The Pokemon TCG has undergone many changes since its inception in 1996. New generations of Pokemon, characters, and items have all made their way into this branch of the successful Japanese franchise. Card variants were also introduced, with one of the most powerful arriving on the scene during the Sun & Moon expansion.
Pokemon-GX cards are significantly more powerful versions of existing pokemon that have higher HP and stronger attacks. Though, with this greater power comes greater responsibility. Usually, when a pokemon faints in battle the opponent takes a single prize card but when a mighty GX pokemon gets knocked out 2 valued prize cards are retrieved. Some are better than others, therefore it is crucial for all trainers to know which would be the strongest additions to their decks.
10 Thundurus

One of the biggest boons of a GX card is the GX attacks. These powerful moves can only be used once per battle, so timing is imperative for making the best use of these special skills. This Thundurus card from the SM Black Star Promos expansion can deal out a whopping amount of damage with their GX attack. It takes a fair bit of luck to use it to its maximum potential but if the trainer manages to get heads on 4 out of 4 coin-flips, they can unleash a devastating 400 damage.
9 Tapu Koko

Another excellent legendary Electric-type pokemon, Tapu Koko from the Guardians Rising expansion can potentially do even more damage. During the later stages of a battle, the opponent could have had plenty of opportunities to stack their pokemon with energy cards. Usually, this is a bad sign but Tapu Koko can make this preparation turn foul for the opponent. Tapu Thunder GX does 50 damage for each energy attached to ALL of the opponent’s pokemon. If timed right, this can one-shot almost any foe; even if they are at full HP.
8 Incineroar

This fierce feline from the Team Up expansion is one of the best cards to counter adversaries who deal out a lot of damage. Incineroar’s strategy is to soak up hits and then release the payback onto a foe. For each 10 HP of damage (1 damage counter) missing from this Dark-type pokemon, their Darkest Tornado GX attack can dish out 50 damage. Taking a look at the maximum potential in regards to this pokemon’s total HP, they can do an insane 1200 damage! Though, allowing one’s pokemon to get low enough on health to use this effectively could be risky.
7 Xerneas

This Xerneas card from the Forbidden Light expansion is also one that can turn the tide due to damage taken. Though, it can do so in a far more versatile way than most other cards with similar effects. With its Sanctuary GX attack, this legendary Fairy-type can grab ALL of the damage counters on ALL of their trainer’s pokemon and shift them to the foe’s active pokemon.
This is a great way to both heal one’s team and potentially knock out an adversary at the same time without triggering normal attack modifiers, since this is a “damage counter transfer” move instead of one that deals direct damage.
6 Sigilyph

Usually, starter pokemon and legendaries get the coolest attacks and abilities but this Sigilyph card from the Lost Thunder expansion is a welcome exception to this trend. This Psychic-type monster doesn’t have particularly strong attacks but their ability is one of the best in the game for facing off against EX or GX enemies. If Sigilyph takes damage from such a foe, it will automatically be returned in full force, which will make all opposing trainers need to adjust their offense if they intend on using their strongest pokemon.
5 Charizard

This fan-favorite has seen many iterations in the TCG game. Charizard also tends to get a lot of special treatment from developers due to how beloved they are by fans across the world. In the Burning Shadows expansion, another borderline broken Charizard card was released which boasts some serious skills. One of their regular attacks can do an immense 300 damage. The energy cost is high, as is the number of discards required after unleashing Crimson Storm, but these are worth it to knock out a dangerous foe in a single turn. Furthermore, if a direct offense is not working, one can use Raging Out GX to potentially mill the opponent out of cards by forcing them to send 10 from their deck to the discard pile.
4 Darkrai

Another mighty monster from the Burning Shadows expansion, this Darkrai has the ability to knock out the adversary’s active pokemon without needing to do damage at all. The only requirement for this move is that the opponent must be suffering from a special condition like Sleep or Poison.
The potential for this move is quite high, as it is versatile and can be combined with the attacks and abilities of other pokemon for a truly scary threat to anything the opponent sends out. On top of this, if Darkrai gets knocked out, their ability lets them return to the bench with one attached energy and no repercussions.
3 Lugia

With a wealth of powerful attacks, Lugia from the Lost Thunder expansion is an excellent colorless addition to many decks. Their Lost Purge GX attack is one of the most powerful moves in the entire TCG because it can obliterate any adversary in a single turn without needing to do damage. There are no requirements for this to happen, so the trainer can utilize this trump card at any moment they desire. Furthermore, instead of sending the foe to the discard pile, they get sent to the Lost Zone along with all of their attached cards; meaning that these cards cannot return to the battle under any circumstance.
2 Guzzlord

Most of the Ultra Beast cards tend to power one another up with abilities, though this Guzzlord from the Crimson Invasion expansion operates as a one-pokemon act. Their stronger attacks have high energy requirements, which make them a bit costly and time-consuming to set up but ultimately worth it. The Glutton GX attack can do something very few others can: allow the trainer to collect 2 additional prize cards. In most battles, each player has 6 prize cards. If one collects all 6 by defeating enemy pokemon, they win. Using Glutton GX at the optimal moment can net a trainer 3 prize cards; potentially winning the battle much earlier than expected.
1 Dialga

Time mechanics have the potential to be immensely broken in certain games. Manipulating a constant force can lead to the abuse of this ability for great gains. This Dialga from the Forbidden Light expansion lets the trainer do just that. Timeless GX grants one the chance to take another turn immediately after dealing damage. Not only does this give the player another turn in which to play cards, place energies, and attack; it also skips the opponent’s turn, which can royally mess with their strategies. For Steel-type decks, this Dialga should be considered a must-have card.

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