Skyrim: 10 Things You Never Knew About Dragon Priests | Game Rant

Even after nine years since its release, The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim remains one of the most beloved games of all time. There is always something left worth exploring, whether players are on their first playthrough or their tenth. The Dragon Priests count among the toughest fights that players will engage in during the game.

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Centuries ago, the Dragon Priests were once servants to the dragons that roamed the lands of Skyrim, and they hold many secrets. Here are some of the things that will help shed light on their lore and mysteries.

10 Dragons’ Lieutenants

The Dragon Priests acted as the Dragons’ lieutenants back in the Merethic Era. The Dragon Priests were the figureheads of the Dragon Cult, a religion that worshipped the Dragons as gods. They were responsible for keeping the peace between the men and the Dragons as liaisons.

The Dragon Priests were the lawmakers for the society and were even comparable to the Kings of the time in power. Players can find several Dragon Priests deep within the Draugr infested dungeons of Skyrim, and they feature as powerful bosses in the game.

9 Dragon Priest Masks

Players can find 14 Dragon Priests Masks in total in Skyrim with the Dragonborn DLC installed. These masks are looted off the Dragon Priests’ bodies when players defeat them. They are all made of different materials and are enchanted with powerful magical effects.

There is a “Wooden Mask” in the game that isn’t associated with any Dragon Priest in Tamriel. However, players can enter a secret area while wearing the Wooden Mask in the central barrow in Labyrinthian. After placing all Dragon Priest masks on the corresponding busts, the “Konahrik” mask is acquired.

8 Savos Aren Faced A Dragon Priest

Typically, players will be the only ones in Skyrim to face a Dragon Priest in battle in hundreds of years, with one exception. Savos Aren, Archmage of the College of Winterhold, is the only character in the game who encountered a Dragon Priest and survived.

During his time as an apprentice, Savos and a group of mages came face to face with the Dragon Priest Morokei at Labyrinithan. The trip resulted in the deaths of everyone except Savos. When players go to fight Morokei, the Dragon Priest mistakes them as Savos, thinking he has returned.

7 Hevnoraak’s Obsession With Death & Resurrection

While most Dragon Priests await the return of Dragons in Skyrim, and with it their resurrection, Havnoraak ensured he would return as a powerful lich one day regardless of the Dragons’ actions. He drained his own powerful blood and planned to transfer his power back into himself later on.

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Havnoraak was stopped by an ancient Nord warrior, Valdar, who sealed the Dragon Priest away in Valthume, along with himself. When players enter the ruins of Valthume, they find the ghost of Valdar who asks the players to help him defeat Hevnoraak.

6 Miraak Was A Dragon Priest

The antagonist of the Dragonborn DLC, Miraak, was once a Dragon Priest before being bewitched by the influence of Hermaeus Mora. This led him to attack the Dragons on Solstheim and consume their souls to increase his own power.

Players will find the surroundings of the Temple of Miraak littered with multiple Dragon skeletons as remnants of these fights. Miraak is also one of the major Dragon Priests who is not based on mainland Skyrim. Miraak’s mask also has a unique Lovecraftian appearance to it which indicates Hermaeus Mora’s influence on him.

5 Previously Awoken Dragon Priests

Nahkriin and Morokei are the only two Dragon Priests that do not rise from sarcophagi as players approach them. Players will find Nahkriin in the last stages of the main quest, as he guards the portal to Sovngarde in Skuldafn. Players can encounter Morokei in Labyrinthian during the College of Winterhold Questline.

Both Dragon Priests are encountered only through their respective questlines. They both are the only Dragon Priests to speak to the main character. Morokei uses both the Dragon Language and Common Language to speak, while Nahkriin uses only the former.

4 Rahgot Was Behind A Mass Suicide

The Dragon Priest Rahgot was one of the last remnants of the Dragon Cult around the 140th year of the first era. He and his small cult of followers came under attack at Forelhost. A legion of King Harald’s forces led by Skorm Snow-Strider laid siege to the stronghold for several weeks.

Rahgot devised a plan to commit mass suicide, believing the sight of the bodies would deter Skorm and his men from searching deep within the monastery. His alchemists prepared and ingested large quantities of deathbell and also poisoned their water supply. Rahgot somehow escaped and his remaining followers buried him deep inside the monastery.

3 Krosis’ Open Tomb

Most Dragon Priests are found entombed deep within ancient ruins. However, Krosis is an exception who is found at the top of Shearpoint, one of the highest peaks in Skyrim. His sarcophagus is found out in the open near a Word Wall.

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Players will also find a Dragon sitting on top of the Word Wall, making this an encounter best suited for high-level players. Krosis’s mask gives players bonuses to Archery, Alchemy, and Lockpicking, making it useful for Stealth Builds. The Word Wall also gives players all three Words of the “Throw Voice” shout.

2 Daily Draugr Ritual

The Draugr that occupy the ancient Nord tombs are servants of the Dragon Priests that perform a daily ritual. The Draugr rise up every day and channel their life force into the Dragon Priests to keep them alive through their slumber. They do so for several hours every day, after which they clean the area meticulously and return back to their burial chambers.

During their rests, the Draugr’s life force returns magically ready for the ritual on the next day. It is believed the followers who performed this ritual were once grown men and women, but over time, they deteriorated into Draugr.

1 Vahlok Fought Miraak

Vahlok fought Miraak in the Merethic Era when he first rebelled against the Dragons. The two had a lengthy battle that is said to have lasted days. The Skaal believe this battle was responsible for splitting Skyrim and Solstheim. It is believed Vahlok eventually defeated Miraak but before he could strike the killing blow, Miraak escaped to Apocrypha.

Other accounts describe Miraak being imprisoned in a tomb. Vahlok was made his jailor where he was buried so he could maintain his vigil even in death.

NEXT: Crazy Skyrim Rumors That Turned Out To Actually Be True


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