Demon’s Souls PS5: The 10 Biggest Fixes The Game Needs

The PS5 had a very strong release, coming out with a very distinctive and impressive console that also features some of the best launch titles ever featured in any console’s launch. The most notable is Demon’s Souls — a remake of the original title that was released on the PS3.

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Demon’s Souls looks absolutely fabulous and is easily the prettiest Soulsborne game out there. Bluepoint has done an excellent job of modernizing this title to allow more players to try out this absolutely brilliant game, which originally sparked the rise of FromSoftware and their trademark action games. That being said, not everything is perfect about this launch title. In fact, there are actually several problems concerning the Demon’s Souls remake that should definitely be fixed if the developers really want their game to stand in the same league as Dark Souls, Bloodborne, and the other amazing titles featured in FromSoftware’s esteemed library.

10 The Sixth Archstone Should’ve Been Restored

Perhaps the biggest gripe that most people have with Demon’s Souls is the fact that the broken sixth archstone — which most people considered to be a symbol of the cut content that Demon’s Souls had to forsake to meet the PS5 release date — is not restored in the remake.

Bluepoint had a brilliant opportunity to add more content in the most natural fashion in Demon’s Souls, but never even bothered to try. Hopefully, they will rectify this with upcoming DLC or patches.

9 Ideally, Difficulty Modes Should’ve Been Added To The Remake

Sony took on the bold decision to release Demon’s Souls as a bona fide launch title for the PS5, which indirectly implies that most people who never got into the Souls series and decided to pick up the PS5 at launch might be stuck with playing this exclusive title… and Spider-Man: Miles Morales, of course.

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However, the company must’ve realized that Demon’s Souls was brutally hard and wouldn’t appeal to every gamer. So, to make the game more approachable, it would’ve been a wise decision to add a difficulty mode that would allow new gamers to ease into the franchise. However, this did not turn out to be the case, and gamers who wish to get into the title but are unable to get adjusted to this difficulty will definitely find themselves alienated from this experience.

8 The Game Crashes At Inopportune Times

As is the case with most games on launch, Demon’s Souls has a bad habit of crashing randomly, making players lose all their hard-earned progress in such a challenging title.

One doesn’t really need to explain just how frustrating this can be in such a hard and unforgiving game, where every step of progress matters a ton. Thankfully, crashes are the first things that are generally fixed in launch titles, so Demon’s Souls will probably not be plagued by this problem for too long.

7 PS5’s Rest Mode Can Mess Up The Game Somewhat As Well

However, there’s another problem that players of Demon’s Souls can face, and this is mostly the fault of the PS5 itself.

Putting the console in Rest Mode is a great way to take a small break without having to start up the game again — something that admittedly doesn’t take too long, given the impressive SSD of the PS5. However, there’s a chance that Demon’s Souls may crash upon restarting the console, which can be quite frustrating.

6 Some Of The Concepts In The Game Are Still Not Explained Properly

For the players who thought they’ll finally understand the concept of World Tendency or why their life-bar is halved for a sizeable portion of the game, the Demon’s Souls remake may end up disappointing them with a lack of said clarity.

So, players will still have to rely on external guides to get the bulk of their information… that is, unless Bluepoint decides to make the game more accessible with a glossary of sorts that details out some of the more obtuse concepts in Demon’s Souls.

5 Bluepoint Should’ve Taken More Liberty With The Original Game’s Combat

Bluepoint Games has tried their hardest to stay loyal to the original game by keeping everything intact, including the frames for each combat move. The only thing they’ve changed is the animations, making them more epic.

However, it’s clear that people would’ve actually appreciated the effort to modernize the combat by making it more responsive like some of the more recent titles by From Software — something that would take a ton of effort from Bluepoint Games if they actually set out to correct this.

4 The Game Has Absolutely Nothing New Attached To It

In fact, combat isn’t the only place that’s been left untouched. The Demon’s Souls remake is just essentially a coat of fresh paint on an existing title, without any upgrades or additions whatsoever.

People who’ve played the original Demon’s Souls will find little reason to try out this jazzed-up experience, aside from the graphics itself.

3 The DLC And Pre-Order Bonuses For The Game Are Mind-Boggling

One thing that Bluepoint should have never come out with is a pre-order bonus for the game which gave players new weapons that could clear out most enemies in mere seconds.

In a game that also features PvP, this move is set to give players who are willing to make this financial investment an unfair advantage over others — a problem that has plagued most games in modern times, which is quite worrying indeed. Perhaps Bluepoint will realize their mistake and remove these weapons… but that’s a long shot.

2 The Game Has Illustrated That Lip-Syncing Should Be The Norm In These Games

This point isn’t really a fix for Demon’s Souls — rather, it’s an eye-opener that the Demon’s Souls remake has provided to the parent company.

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The visual upgrade of Demon’s Souls is genuinely impressive, and the lip-syncing in particular is quite impressive. This level of detail needs to become the norm in Soulsborne games, which have skirted this particular upgrade for far too long.

1 The Dragon God Boss Fight Is Still A Painfully Boring Experience

One of the parts of the original Demon’s Souls that was widely reviled was the Dragon God boss fight, which served as such a let-down for such a seemingly powerful entity.

It’s a shame that this encounter has been left untouched in the Demon’s Souls remake, which is still boring and a complete slog. Perhaps Bluepoint should release an update that makes this encounter more engaging?

NEXT: Dark Souls 4: 5 Reasons We Need It (& 5 We Don’t)


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