Let it never be said that there aren’t some well-hidden items in Assassin’s Creed: Valhalla. Some of this gear is incredibly, devilishly hidden – making this almost as much of a puzzle game as an adventure game at times. Many of the items detailed in this list require overcoming multiple obstacles to find.
As with most games, in Assassin’s Creed: Valhalla the better an item is hidden is generally an indicator of its level of usefulness. So get your incendiary arrows ready, prepare yourself for some diving in dark underground passages, and let’s find some of the hidden gear in Assassin’s Creed: Valhalla.
10 Magister’s Robes

This garment can be found in Leah Villa Garrison. Look for a building with a breakable wall that is next to a building with a barred door. By the latter building is a stone wall with a ladder leaning against it. Climb the ladder and go left; here players will find a building with a movable barricade. Move the barricade to the left to reveal an open window. Inside can be found some fire pots – grab one. Us this fire pot on the building with the breakable wall. In this now accessible room is a chest containing the Magister’s Robes.
9 Suttungr’s Claw

This one-handed weapon is located in the city named Wincestre. Near the Hidden One’s Bureau is an access point to the underground – the map will show it as a stairs icon. After entering this underground area you net need to swim down the channel until encountering a door partially obscured by an obstacle. Next to this door is a breakable wall; use your incendiary arrows to destroy this wall. Beyond this is a room containing Suttungr’s Claw, as well as some other loot. This dagger can be wielded quickly and does increased critical damage.
8 Thor’s Helmet

First, players can only get this item towards the end of the game. Second, getting Thor’s Helmet requires acquiring the three blades held by the Daughters of Legion. After getting these blades you need to head to a cemetery in East Anglia and into the small stone building in the cemetery. Climb down the ladder located in the building into an underground area. From here go through the crevice in the wall and go right. Follow the path, which requires climbing two more ladders, until you reach a room with a broken statue of a person with antlers. Insert the blades into the statue to open a path. At the end of this path is a chest containing Thor’s Helmet.
7 Hidden Ones’ Mask

To get this mask you first need to head to the Londinium Bureau. Next, look for the circle of timbers tied together and perform a leap of faith into the pool of water in the center of this circle. Dive down into this pool. Down in the water somewhere is a wooden barrier that you will need to break to pass through.
After emerging from the water you will be able to see a window with bars, and through these bars are pots that need to be destroyed. The explosion will open a passage into this room, where the Hidden Ones’ Mask can be found. This is one of the more useful face coverings in the game.
6 Brigandine Cape

This cape can be found at the end of a cave – that has a hidden entrance. Players need to first go to the cliff-wall northeast of Quatford in Sciropescire. Travel along this wall until encountering a boat next to the cliff-face (at the base). Destroy the pots in the boat to destroy the wall next to the boat. Enter the cave and travel along the path until encountering a wooden barrier. Destroy this wooden barrier to gain access to the room beyond – in this room the Brigandine Cape can be found inside a chest.
5 Hrafn Guard

This light shield can be found in a temple in southern Ledecestrescire. It’s not as simple as it sounds though; getting into this temple is a bit tricky. First, locate the tree with an attached platform behind the temple and climb up to the platform. From this location you must shoot an arrow through an opening in the temple wall – look for the rounded arch. Your target is the lock on the temple’s door. Once the lock is removed players have access to the temple interior, where the Hrafn Guard can be found.
4 Magister’s Vambraces

Getting these hidden vambraces (arm guards) has a few more steps involved than most of the items on this list. First, you will need to go to the temple in Buckingham (in Oxenfordscire). On one of the benches near the temple players will find a key – pick this up.
Once inside the temple look for a square opening in the ceiling with a ladder. This ladder is just out of reach and needs to be lowered. Use your bow on the nearby pulley to lower the ladder. After climbing this ladder look for the chest in the corner of the room – inside this chest in the Magister’s Vambraces.
3 Mentor’s Robes

These are some of the best robes in Assassin’s Creed: Valhalla, and can be found within the temple in Guildford (in Suthsexe). The first step is to find the scaffolding next to the temple; use the rope lift to get to the top. From this vantage you should be able to fire your bow at the bundle hanging from the roof – aim for the pulley. This bundle was blocking a window; that is now accessible. Climb down the nearby ladder and destroy (with the bow) a wooden barrier behind the short railing. Drop down and go through the barred door. Beyond the door to the left is a passage blocked by some crates and a movable obstacle. Behind this obstacle is a room that has a chest on one end – within this well-hidden chest is the Mentor’s Robes.
2 Thegn’s Heavy Tunic

This item is hidden at the bottom of a pond near the Temple of Brigantia (in Eurvicscire); going directly south of the “i” in Northumbria when viewing the map will lead you to this pond. Look for the Roman ruins; they are identifiable by the distinctive stone columns. Dive into this pond and then dive down until an underwater passage comes into view. Follow the passage. This passage is linear for the most part, but it is difficult to see in this underwater area. Eventually, you will come across a chest with a faint red glow. In this chest is Thegn’s Heavy Tunic.
1 Morrigan’s Guard

This light shield requires quite a bit of traveling to obtain. First, three keys are necessary to open the chest containing Morrigan’s Guard; which is located in a barrow (an underground burial chamber sometimes used by vikings). This barrow can be found in Glowecestriscire, northwest of the town of Oxeneforda. and These keys are hidden in three caves, and these caves are located on the same large hill as the barrow. After getting these keys the player next needs to destroy the door to the barrow. This can be done with incendiary arrows, or using the firepots on the shrine at the top of the hill. Inside this door is a chest with Morrigan’s Guard inside.

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