Overwatch Lijiang Tower Perch Gives Players an Ambush Advantage

Overwatch strategies often vary from simple to extreme, with skilled players always looking for clever ways to surprise the other team on each of the game’s maps. As such, a new Overwatch trick, has been discovered, with players finding a way to perch above an enemy team in both of the Night Market spawns for Lijiang Tower.

The Lijiang Tower spot was discovered by reddit user InfamousHandy, and it could prove quite advantageous given how hotly contested this specific Overwatch map can get. By heading close to the spawn ship on either side of the map, players can look to the side to see skyscrapers with small awnings poking out. As it turns out, players can reach these thin platforms, and their height could give a team a surprise drop on an enemy group.

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InfamousHandy uses the Damage hero Reaper to reach the position, teleporting to the spot and showing just how easy it is to drop down on the enemy team. Hitting Death Blossom, a scenario should immediately come to players’ minds where a stealthy use of the ultimate can wipe an entire team. While it would be risky, players grouped up are more likely to retreat towards their spawn, walking right into the arms of the Reaper that fell behind them.

The strategy immediately becomes scarier when Overwatch hero Symmetra is shown placing a teleporter to reach the spot, as she can bring her entire team with her to the sneaky building platform. Perfectly setting up Reinhardt pins or Bastion turret kills, the spot opens up numerous strategies for crafty players. However, players will want to be careful that they are not ignoring the objective in favor of these spawn kills, as the spot places a team a good bit away from the objective.

While Reaper can reach the spot with ease and Symmetra can teleport her team, the clip’s creator shares that other heroes can get to the spot on their own as well. Genji and Lucio can reach the spot, though they would have trouble making use of their various skills in such a position. Widowmaker and Pharah can also make it on their own, however, with the two able to do lots of damage from the hidden position. Rounding out the list is Echo, the final Overwatch hero added to the game.

While the spot has its drawbacks, it could prove highly advantageous when used in the right way. Damage players jumping into matches with the new Overwatch priority pass may want to consider using the perch, while everyone else should be mindful of their surroundings whenever they play Lijiang Tower.

Overwatch is available now on PC, PS4, Nintendo Switch, and Xbox One.

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