Fallout 76‘s apocalyptic Appalachia has another story to tell in an all-new expansion, and this time, it involves one of the oldest and most beloved groups within the series: The Brotherhood of Steel. The expansion itself is known as Steel Dawn and looks to reintroduce the Brotherhood into the region, while simultaneously adding new characters, locations, gear, missions, and features. It’s a substantial package packed with content and surprises for fans.
5 The First, Not Forgotten

For those previously unaware, the Brotherhood of Steel has never made a physical appearance within the game up to this point. The most players have experienced thus far has been the various remnants of the area’s previous chapter (such as environmental storytelling and audio logs) and the tragic backstory behind said remnants.
Why are the Brotherhood back? The first/previous chapter that existed in Appalachia were former soldiers who survived the initial bombings of the Great War and who managed to get in contact with Roger Maxson, the first High Elder of the Brotherhood, to be inducted. They originally acted as peacekeepers and played a major role in stabilizing the region, before the arrival of the vault dwellers from Vault 76. Unfortunately, though, the chapter was wiped out in an operation that sought to end the threat of the Scorchbeasts. This explains why the Brotherhood has returned, but what exactly is their goal? The answer: The same as always.

The Brotherhood of Steel, throughout every Fallout game, has always possessed the consistent goal of obtaining “Old World” technology and keeping it out of dangerous hands. The “Old World” is the retro-futuristic version of America that existed before the bombs dropped. The least dangerous hands, of course, being theirs and no one else’s.
However, that being said, the arrival of the Brotherhood in any of the various wastelands usually indicates a sign of impending order. The group is a great proponent of things like organization and structure. The other factions across America are pressed to compete.
4 A Waking Giant

It is also interesting to note that players will be dealing with a version of the Brotherhood of Steel not previously seen. Within the lore, the Brotherhood was formed immediately after the bombs fell in 2077. As is well documented throughout the game, Fallout 76‘s setting takes place the earliest in the series’ timeline.
A mere twenty-five years after the bombs have fallen, in fact. That means that this incarnation of the Brotherhood of Steel will be the youngest ever seen in any Fallout game. This gives players a unique opportunity to experience a more fledgling version of one of the Fallout world’s most powerful organizations.

Throughout players’ time with this DLC, they will meet a new cast of characters of both heroes and villains alike. The first is Paladin Rahmani, who acts as the leader of this particular chapter of the Brotherhood. Paladins within the Brotherhood of Steel are usually military commanders who oversee a squadron of Knights and are among the most deadly adversaries to face in the wasteland.
Paladin Rahmani, who is leading this expeditionary force under the orders of the founder, Roger Maxson, holds a more lenient view of the Brotherhood’s goals and overall mission. Her general viewpoint is that the Brotherhood of Steel should use its forces and resources to aid and better the lives of the people in Appalachia. Acquiring new technology takes more of a back seat with her leadership style.
3 A Faithful Knight

However, there is an interesting conflict of interest between the Paladin and one of her senior Knights. The pair share an ideological difference over how this new Appalachian chapter should be run. Knight Shin feels that the expeditionary force’s primary mission is to secure all of the dangerous and powerful technology within the hill country of old West Virginia. If they happen to help civilians along the way, then that can be seen as a nice and welcome bonus.
Siding with one over the other will tip the ideological scale’s balance in one way or the other. It will be up to the player character to decide what kind of Brotherhood of Steel they want to coexist alongside.
2 A Knowledge-Hungry Scribe

Following the traditional roles of Scribes within the games, Valdez serves as a kind of lore-master and technical consultant. She will prove invaluable in helping players locate forgotten caches of advanced weapons and other technology. Her insight and knowledge in regards to the Brotherhood itself and its interesting (if short) history will satisfy any lore-starved fans.
Something else of note is that Scribe Valdez is the keeper of Scrolls within the Brotherhood. This means that she holds the records of her chapter’s Codex that has the personal information of each member. Would-be saboteurs of the Brotherhood would find her to be an essential asset to extort and/or manipulate to take down the organization from the inside.
1 The Cold Bite Of Steel

With the arrival of a technology-focused military group like the Brotherhood, one can rightfully assume that new, more powerful weapons and gear will become readily available. For those with a penchant for energy weapons and power armor within the Fallout universe, there is no better group to seek out than the Brotherhood of Steel. It is quite literally their most identifying feature.
Players as low as level 20 (the entry cap to begin the DLC) can expect to receive powerful laser or plasma weaponry and, eventually, their own set of power armor! For those seeking a more reserved look, the Brotherhood also offers unique clothing and apparel such as gray camo fatigues, recon armor, and scribe robes. The kind of gear that is perfect for blending in with the Brotherhood, or for those who wish to role play and attempt to create a competing chapter.

The Steel Dawn expansion adds a small number of interesting changes to gameplay, ranging from quality of life improvements to cosmetics to a completely new aspect to base building. To start with, the largest change is the introduction of Shelters within the C.A.M.P. base building system.
This addition to base customization allows players to build underground installations that are separate instances from the main server they’re playing on. The most exciting part of this new mechanic is that it opens up the possibility to allow players to build their own Vaults, a feature that has only ever been seen once in the franchise: In one of Fallout 4‘s terminal DLCs, Vault-Tec Workshop.

The next significant change in terms of gameplay for Fallout 76 is a less punishing hunger and thirst system. Before the expansion, hunger and thirst would cause negative health effects to appear in one’s status if not maintained properly. But with this update, hunger and thirst will no longer provide any kind of negative affect and instead will provide buffs for players as long as they are maintained.
This addition will no doubt anger some of the more hardcore fans of the game who welcomed the feature, but for new and more casual players, the change is no doubt welcome.

Finally, the last of the changes to be added in Steel Dawn were quality of life updates to the in-game store known as the Atomic Shop, as well as new cosmetics known as flairs for backpacks. The Atomic Shop is now more organized, correctly bundling like items with like and allowing lunchboxes to be purchased with Atoms.
Backpack flairs are tiny cosmetic items that can be added to a backpack, up to two at a time! It’s important to note, though, that flairs cannot be added to any backpacks that were crafted before the update. It will be necessary to craft a new backpack post-patch.

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