World of Warcraft: Shadowlands – Mists of Tirna Scithe Dungeon Guide

World of Warcraft: Shadowlands players are currently exploring each realm of death including the magical forests of Ardenweald. But as heroes learn during the main storyline, recent events have caused this zone to suffer more heavily compared to the others. While the Jailer’s actions are the reason for Ardenweald’s current state, there are other forces seeking to destroy the realm, both natural or otherwise.

Because of the anima drought, the native Gorm insects responsible for decomposition have multiplied out of control in a desperate attempt to find sustenance, even consuming the wildseeds of regenerating spirits like Wild Gods. On the other hand, the Drust, which were one of the better storytelling elements in Battle for Azeroth, have invaded Ardenweald to circumvent their cursed existence in Thros thanks to the realm’s rebirth magic. With both of these threats converging, players must venture into the Mists of Tirna Scithe dungeon to give the Winter Queen and Ardenweald a temporary reprieve.

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Players will fight the main boss along with a mind-controlled Droman Oulfarran. Prioritize dodging Droman’s Bewildering Pollen frontal cone, Tears of the Forest projectiles, and any leftover puddles. Occasionally, Ingra also fears everyone with Repulsive Visage, so move ahead of Droman’s casts. Ingra eventually uses Embrace Darkness to take massively reduced damage while putting a Death Shroud DoT on the party. While this can’t be removed by players, getting Droman to 20-percent health will remove both spells on Ingra, stun the boss, and cause him to take 300-percent damage for 12 seconds.

Cleave the bosses, but focus on Droman especially once Ingra pops Embrace Darkness. Save DPS class cooldowns for Phase 2 and burn Ingra for most of his health. If Ingra doesn’t die, the fight will go back to Phase 1, so rinse and repeat until Ingra goes down.

Before the next boss, players will need to get through a maze with their puzzle-solving skills. There will be several paths and the group must choose the way unique from the other ones.

  • Flower or Leaf?
  • Is it Circled?
  • Colored or Plain?

For example, if there is a flower, colored flower, circled flower, and colored leaf then go through the path with the leaf.

Mistcaller will throw out Dodge Ball projectiles at players, so move away from the line. Tank classes must interrupt Patty Cake or they will get disoriented and the boss will start attacking other party members. Once in a while, Freeze Tag summons an Illusionary Vulpin that chases a player, dealing damage and stunning if it reaches them. While the add can be killed, it also disappears after a while so just kite and use CC.

Throughout the fight, Mistcaller will go into an intermission phase where the World of Warcraft party has to kill the right Guessing Game clone. Look for the symbol above each add and focus on the one that is unique, for example, the only circled one out of the group. Players will take steadily increasing damage and popping the wrong one will cause an AoE so choose wisely.

The boss throws out Acid Expulsion circles and will spit additional ones depending on how players previously dodged so move in a different direction every time. Players chained by Mind Link must move 40 yards away from each other to break the tether. 4 Gorming Larva will occasionally spawn and fixate players so kite them away to the side because they leave a pool after dying. Always interrupt Parasitic Pacification, Parasitic Incapacitation, and Parasitic Domination but if it goes through just focus on the add-affected player.

Twice during the fight, Tred’ova will cast Consumption causing AoE damage and firing additional projectiles that deal damage nearby. Have healer class cooldowns ready for this phase, move away from every circle, and break through the shield before interrupting Tred’ova to go back to Phase 1.

World of Warcraft: Shadowlands is available now on PC.

MORE: Uther May Have Helped Cause World of Warcraft: Shadowlands’ Biggest Problem

Source: Wowhead


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