romances in Odyssey, only one of them was canon. And that was her fling with Natakas from the DLCs. The others were proven not to be canon in the novelization as it didn’t include any romantic entanglements for Kassandra – the story ended before she met Natakas. The only reason that her relationship with Natakas has to be considered canon is because of the baby they had together.

Their child, Elpidios, is a part of the franchise’s deep ancestral family tree. Therefore his parents had to have been together at least once. Although, those who see Kassandra’s sexuality differently have been given reason to maintain that belief, as the game’s creative director, Jonathon Dumont, has claimed that the baby could’ve been made solely to carry on Kassandra’s bloodline.

4 Was Going To Be Odyssey’s Sole Protagonist

Originally, Kassandra wasn’t simply going to be Odyssey’s canon hero but its only hero. Yes, the design team envisioned the badass warrior as being the only protagonist of the title. But the Chief Creative officer then stepped in and claimed that players don’t buy games with female leads.

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As questionable as the reasoning was, it did end up giving players an added level of customization. Although, the extra time it took to implement two different protagonists could’ve been used to add even more features into the game.

3 Outlived Most Other Characters

As it was set in beautiful Ancient Greece, the events of Odyssey took place many years before any of the other games in the series. That being said, Kassandra still managed to outlive every other Assassin’s Creed protagonist – besides Layla Hassan.

Her long life span was due to the magical Staff of Hermes Trismegistus, which kept her young for over 2000 years. She finally perished once she passed the staff onto Layla in 2018. It remains to be seen if the new holder can keep the powerful item as long as the Eagle Bearer did.

2 Her Connection To The Assassins

In a typical Assassin Creed game, the protagonist either starts as an Assassin or becomes one during the story. Neither was the case for Kassandra as her adventure predated both the Assassin Brotherhood and its precursor group, the Hidden Ones.

However, she still has a pretty strong link to the Order. As shown in the Legacy of the First Blade DLC, the co-founder of the Hidden Ones, Aya (or Amunet), was a descendent of Kassandra. So, if it wasn’t for the Eagle Bearer’s bloodline, the Assassins may have never been formed.

1 Killed Her Brother

Odyssey’s main story could play out in various ways based on players’ choices, both the good and the bad ones. One of the best things that could happen was Kassandra reconciling with Alexios, aka Deimos. Yet, that’s not what happened in the book. Instead, Kassandra killed the still villainous Alexios on the mountain where both of their stories started.

It’s a much darker and more heart-breaking end to the adventure. Unfortunately, when it comes to these player-driven moments, the book is usually considered canon.

NEXT: 5 Lines In Assassin’s Creed Odyssey Kassandra Delivered Best (And Five from Alexios)


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