10 Pro Tips For Godfall You Need To Know | Game Rant

Godfall is a flagship title for the latest generation of consoles and it’s an absolute visual spectacle, showcasing exactly what the latest hardware advancements are capable of. However, despite putting on a show for the fans, many players are giving the game negative reviews for a difficult and complex combat system that makes getting through the campaign nearly impossible.

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Nearly impossible, that is, without utilizing the right tactics. Instead of seeing the fighting as a challenge to be conquered, too many players are tossing their controllers and keyboards in a blind rage and complaining about the lack of simplicity. By understanding and mastering this admittedly tough design, more gamers would be open to the challenges posed by the game and finally get to see the closing cinematic to the story.

10 Target Weakpoints

Though Godfall might repeat mistakes of other looter games, this is not a license for players to treat it like other looter games in every aspect. Notably, targeting weakpoints has been criminally underutilized by those who play the game.

Mindlessly bashing an enemy that takes so little damage is a needless exercise in futility. When they attack, part of the enemy will glow to indicate a weakpoint. Do whatever it takes to get into a position that targets this area.

9 Use Heavy Attacks On Armor

Players are rightfully reluctant to use their heavy attacks because they are slow and expose the Valorant Knight to unwanted damage. However, there is a very specific time when it’s critical to use them.

Armored enemies can be breached, having their armor stripped away with heavy attacks. It makes fighting them much smoother. After a few rounds of practicing this, gamers will understand why blacksmiths have been inspired to recreate the game’s weaponry.

8 Change Weapons Every 30 Seconds

Those who watch the Godfall trailers will often identify a single, awesome weapon to use. And after finding it in the game, they’ll be inclined to hold on to that beautiful piece in their arsenal and never look at anything else ever again.

It’s fine to have a favorite, but it’s also recommended to switch to a second weapon every thirty seconds. Doing so unleashes a shockwave of damage and increases all weapon damage by 20% for the duration.

7 Stick With A Favorite Valorplate

Unlike with the weapons, switching armor sets isn’t as necessary. It can be rewarding to unlock them all (especially the one that looks like a villain from Power Rangers), but after getting an idea of each one, it’s perfectly fine to master a single Valorplate.

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The suits are similar enough that the only real advantage is finding one that works for the individual gamer. Plus, learning to use one really well means getting into Archon mode more often, which is crucial for tougher fights.

6 Save Shield Throw

Players bent on getting every trophy on Godfall‘s trophy list will have to learn when to use and not to use their lone range attack, Shield Throw. The temptation to use it when enemies distance themselves is understandable but it should be resisted.

The cooldown on the move is rather long and certain enemies can only be attacked at range in a very small window of opportunity, so the move needs to be ready right when it happens. When a boss flies up into the air or spews a wall of fire in between themselves and the Valorant Knight, that’s the right time to chuck the shield at their faces.

5 Flat Bash On Red

Other looter games have trained players to dodge and parry when an enemy starts winding up with a red power attack. Godfall has adds another tool to the player’s arsenal in the form of the Flat Bash.

It will be counterintuitive at first to use an attack when an enemy is attacking but bashing instead of dodging yields a colossal advantage. It will not only interrupt the power attack, but it will stagger the attacker, opening them up to a flurry of attacks from the player.

4 Run And Dodge

Though the gameplay is in the third person, the camera is tight and fixed, so seeing enemies from behind is almost impossible. Many gamers have tried to get around this by sensing when these incoming attacks with Godfall‘s features on the DualSense controller, but the vibrations are hard to feel when so many other attacks are being delivered.

This is very much overthinking the situation. The correct maneuver is to run until the enemies are no longer behind. Keep the battlefield in front of the Valorant Knight. This lets the player control the action and deal with on-screen attacks only.

3 Watch The Projectile Indicator

Arrows, balls of energy, and other ranged attacks are hard to see in the thick of combat. It’s been a frustration for fans of the game as they have taken to the forums demanding a solution. Little do they know, the solution has already been provided.

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It is faint, but there is a red circle underneath the Valorant Knight that will appear and point in the direction of a ranged attack when one is launched. Many, even most, finish the game without ever seeing this indicator due to its opacity, but a trained eye will make the combat that much easier.

2 Last Hit With Soulshatter

Hitting enemies fills up the soulshatter meter, banking up potential damage to be detonated by either a heavy attack or a piece of loot that has a special detonation feature. A common mistake is to use it as soon as possible for a quick burst of damage.

But enemies die quicker if soulshatter is saved for the last hit due to its cumulative nature. Killing enemies quicker means taking less damage and leads to a faster fight, plus it’s epic to watch an enemy internally explode for the entirety of their remaining health.

1 Keep Trying And Dying

Keep dying might sound like a defeatist recommendation, but players should know that Godfall expects them to die frequently. It’s not a failure, it’s a feature and it is evident in no other place more than the boss fights.

The bosses do not regenerate health, even the player dies and starts over. The developers were well aware that these boss fights are incredibly tough and taking lethal damage is sometimes unavoidable. So don’t give up, keep wearing them down until their health bars are finally depleted.

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