World of Warcraft: Shadowlands is the newest expansion. It brings players to the Underworld of WoW, introducing players to the four Covenants of the dead. Players can also join one of these Covenants, earning themselves unique abilities, transmogs, and other neat perks. For tanks, each spec has a different Covenant that they should look to in the new content.
The four Covenants are Bastion’s Kyrian, Maldraxxus’ Necrolords, Ardenweald’s Night Fae, and Revendroth’s Venthyr (the home of that vampire-like king named Sire Denathrius). Bastion’s basic ability focuses mainly on healing, Necrolords on blocking, Night Fae on speed, and Venthyr on invisibility. Each of these unique Covenants also grants a class-specific ability, and that is where the magic truly happens.

In the Shadowlands expansion, there is a central hub where all the leaders of the Covenants hang out, called Oribos. Players just need to speak to the leader of the Covenant that they wish to join. Kyrian’s leader is named Polemarch Adestres, located at 36.2, 64.2. The Necrolord’s Baroness Draka who is Thrall’s mother, is located at 43, 74. The Night Fae’s leader Lady Moonberry is at 39.6, 60.9. Venthyr’s General Draven is located at 44.7, 68.8. Several things can happen depending on a player’s status with the Covenant:
World of Warcraft players without a current Covenant will join their chosen zone without issue. If players already are part of a different Covenant, they will lose access to all of their transmogs, abilities, and other Covenant-specific stuff as soon as they choose a new one. However, there is a punishment for players who have abandoned a Covenant, then wish to rejoin it later on. Players will have to do tasks within the Covenant’s zone in order to rejoin, to prove their loyalty.
WoW players should make sure to choose a Covenant wisely; there are punishments for trying out too many and then breaking the oath to them. Players should focus on one of the Covenants, then work on gathering renown for that one Shadowlands Covenant.

- For Raid – Kyrian
- For Mythic+ – Venthyr
Blood Death Knights that raid will find that the Covenant of Bastion will give them the best class-specific ability. Most tanks will find the basic ability to purge away debuffs in and out of raids handy, but the real magic happens to be in the Pelagos’ Soulbind tree. Although there’s some great stuff all along the tree, players get Let Go of the Past, a Soulbind ability that reduces magic damage taken, then stacks that reduction when more spells are used. It’s worth the effort; 3% magic reduction is a nerfed version of the old Let Go, and it is still great.
Blizzard hasn’t just made changes to WoW lore in Shadowlands, as it’s been constantly altering the way these new buffs, abilities, and Soulbinds work, players will have to keep watch on their updates. A little tweak here and another one there, and it may be the damage-heavy Necrolord or Night Fae class-abilities that end up better than Bastion.
Those tanks who are more about Mythic + will love Swarming Mist, the Venthyr class ability; it increases dodge by 10% as well dealing Shadow damage to enemies within range and giving the user Runic Power. Although the recent nerf capped Swarming Mists to 5-targets, with the Shadow damage being significantly reduced on any target after the fifth, it still seems to sim best for Blood Death Knights coming from their new starting zone looking to tank.
Once again, the Night Fae and Necrolord’s focus on raw damage outputs can be used as a sub here if players want it. But for those looking to max out their tanking abilities in dungeons like the Mists of Tirna Scithe Dungeon, Venthyr is currently the way to go.

- For Raid – Kyrian
- For Mythic+ – Kyrian
Kyrian is the choice for every Vengeance Demon Hunter, whether they want to raid tank or Mythic+ tank. Between the healing basic ability that allows tanks to clear their own status effects and Elysian Decree, Kyrian really can’t be beat. The Arcane damage from the Kyrian Sigil cuts through unlimited targets in the area (though softcapped at 5 targets with reduced damage after the fifth). Elysian Decree can also be cast again as an echo with the ability Repeat Decree which “echoes a second sigil 1 second later for 25.0% damage.” The ability to stack the Arcane damage and really just blow up everything on the screen makes this Covenant a must for any type of Vengeance Demon Hunters now level squished to 50-60.

- For Raid – Necrolord
- For Mythic+ – Necrolord
The Necrolord Covenant’s Adaptive Swarm is what makes it a favorite for Guardian Druids. While Kyrian and Venthyr are also good choices, there is something wonderful about Adaptive Swarm’s ability to mesh with the rotation of DoTs that Guardians already handle. It heals 126% of Spell power or deals 120% of Spell power Shadow damage over 12 sec to a target, choosing which to deal based on the target. It is both offensive damage and healing that can really make a difference for raid tanks, and it also creates a strong tank in a dungeon as well. Once Guardian Druids are level 60 or able to access the Shadowlands, they should hightail it to the Nercolords ASAP.

- For Raid – Kyrian
- For Mythic+ – Necrolord
While Monks looking for pure damage output should definitely join up with the Night Fae, regardless of whether they are Raid or Mythic+. However, for those looking for a more balanced and less glass cannon approach, Monks should look toward Kyrian for Raid and Necrolord for Mythic+. Even if the Monks are raiding in WoW with a piano.
Both Kyrian or Necrolord are great for both Raiding and Mythic+, so if players are looking to dip their toes into both raiding and dungeons, either will suit tanking in either. Nercolord’s Lead by Example pairs well with Bonedust Brew, raising the chance of coating enemies when throwing the Brew at them, giving players the most consistent impact. Tanks looking for consistency should most likely choose Necrolord, especially for multi-target fights and raids while digging for more Anima. But Kyrian allows for a lot more single-target damage, coupling Weapons of Order with an extended timer of an extra five seconds and additional mastery.

- For Raid – Venthyr
- For Mythic+ – Kyrian
Raiding Prot Paladin tanks should look to Revendroth’s zone for their Covenant for one big reason: Ashen Hallow. Paladins will slam anything inside the ring with damage while healing their allies. It’s a must-have for raiding, and none of the other Covenants currently compare. However, Mythic+ focused Paladins should join up with Kyrian in order to access Divine Toll and Pelogas’ Soulbind tree. Divine Toll plays very nicely with Avenger’s Shield, instant casting it and slamming up to five enemies for Holy damage. With the downtime of a minute, players will be using Divine Toll to take a massive toll on everything around them. With the added safety net of Kyrian’s basic ability to cleanse and heal, dungeon crawlers will dig this Covenant as they battle Forsworn Kyrians in the Spires of Ascension Dungeon.

- For Raid – Kyrian
- For Mythic+ – Kyrian
Kyrian’s basic healing and debuff-clearing ability will help Protection Warriors to continue to properly protect both their raids and their Mythic+ dungeon-mates. While the warriors won’t replace the best healers in WoW or anything, they will certainly love the ability when it is needed.
Also, the class-specific abilities also allow tanks to do direct damage and generate rage. Spear of Bastion slams opponents with Arcane damage, then DoTs them. While Night Fae’s Ancient Aftershock might do slightly more DPS, nothing the Fae can offer make up for the healing of the Phial of Serenity that players get from the basic ability, Summon Steward. Combat Meditation from Pelagos’ Soulbind tree will also buff the Spear by increasing mastery while using it.
Once again, the Night Fae is a great option if players don’t care for the healing and debuff clearing, but it is a fantastic panic button that shouldn’t be overlooked when considering which Covenant to choose in the strange and diverse world of Azeroth.
World of Warcraft: Shadowlands is available for PC.

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