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From the Editor’s Desk: Holding our collective breath

1 11 月, 2020 Jeramy Johnson 0

We’ve got a big week ahead of us, and we need to remember to breathe.

I have a feeling that in a hopefully better, not-too-distant future, the year 2020 will be one of those “third-rail” topics that no one wants to discuss in group settings. You know the topics I’m talking about, right? Typically they revolve around religion, politics, and money. I think for those of us who are fortunate enough to make it through 2020, we’ll not want to spend much time reminiscing about this year at the dinner tables, happy hours, or get-togethers of the future.

Ironically, 2020 kind of rolls all of those untouchable topics into one. Environmental and economic disasters, social and cultural unrest, and the worst public health crisis in a century. There was something else… what was it? Oh yeah, a hugely divisive presidential election here in the U.S.! Now, I don’t know about you, but all these stressors coming to a head on Tuesday have had me figuratively (and literally) holding my breath. But tha…

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