Skyrim: 10 Fun Ways To Make Your Stealth Build Unique

Fans of The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim treasure the game for the near-unlimited freedom it offers to players. Players can build their characters in any way they like, such as a sneaky and stealthy character. Stealth Builds have always been a favorite ever since the game’s release. While the build is naturally fun to play with, there are many ways players can make their stealth builds even better.

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From picking the right race to investing in some unusual perks, players can diversify their characters and make them even more enjoyable. Here are some ways to enhance a stealth build!

10 Racial Bonuses

Although players can level up any skill to max in Skyrim, players can get a useful boost to their skills by choosing the right race. Moreover, some races provide special bonuses as well; for example, the Khajiit have night vision and Nords have battlecry which can send enemies fleeing. Instead of picking a race on stat boosts, players can make their choice based on racial abilities to compliment how they want to build their Stealth character.

9 Weapons

Most players prefer to pick Archery as their main damage dealing skill with their stealth build, choosing to take down enemies over a distance. However, players will find that one-handed weapons are a great alternative with a variety of options. Players can dual wield with another weapon, a spell, on its own, or even with a shield. Daggers and One-Handed Swords provide players with the fastest attack speed which is crucial in a stealth build. Mehrune’s Razor, Valdr’s Lucky Dagger, and Blade of Woe are excellent daggers for players to use. The Nightingale Blade is also an excellent choice in swords that allows players to absorb the enemy’s health and stamina.

8 Light Armor

Investing in some Light Armor is a must for all stealth builds. The Light Armor skill provides players with the ability to sneak around quietly and undetected while protecting their characters in case of a fight. If the players pick the right perks in the Light Armor skill tree, they can get as much protection as some Heavy Armor sets. The Nightingale Armor Set or the Shrouded Armor Set is the best armor set for Stealth Builds. They provide great protection and come with useful enchantments for stealth-based characters. Alternatively, players can get other common Light Armor sets and enchant them themselves.

7 Smithing

Smithing is an invaluable skill in Skyrim for nearly all builds. Most Stealth players tend to overlook Smithing and instead choose to level up skills directly tied to stealth play. Players can forge some of the more advanced sets of weapons and armor with a high Smithing skill. For example, the Dragonscale Set is available for crafting at Smithing level 100. Players can also improve even their basic weapon and armor sets to rival some of the most powerful and unique sets.

6 Alchemy

The Alchemy skill is mostly taken up by mage players, but the skill provides a lot of utility for Stealth Builds as well. In addition to crafting potions, players can craft powerful poisons that are useful against multiple enemy types. For example, a Fury poison can help whittle down a large group of enemies, damage health poisons provide an extra boost to attacks, and magic poisons are deadly against magic-wielding enemies. Most potion sellers in the game will not have potions or poisons that players may want.

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An upgraded Alchemy skill will allow them to craft the potions and poisons themselves, which can potentially be more powerful than the versions they buy from a vendor.

5 Illusion

When it comes to magic, the Illusion school is a Stealth Build’s best friend and can make the players’ playthrough more fun and exciting. It helps both in sneaking around and if the players make a mistake and get detected. For example, the Muffle spell allows players to move around more quietly for 180 seconds and the Invisibility spell renders them invisible to NPCs completely. Spells such as Frenzy, Pacify, and Fear help players out in combat. Players can turn enemies on each other, stop them from fighting and force them to run away from the fight.

4 Shouting

Shouting gets overlooked by many stealth players in their playthroughs. However, players looking to try something new will find many shouts they can utilize in a variety of situations. The “Throw Voice” shout distracts enemies from a distance, allowing players to slip away undetected. The “Aura Whisper” lets players see enemies through the terrain. In case players get detected and are faced with unavoidable combat, the “Marked for Death” shout gives the target an armor penalty and steadily drains their health. The “Ice Form” shout is also a good shout for combat that freezes enemies in a block of ice.

3 Runes

The “Rune” spells from the Destruction school of magic are useful in laying down magical traps before a battle and when escaping. Players can sneak around and lay down several runes on the ground and surfaces where enemies roam around. When the enemies walk through these runes, they will be damaged with Rune’s corresponding element. Players can also make good use of it when retreating from a fight by laying down multiple runes as the enemies follow them. However, runes are best utilized as traps laid down before a fight.

2 Vampirism

Being a Vampire Lord in Skyrim grants several buffs and abilities to stealth players. Players can get the powerful Vampire Lord form they can use in fights and also several bonuses and buffs as well. Typically Dunmer vampires are most effective as their passive fire resistance bonus cancels out the Vampire’s vulnerability to fire. Non-Dunmer players can remedy this by equipping gear that provides fire resistance.

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Players also get the “Vampiric Drain” spell that drains the enemy’s Health, Stamina, and Magicka. Stealth Builds that wield magic will utilize the Vampire Lord powers the best.


A Stealth Build relies on sneaking and picking off enemies one by one from a distance. This makes traveling with a good Warrior type follower crucial for a stealth character. There are several tank-y followers that players can choose from, such as Mjoll, Lydia and Farkas to name a few. Players can tell their followers to wait at the beginning of an area and then scout ahead, making note of enemies and traps. If engaged by multiple enemies at once, players can retreat back to their followers, activate them, and then take down whatever enemies there are together. It is best if players allow their followers to tank all damage while picking off enemies with a bow or spells, depending on their playstyle.

NEXT: Skyrim: 10 Must-Try Perks For Stealth Builds


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